Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 18 The Translator and Russian Teacher Who Came Suddenly

Chapter 18 The Translator and Russian Teacher Who Came Suddenly
The Zenit youth team finally won the game 3:1 at home.Zenit scored another goal before the end of the game, but unfortunately it was not Chen Yingxiong who scored this time.But it has something to do with him. His super dominance in the air made the Tomsk youth team completely at a loss. Everyone focused on him, and his teammates naturally got the chance to score.

But for not being able to score twice, Chen Yingxiong was a little bit reconciled-if the damn referee hadn't blown out his first header, he might still be able to perform a hat-trick!

Representing the team for the first time in an official game, he completed a hat-trick... Well, the previous career debut was simply weak!

But no matter what the result of this game is, it doesn't matter anymore.

Advocaat has discovered a hidden pearl in the youth team.

The news media also found out.

As soon as the game was over, they flocked to interview Chen Yingxiong.

When Chen Yingxiong saw this group of reporters rushing up, he didn't turn around and run away with a yell in fright. Instead, he stood in place and posed, waiting for the reporters to come up and press the shutter—you can take any pose you want, I Satisfaction guaranteed!

It's the first time in my life to be interviewed!Does this mean I'm about to become a star?

Chen Yingxiong is very happy.

But his dream was interrupted by Popovich.

"Sorry, our players don't accept any interviews..." He blocked all the reporters in front of him, and then signaled Chen Yingxiong to leave.

Chen Yingxiong knew that Popovich was protecting young players, but he didn't need protection!

He wanted to shout at the reporters: "Interview me! Interview me! Make me famous!"

Before he had time to say such words, he returned to the locker room surrounded by his teammates...

When he looked back, he found that Popovich was surrounded by reporters - if this was on the battlefield, it would be like Popovich slashing out from a diagonal stab, facing the enemy's pursuers and rushing towards Chen Yingxiong Shouted: "My lord, go! There is a general blocking here!" Then he fled in a hurry under the protection of many soldiers and guards. Looking back, the loyal Popovich had been overwhelmed by the ferocious enemy soldiers. Among the crowd of enemies was only the big gun in his upraised hand...

How tragic, but this is definitely not Chen Yingxiong's mood at this moment.

He really wanted to be interviewed! !

Chen Yingxiong, who was not reconciled, was coerced by his teammates into the locker room, while Popovich was outside trying to resist the attack from the media.

"Mr. Popovich, what is the origin of the number 33?"

"Is he Korean or Japanese? Or... Chinese?"

"He has shown amazing talent in heading the ball. Is this the new star that Zenit has dug recently?"

"Name! We need to know his name!"

"He insulted the referee during the game... Is he a 'bad boy'?"

"Is he Russian? Or a foreign player?"

All kinds of questions were thrown at Popovich, leaving him with no power to fight back.

He could only keep one sentence on his lips: "Sorry, no comment, no comment... I said no comment!!"

Advocaat promised before the game that he would be interviewed by reporters after the game, but now no reporter came to ask him questions, and everyone surrounded Popovich, scrambling to ask questions.

And Edvocaat and Potter didn't intend to come up to help, they were talking about Chen Yingxiong.

"In the limited time that he came off the bench, he can have such an outstanding performance. I don't think there is any problem with his mental quality..." Advocaat said.Mental quality is a very important indicator. If the psychological quality is not strong, no matter how talented he is, he will not be able to show it.From the current point of view, his mental quality is not bad.

Facing the iron-clad facts, Potter could only nod in agreement.Chen Yingxiong's header really left a deep impression on him. This kid's header is really good, and he can't admit it.

"I plan to transfer him to the first team!" Advocaat said suddenly, which shocked Porter.

Although he recognized Chen Yingxiong's header ability, but after watching a youth team game, he decided to transfer to the first team. Is it too arbitrary?

"Uh... it's only one game, and it's only been more than 20 minutes... Is it too fast? I think we should continue to investigate. Who knows if his performance today is normal, or is it an accidental outbreak?" Porter persuaded .

Advocaat thought for a while, and felt that his plan just now was a bit abrupt, so he nodded. "Okay, let's continue to observe."

He looked at Popovich, who was besieged by reporters, and said to Porter: "Let's go, while no one remembers my previous promise..."

He doesn't want to be like Popovich.

The two quickly left the indoor football field of the Smyrna Football School, leaving only poor Popovich still facing the vicious reporters.

