Hollywood Art: System of sunnys

51. las vegas.

On June 2nd, the awaited game arrived, a day eagerly anticipated by the American population, and Axel had the idea to continue betting on the Detroit Pistons. They had won the conference, and his $45,000 bet yielded $759,000, which he immediately wagered on the victory of the Portland Trail Blazers in the Western Conference, which once again resulted in a win, multiplying his money to $1.2 million. He immediately placed a bet for the next conference championship game with the Detroit Pistons, with a payout of 2 to 1, but this time the sum of money was substantial.

With over a million dollars, the same betting house from the grand casinos led him to a betting parlor filled with wealthy-looking individuals who exuded wealth in their behavior, attire, and demeanor.

Everything in this place screamed affluence in a way that was hard to describe, from the tapestries to the thick carpets, and the elegant suits. The staff escorted him to a glass-backed booth where all the bets were being called. He had no idea such a place existed within the casinos. The rich lived differently.

-This is the high-stakes lounge. If there are bets available, you can wager as much as you want, as long as you can pay, - said the tuxedoed gentleman.

-So, this place is... - Billy started.

-It's where all the wealthy bet. We're one of the largest casinos around, and we're aware of your bet on the Detroit Pistons, - the employee said.

-Are there any bets available? - Billy asked.

-Hmm, let's see. The bets are closed for now, but you can place an open bet that catches the attention of the room. You can start your bets with your conditions—how much money you're willing to lose or win..."

-Well, how about $500,000 that the Pistons beat the Lakers, payout 4 to 1, - Billy said.

-Ohhhhh, are you sure? - the employee asked.

-Yes, sure, - Billy replied.

-Well, then I'll announce the bet, but if many people play against you, you'll have to pay them all. If more than five people join to bet against you, you'll lose $10 million, - the employee said.

Upon further consideration, Billy decided to go for a lower bet.

-Make it 3 to 1. How do you close a bet? - Billy asked, feeling the nerves of the bet. Even though he knew he would win, his heart was racing.

-We'll raise the bet, and it will be closed in two hours. In the meantime, you can walk around the place. There's a 5% commission on bets that the casino takes as intervention fees, - the gentleman said.

Anne, who had been closely following everything, was at a loss for words to describe such a risky bet. When she heard Billy's 3-to-1-bet in favor of the Pistons, her heart almost leaped out of her throat.

-Anne, you're my legal representative. Sign and let's go grab something to eat at the bar, - Billy said calmly.

She tried to object, but with the contract in her hand and the insistent stares of those at the betting reception table, she felt a certain discomfort. She read the contract word by word and found some things that seemed strange, but she didn't find anything dangerous and proceeded to sign the contents of the bet.

She saw Billy sitting at the bar, enjoying a plate of shrimp with a glass of Coca-Cola.

-What are you doing, young man? Are you crazy? You bet $1.5 million, who knows against how many people, - Anne said, indignant and scared by all the goons she could see scattered around.

-Relax, Anne. I'm confident we'll make a lot of money. This bet is just extra money we need for all our plans, - Billy said.

-I can't relax when this place reeks of danger. Who allows such high-stake bets with such strict conditions? - Anne responded sharply at the bar.

-Come on, Anne, have something to eat. The food is complimentary! - Billy said.  -When the bet is closed, we'll finalize the contract and head to our room. We'll enjoy a vacation, and I'll catch up on the work I need to do. We'll collect our money when the Detroit Pistons become champions. -

Billy's 3 to 1 bet resonated throughout the place, and in Anne's nervousness, seven bettors signed up against Billy. No one wants to lose money so resolutely.

-That's $17 million if you happen to lose, - Anne said.

-But it will be $9 million if I win, -  Billy said.  - And there are the other two bets we have. It's almost $12 million that we can use to pay off the company's debts. -

-If you lose, your company will be ruined, - Anne said.

-We won't lose, mark my words. All our problems in the coming months have been solved with the bet I just made, - Billy told her.

-That's the luck you're talking about. Well, it's not very good luck. I hope you know that your father is coming next week and will find out about all the money you've bet at the casino, - Anne said.

She was furious.

-Come on, Anne. With the prize money, we can refinance our credit and invest in our companies. T-Box Burger would benefit from another franchise in San Jose, - Billy said.

-We can, but it's not something I'm expecting a lot from. These gambling games always result in losses, - Anne said as they headed towards the casino exit, entering the tourist area and making their way up to the hotel.

-Nothing will happen, - Billy said to himself and Anne. After all, he knows the future very well.

That same night, the Detroit Pistons won the game while Billy was drawing the next chapter of Slam Dunk, watching as the powerful defense once again crushed the Portland team.

