Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

52. someday.

-Pack your things, it's time to go, - said Thomas, with anger beyond the usual demeanor. Indifference was laden in his words.

-Father, staying angry won't solve anything, - said Billy.

-It's not about that, but there are moments when I can only feel disappointed. Someone as intelligent as you, how can you act so illogically? - said Thomas, adjusting his tie as anger dominated his mannerisms.

-Father, we paid off half of the loan and even had some left to expand our growing burger chain, - said Billy.

-Well, I hope one day you understand the meaning of consequences. Everything is happiness when you win. People tend to consume themselves in that fleeting joy and drift away from what's truly important: hard work, effort, and knowledge. Those are the only things that can be certain. There's no such thing as chance in what you cultivate with your own hands, - said Thomas, just as his father would have told him, over and over again, with anger.

-You've emphasized those words throughout my life. Since I was seven, you've repeated lesson after lesson. I live frugally, I keep studying, I work as much as I can, and I uphold the principles you always wanted, - said Billy.

-Well, your gambling activities can only prove the opposite, - said Thomas.

-I will win again and again. You're angry for another reason. Stanford is no longer in sight when I win the bet. It's not about the money... You know I can earn it. You're furious because now I can study just as I wanted to in the first place, - said Billy.

-I'm not. -

-Yes, you are. I can see it. I know you, Father. You always act this way when something doesn't please you, - said Billy.

-I'm not petty, let alone resentful. Every time I feel I can trust you, you do something that I utterly despise. Betting four million dollars is no game. Whether you go to college or not, I don't care. With all the accolades I've received for my son's talent, and his incredible ability to draw, I saw the episode you created for Johnny Bravo, it was fantastic. Many never achieve what you've done with so little education, - Thomas responded from the doorway of Billy's art studio.

>>It infuriates me that you lie to me, that you break my trust and act foolish, - said Thomas.

The boy was perplexed by his father's words.

-I understand,-  he whispered. - It's my fault. However, I was certain I would win. It's not illogical; there are probabilities, nearly 97%! I can even predict who will win the next NBA championship. It may sound unreasonable, but there is a basis I can see. -

-Quite an arrogant statement,- said Thomas.

-The 1990 FIFA World Cup, I can tell you who will win. The results indicate West Germany, Argentina, and Italy. I have $15,000 from my salary that I will use to bet on these teams. I know I will win. Let me prove it to you once more, -  said Billy.

Thomas's face mixed with multiple emotions, including his son's disregard for opportunities.

-Fine, but I want the same deal. If you lose those $15,000 in bets, you'll have to go to Stanford to study, - said Thomas.

-Only if you stop questioning my decisions. I know my limits, - said Billy.

Now, football matches are not his only bets. Stocks, his programs, and many of his behaviors that can be called intuitions simply cannot be explained logically.

-I will do it, - said Thomas. - We have a plane to catch. Get ready; I'll call a taxi to take us to the airport.

-Everything is ready,- Billy told him.

The trip to Italy is a way to immerse himself in the football atmosphere of one of the most-watched events in the world, the World Cup. Which one is the first?

The Tour de France.

He also has the opportunity to spend some time with Claudia. He arrives in time to watch the final group stage matches of the World Cup. He has enough time to place some bets, as many of the teams he knows will advance to the knockout stage are still pending their last matches. But he only cares about the changes that will give him a high profit.

The premiere of his new series, Doom, along with impressive episodes of Pinky and the Brain that will include animatics as part of the program, will overshadow the adventures of the characters. The nod to the Warner network was allowed by Betty Cohen as an extended commitment in their crucial relationship with Hanna-Barbera and their future negotiations.

The issue is merely an extended arrangement for his series to air under the Warner network. Betty emphasized that she could provide him with the necessary freedom as long as he also guaranteed that he would continue publishing with Hanna-Barbera.

That's why he didn't want to publish anything similar to Animaniacs due to the numerous references to the Warner network. However, among the many challenges, it is preferable to gain more intellectual property rights for animated characters. At the moment, he has Yu Yu Hakusho/Ghost Report, Slam Dunk, Hellboy, Samurai Jack, Johnny Bravo, The Lion King, Doom, Pinky and the Brain, and Animaniacs.

The story of Doom is a mixture of what happened in the video games and the entire representative universe that Doom encompasses. It involves creating and improvising in many areas that were overlooked in the game series. The Doom games are the most exciting games, with a perspective that remains faithful to their design as a mind-boggling first-person shooter. His information tells him about a company created on February 1, 1991, called ID Software.

The game Doom revolutionized the gaming system as the first 3D environment. It's simply marvelous and unquestionable. It offered a new dynamic of cooperative gameplay for more than two players and can even be called the precursor to the level editors created by players after the release of the game.

However finding the right people at ID Software is a significant challenge that has been entrusted to Anne and her new assistant, Lucas, another young intern from the University of San Jose. They are joined by two more individuals, one of whom is Lucas's direct supervisor, a chief analyst, and another who acts as a manager.

Billy invested nearly $20,000 in creating information channels to keep track of market trends. The chief information analyst is Mr. Cloud, a 35-year-old with an excellent track record. He has been working as a data analyst since '83 when he started at a small company analyzing competitor behavior in the soap industry.

He is now a full-time employee at Lux Comics, which has 25 employees, and also oversees the 150 people at Pixar.

Billy hopes to avoid laying off any workers from both companies. He understands that finding work as an animator can be a terrible and painful process. Ensuring job stability for employees should be a priority. Over the next four or five years, he plans to focus on securing a distribution contract for Pixar's films. He will inquire if Warner Bros. can assist in distributing the movies in theaters worldwide. Regardless of the company, he needs a good contract for at least two films.

He heard his father coming downstairs with a black-wheeled suitcase that almost reached his waist. He had a fanny pack resting on his abdomen and wore an unbuttoned blue Hawaiian shirt, revealing the white shirt underneath.

-The taxi will be here in a few moments, - said Thomas Carson. - Get your drawing folder ready. I exchanged some euros recently, but I suppose the card you have is more than enough to buy whatever you want. -

-Yep, it's loaded with a limit of $30,000. I can get one for you next time we go to the bank, - said Billy.

-Forget it, that's company money. You've earned it. The name of your company alone has opened numerous contracts for me, and buying a house is enough for me, - said Thomas as he checked outside the window to see if the taxi had arrived at the house entrance.

-In that case, I'll give you some things I think you should have, Father, - said Billy.

-We'll talk about it later. Right now, I'm making a lot of money working and I've connected with people who have provided opportunities that I could only reach through your comic book company. Look, the taxi has arrived! It's time to go. Your little girlfriend must be waiting for us, - said Thomas from the window, peeking through the curtains.

We have to wait and see glorious Italy.




I'm going to try to improve the continuity between chapters, as has been recommended to me recently. I'm almost done with the first arc of this series, which I would call the beginning of Billy.

I will try to improve the continuity with more dates on the days that the events happen and spinning events as much as I can, It is a complex thing, but I will do my best.

I hope you have a happy week




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