"Mr. Popovich, please..."

"I have a problem with that..."

"We are from Zenit's official website, why don't we know that there is such a person in the team..."

"No comment..."

"No comment!"


Chen Yingxiong lay happily on the bed, holding a newspaper.

It was printed all over in Russian, and he couldn't read it at all.But this does not prevent him from having fun.

Because there is a picture of him on it!
Although it's just a profile view...but it's enough to show his heroic appearance!
This is the day after the youth league, and Popovich gave the team a day off-the youth team does not have as many games as the adult team, and besides the youth league is the Youth Russia Cup, and the teams participating in the youth league are not Many, so the number of games is not many.

Therefore, even if it is Monday, Chen Yingxiong does not need to go to the training ground.

He ran to the gate of the training base and bought a newspaper.There is a newsstand outside the training base, which not only sells newspapers and magazines, but also sells posters and star cards of the players.Fans who come to Youdeni to watch the training can buy a few star posters or star cards here, and then take them to the side of the training field for the stars to sign.

After being happy for a while, Chen Yingxiong felt bored again - because he couldn't understand what it meant at all.

What did they say?Are you praising yourself, or are you criticizing yourself?Guessing your own origins?I don't know what Popovich said to those reporters yesterday...

He remembered that after his father returned to China, he specially bought a Russian-Chinese dictionary for him and sent it to him, and asked him to start learning Russian by himself before the translator and language teacher were available.This dictionary has just been mailed, and it hasn't been opened yet...

He jumped out of the bed, barefooted, and went to look through the packages piled up in the corner. After finding the dictionary, he lay down on the bed and compared words one by one, trying to translate the short news by himself.

At this moment, he heard the doorbell.

When he heard the doorbell ring, Chen Yingxiong didn't react at all—the entire dormitory building was empty, no one had ever come to the door, and the doorbell never rang.So he didn't realize it was the doorbell at first, thinking his cell phone was ringing.But he quickly realized that his phone didn't have this ringtone at all!
The music was still going on, and he finally realized - it couldn't be the doorbell, could it?
Chen Yingxiong walked to the door hesitantly, and shouted to the outside: "Who is it?" At the same time, he put his eyes on the cat's eyes.

In the cat's eyes, he saw a bald middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed round glasses standing outside his door, with a mustache above his lips.

Stranger, a face he had never seen on the team.

Hearing Chen Yingxiong's question inside the door, the person outside replied: "Hello, hero. I am your translator and Russian teacher."

Chen Yingxiong was stunned because he heard fluent Mandarin!

Mandarin without an accent!

It's as pure as the mandarin spoken by the announcer in the news network of CCTV!

Chen Yingxiong, who opened the door, looked at the man standing in front of him, and was very disappointed—when the club informed him that he was looking for a Russian translator and language teacher for him, he was expecting a blonde to appear in front of him. Sexy beauty with big boobs.

This is more in line with the line of YY novels, right?

It's a pity that the man standing in front of him is a genuine man, and he doesn't look good at all, even...Chen Yingxiong still thinks this man is a bit wretched.Like those idiots who touch a woman's ass on a crowded tram...

Seeing the disappointment on Chen Yingxiong's face after being in a daze, the interpreter was not angry at all. He smiled and extended his hand to Chen Yingxiong: "Hello, hero. I am Maxim Yesenin, from I will be your translator and Russian teacher from today, very happy to meet you." He introduced himself to Chen Yingxiong in very fluent Chinese.

Although he had heard it once, Chen Yingxiong was still surprised by his Mandarin without any accent, and he extended his hand to shake the other party's hand.

Just when the two people's hands were touching, Chen Yingxiong suddenly noticed a burst of colorful light on the face of the translator opposite!
He thought he was dazzled, so he blinked vigorously, then opened it again, but there was nothing!There was a kind smile on Yesenin's face, but there was no colorful light.


"What?" Yesenin asked with a smile.

Chen Yingxiong originally wanted to ask: What is that on your face... But when he thought about how people could see what happened on his face, and if he asked this kind of question, others would think he was crazy... So he shook his head: " Uh, nothing."

Is it really wrong?He lowered his head in doubt, muttering to himself...

He didn't see it, but just when he lowered his head and wondered if he was dazzled, Yesenin's smiling face flashed another burst of colorful light, which was also fleeting.When Chen Yingxiong raised his head again, Yesenin had already returned to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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