Stage 14: KIHMGGA
{ Stage 14: KIHMGGA }
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I'm sure you've noticed something interesting at this point. Even if you have failed to memorize this information. You still can see a vague outline of it! In your memories. You have been 'flashed' with the images repeatedly. This has happened with destiny as well as on each stage.
You've seen a complete imprint of the technique. This memory may be vague now. But it will further transform as you progress! Now... I want you to do something different going forward. I have already done all of the 'homework' up to this point. There hasn't been much interactivity. But you know the pattern and encryption method.
I want you to be a step ahead of me! Instead of looking at the answer going forward (I will still leave them here). I want you to calculate how I reached the stage name.
When you see the title. You will automatically know the answer. So you just need to go through the steps in your mind to deduce the original word.
The mere act of you mentally calculating the source will further transform your consciousness. You may notice that your thinking and mental flexibility has been improved. This is only the beginning. We are just getting started!
You may notice that it is becoming a lot easier to remember the keywords. There is a reason for this. Each time you convert a letter into a number. You are forming a mental instinct. Initially, this will be quite slow. But you will become infinitely familiar with this process over many lives.
I'm sure you see now how this technique helps you 'unlock the 2nd thread'. In the future, when you construct 'ECHO'. You will need to be able to rapidly rotate all of this information.
Right now, we are simply 'incrementing' and 'switching' into each stage. You can think back to school when you used flashcards to memorize a history fact or other random information. This is similar. But you will need to change this in the future.
You must take this simple information that seems random. You must then condense it into a mental object and create a legendary image! I described it like a game of chess. But instead of it being 8x8. It is 50x50. But that is just the board.
Don't forget the pieces!
Who said the board has to be 2D? You can have each 'pixel' or 'square' on a different layer. You are supposed to stress your brain.
But this complete impossibility is possible through your effort over time! This form of meditation is different from most.
'Enlightenment' is a fickle thing that is vague and varies from person to person. There are a lot of different ways one can meditate. But what makes this technique different is that you KNOW your progress exactly!
There is no guessing.
We are currently at 0.56% complete!