Ahhhhhh, what a sweet sound to his ears. With a victory in the first game, he can feel more at ease. Although he wonders if there might be a chance to alter the game's outcome. Perhaps his actions can influence the result due to the pressure from the Las Vegas casinos. Or maybe it's too insignificant to consider a change.

Can his compulsive bets have an impact on the sport? If that were to happen, such changes could cause a series of inconveniences for his plans. Meanwhile, he believes that changes can manifest in the future... in some way, unpredictable changes that may become unsustainable.

So he awaits the next game with anticipation. But the game was fiercely contested. Was it as exciting in its time? He held his breath with every point scored by the Blazers and every missed shot by the Pistons. In the end, physical prowess prevailed over the technical skills of the Blazers.

The final result: Detroit Pistons 105 - Portland Trail Blazers 99. The upcoming games could be just as challenging as this one. The Portland players had some unfortunate moments... The second game is just around the corner, and he hopes everything goes as it should.

The next game is on June 5th, and his father will arrive in six days, counting down.

Among the major problems faced by a gambling enthusiast is the thrill of easy money. Even knowing the results, there's an indescribable sense of panic when placing a bet.

On June 5th, a new game unfolded. It was agonizing, slow, and suffocating. Nearly the entire game was filled with vibrant electricity befitting a suspenseful, competitive final. Detroit Pistons 106 - Portland Trail Blazers 105. The game ended with an intriguing finish.

On June 8th, the result was even more nerve-wracking. There was a moment that caused panic, as the Detroit Pistons seemed finished. But then, a comeback! The newspapers reported: Portland Trail Blazers 106 - Detroit Pistons 105.

-What a great game, - Anne said.

-You don't even watch basketball, - Billy replied, a bit annoyed by the loss of his bet. He would have to wait longer to determine the outcome.

-Well, now I understand why fans of the teams end up getting drunk after a game. I can still feel the adrenaline coursing through my body, - Anne said while reviewing Billy's new drawings as he began developing the first plans for the Dexter show.

-I like this fun drawing. Are you thinking of publishing it or starting negotiations with Hanna-Barbera? - Anne asked.

-No... I'll just publish a book of this series. I'll wait for Hanna-Barbera to come to me for the show. With every deal we make, they earn more and more money from our drawings. But as the series becomes more popular, we'll earn more and more money, whether from competition or our partners. -

-But they don't give you much budget... - Anne said.

-True, but I can earn higher percentages from marketing and even more commercial rights. It's easy money. Plus, Warner will pay attention when the money starts pouring in, - Billy said.

The next game on June 10, 1990, Game 5, was a tough one. It was a fiercely contested match that ultimately resulted in a victory for the Detroit Pistons, with a score of 112 to 109 against the Portland Trail Blazers.

With just one game left and his father about to arrive, Billy wasn't sure how strongly he would react to the bets. So, he convinced Anne to tell him about the new bet at the end of the game.

However, his father didn't arrive. Billy received a call saying they would meet in San Jose in two days. His father wished him luck, but the weight and pressure of a revealing bet weighed heavily on Billy.

The fifth game was slow, with intense moments and evident fatigue among the players who were maintaining the game with professionalism. The physical burden of a whole season was taking its toll, but they pushed through.

It ended with a victory for the Detroit Pistons, with a score of 92 to 90 against the Portland Trail Blazers. The victory felt like a splash of cold water on a sunny day, where the stifling air couldn't stabilize one's breath. A refreshing splash of water to cool things down. Now, the next steps were to use that money wisely.

Billy saw Anne enter through the door.

-Well, Anne, you can say that we're now rich. Let's claim the money and get out of here. We're racing against time as our flight to Italy is in three days. I think we won a little over 11 million dollars from the bets. So, let's pay off half of the debt and refinance the rest, - said Billy.

-Refinance the debt? - Anne asked.

-Yes, we'll pay off the debt, - said Billy. - We have the resources. You told me it's possible to negotiate lower interest rates. Well, we just need to negotiate enough to get a good interest rate from the bank. -

-Agreed, but we won't tell your father about this risky bet, - said Anne. - You made a good bet, and that's the money we earned. I won't cover your escapades in Vegas anymore. I hope my Christmas bonus will help me cover the house payments. -

-No problem, I'll pay you this week as overtime. Go ahead and make a receipt for how much I owe you, - said Billy.

-Oh, you little rascal. Either way, your father will find out that you bet more money than he allowed, - said Anne, with a sense of satisfaction.

With that money, there's no need to worry about financing Pixar. With hard work and good income in the coming months, we can fund the film and the equipment.


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