I am editing at Marvel

Chapter 280 Alien

Chapter 280 Alien
In Silent Hill, as the only channel to contact the People's Federation, the largest number of troops of the Chitauri Revolutionary Army gathered here. However, under the suppression of the system, Natasha still easily entered the cabin in the forest without revealing any flaws.

After arriving at the location, Natasha glanced at the sealed artifacts that were waiting obediently, and then began to execute the case.

Well, let's look at the numbered-level sealed items first.

Number one, case, prohibition check.

Natasha wiped her eyes, and reconfirmed again, the only thing Fina wrote about the numbered seal was this sentence.

If you don't check, don't check, continue to read, number four, case, don't worry about it?
Natasha sighed, "Forget it, it's normal. For a legendary-level sealed item, she is indeed a bit overwhelmed when she manages it.

The hut in the woods removes the two numbered sealed items, and what follows is the sealed item that needs to be focused on. The dark-born weapon - Raast, don't worry about it?
Natasha was a bit at a loss when she encountered three abnormal cases in a row. Fortunately, the third case was more than just a sentence, and the description in it was more detailed. For power, Ouroboros only retains the most basic custody rights, so Natasha doesn't need to check.

Except for these three, the others are relatively normal. The only attention-level sealed item that is a bit different is the alien, which is displayed in the cabin in the forest as a focus of attention, to curb development, and not to contain it for the time being.

Concern-level sealed item: Alien

Alien is a ferocious and extremely aggressive cosmic race. It has a perfect organic structure suitable for killing. Most of its body fluids are strongly acidic. The main way of reproduction is to produce alien eggs. After a short period of development, the alien eggs are born The face-hugger can implant its internal heteromorphic larvae into any carbon-based organism for development. Under the condition of sufficient food, the larvae develop extremely fast, and it only takes one to six hours to mature at the fastest. When the face-hugger is fully developed Afterwards, this time may be further reduced.

According to the different hosts they host, mature aliens have different shapes and abilities. Current research has found that this difference is mainly related to the genes of the host.

Known alien species include worker bees that parasitize primates, messengers that parasitize canine mammals, hammer-shaped aliens that parasitize invertebrates, and soldier bees that parasitize apprentice-level professional life. Alien queens developed by special face-hugging worms.

The Alien Queen has a larger body, higher intelligence, and stronger attack and defense power and environmental adaptability than ordinary aliens. When her parasitic target is ordinary carbon-based organisms, her combat power is strong enough to match that of a formal-level occupation Or, it has four hands and armor to protect the head, and it also has the job of multiplying offspring. If there is enough food, a single alien queen can produce more than a thousand alien eggs in a day.

Focus on abilities: When the alien queen suffers a fatal attack, she will discard her egg-laying organs and tissues, and absorb all the energy in her egg-laying organs within one to two seconds, becoming the strongest alien.

Related report: No.70 An experiment, attacking the Alien Queen who came out of a normal carbon-based creature while exerting survival pressure. After No.301 minutes, the reproductive organs were separated, and the estimated combat power of the Alien Queen reached junior professionals At the peak of the level, this state lasted for 10 minutes, and finally the Alien Queen died due to lack of energy.

Main attack method: Physical attack, in the form of slashing or sharp body stabbing. According to the attack power and attack frequency displayed by the Alien Queen, it is not recommended for intermediate-level professionals other than knights, warriors, monks, warriors, etc. to fight melee.

Main defense method: Crustaceous defense, which has a strong defensive effect on most physical attacks and a weak defensive effect on magical attacks. Note, according to experiments, sonic attacks have a superior effect on it, and at the same time it ignores the spirit of the same level It controls spells, and the reason is suspected to be related to the special secretion organ in its brain.

After reading all the introductions, Natasha's heart tightened. If this thing was placed on the mysterious side of the earth, it would be a big trouble, and it would be more harmful than any vampire.

Natasha stretched out her hand, entered the dynamic password again in the console of the cabin in the woods, and called up the deep real-time monitoring data of the alien.

Current Alien Queen Quantity: 1
The current number of all types of aliens: 755
The alien distribution map is called up, click on the position of the alien queen, and select to view.

With a flick, the map moved directly to the edge of the Chitauri star system, and a transport ship of the Chitauri fleet was selected on the screen.

Immediately afterwards, Natasha looked back at the quantity limit. The number of alien queens is limited to 1, and the number of all types of aliens is limited to 1000. There is still a distance from the upper limit, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it yet.

According to regulations, Natasha put aside the alien and related cases for the time being, and first checked the other sealed objects contained in the cabin in the forest.

After the monitoring entered the background, the Chitauri transport ship, the alien queen let out a hissing sound, and then the aliens in front of her inexplicably began to kill each other.

No, to be precise, it was a unilateral killing. The aliens with high combat effectiveness killed the worker bees one by one, leaving only the minimum number of worker bee-level aliens.

In the background that Natasha couldn't see, the number of aliens dropped from 755 to 500.
After controlling the number of waves, the worker bees continued to work without any individual emotions. They went to the dormant room from various hidden passages such as ventilation ducts, and then a strange mosquito-like alien inserted the tail needle into the monitoring circuit. .

Then, the worker bees broke through the dormant cabins one by one, and dragged the superpowers out of them. Before the superpower soldiers who were forced out of the dormant state recovered from anesthesia, they were directly covered in the face by a head-sized face hugger. Alien larvae It also entered their bodies from their mouths.

Immediately afterwards, the worker bees put the super-powered soldiers back into the dormant cabin, connected the anesthesia and life support pipes to the body of the Zita Swiss soldier, and after placing the parasitic host, the alien face suddenly opened, and a strong Thick white liquid sprayed out from it, directly covering the hibernation cabin.

The thick liquid directly repaired the damaged dormant cabin. From the appearance, the whole dormant cabin is no different from the original one, but the flow rate in the life-support pipeline suddenly accelerated. During the inspection of the transport ship, these super soldiers The demand for body has suddenly increased a bit, and now more energy is needed to maintain the body's operation.

After all this was over, the Alien Queen turned her body and slowly lay down on the ground, her compound eyes looked out of the window of the transport ship, as if she was looking at Chitauri Prime through the dark universe.

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(End of this chapter)

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