Stage 13: VTUAXII (genius)
{ Stage 13: VTUAXII }
rgb(136, 197, 57)
HEX: #88c539
rgb(255, 255, 255)
You are slowly memorizing the positions of every letter in the alphabet. As you visualize this data, you will find yourself getting faster and faster. For example, if someone asked you what number was 'O' in the alphabet at.
You might've needed to count in your mind to be 100% sure. But because of these stages and 'FOCUS'. You have memorized the string '6-15-3-21-19'. So you will instantly recognize 'F', 'O', 'U', and 'S'. The reason I didn't include 'C' is because it is too early in the chain. It takes your brain no effort to recognize C is the third letter. But in the past, it might've took effort to realize 'S' was '19'.
There is a difference in memory between humans. Some people have more flexible thinking. So for some, this operation isn't too useful. But this technique is meant to change how you think. Even if you have poor memory and comprehension. This technique should slowly help you surpass yourself!
The starting line is the same for everyone with this technique. But reality isn't so fair. Some people are savants or have perfect memory. Some people struggle to remember a small amount of data. But the difference between a genius and a waste is SPEED!
A genius might be able to learn in a few hours what someone struggles to learn in a week. What does this mean? This means that with time, you can reach the level of a genius.
Let's say that you converted learning speed into a percentage. Let us then calculate effort + time.
Let's say 50% effort and 10 hours of time.
For a genius. Let's say that they can get 1,000 points!
Now for someone not as talented. They can only get 100 points...
This means that with the same amount of time. There is no hope of catching up to the genius.
But if you gave the non-talented person 100 hours and the genius 10... You would find that their performance is the same!
If you follow this technique perfectly. You'll be able to have infinite time! Let's look at another example.
Let's say the genius has lived for 60 years and has 512,640 hours. In our example, if they only work at 50% effort. They will get 51,264,000 points!
Let us take the average person with 50% effort.
They have also lived for 60 years...
The same amount of time has passed. 512,640 hours... But... only gained 5,126,400 points.
But the person that follows this technique has a trick.
Infinite time!
The loop of life, enlightenment, and death is never-ending. As a hidden existence, you exist outside of the rules. The point system is not only meaningless. Because the genius will only ever have a finite amount of points... While you...
You can keep brushing up experience.
You are playing the game on an entirely different level. This is just your first rotation! You will have eternity to progress. Infinite experience.
No genius can hope to catch up...
Because you aren't a genius. You are a monster!