Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 17 A Successful Debut

Chapter 17 A Successful Debut
Chen Yingxiong's goal made everyone present speechless, and many people didn't even realize it - what did they see just now?A big stupid guy ran directly towards the opponent's defensive player and rushed over, and then the two jumped towards each other, and then the opponent's defensive player was knocked to the ground!And the stupid big guy pushed the football into it...

This scene is too shocking!
However, there was a person in the stands who seemed very indifferent to this. He was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, dressed like an ordinary person, and his body was a little fat. He would never be found in the crowd.

A colorful light flashed imperceptibly on the man's face, and it was fleeting.Looking at the boy who raised his head and roared in the arena, he smiled.

The referee was the first to react. He blew the whistle in his mouth, but he didn't indicate that Chen Yingxiong's goal was valid, but called him an offensive foul!

"Bump!" The referee raised his arm, signaling the defensive side to take a free kick in the backcourt.

Chen Yingxiong just looked up to the sky proudly and shouted, fully venting the emotions in his heart.Unexpectedly, he got such a result, which made his previous celebration look like a clown... Astonished, he then asked the referee angrily: "Did you make a mistake? Which eye of yours saw me hit someone?" !!" In a hurry, he didn't even use English, but Chinese...

He rushed in front of the referee, leaned down, and opened his mouth to question.It was as if it was going to eat the referee's beast.

The sharp whistle sounded again, and the referee raised his hand and gave Chen Yingxiong a yellow card!
Chen Yingxiong, who was dizzy from anger, didn't realize how inappropriate what he did just now. He was not wronged at all by this yellow card.After being whistled for a foul and contradicting the referee, a yellow card is certain.

But he didn't feel that his action just now was a foul at all, he just thought that the opponent's defender was too vulnerable!

Just when he was going to continue to question the referee, he was hugged by his teammates.

Three teammates rushed up and dragged him down.

"Enough, hero! Enough..."

"Are you crazy?! Do you want to be punished!"

They were yelling in Russian, but Chen Yingxiong couldn't understand a word.But he understood his situation from this—it was really dangerous just now, if his teammates came up later, it is estimated that what was waiting for him was a red card.

Impulse is the devil... Although my father told himself not to be impulsive, sometimes he still couldn't control his emotions, especially when he was extremely excited, such as after scoring a goal.

However, the teammates pulled themselves so hard, I don't know if the meal played a role?
When Chen Yingxiong yelled at the referee, Popovich was really worried—he was afraid that the kid would get a red card and be sent off, so that his first show would be a complete failure... He was sent off with a red card only 4 minutes into the game. This can be regarded as the fastest red card record in this year's youth league, right?

Seeing him being dragged down by his teammates, he let out a sigh of relief.

This kid is really worrying...

He turned his head and peeked at the head coach Edvocaat next to him, wanting to see his reaction.

He was amazed by what he saw - Advocaat's face was full of excitement!

"What a good center!" he praised.

Popovich thought he had heard wrong.

The one who thought he heard wrong was his assistant coach Porter.

Advocaat continued, listing Chen Yingxiong's advantages. "Has height, bounce, strength, and great heading skills!"

Potter tried to retort: ​​"But his temper seems a little impulsive..."

Advocaat shook his head and disagreed with his assistant's opinion: "Young players, it's normal to have an impulsive temper! Compared with his temper, his physical fitness and header ability are more interesting!"

But Potter still had something to say.

"Even so... I don't see him being able to break through the siege of five people alone... and anyway, he fouled the ball. As long as he doesn't score, it doesn't make much sense."

Popovich glared at Porter. He didn't know what this man was thinking, why he had to deny Chen Yingxiong.Does he have any feud with Chen Yingxiong?
Advocaat shook his head: "That's meaningless. He can knock five people away and shoot the football in, and he can push the football in with his head like that. It doesn't make any difference, as long as he can score goals. From what I have seen so far I think he has the ability to do that.”

Just when Advocaat was praising him, Chen Yingxiong also calmed down on the field.

Such a beautiful goal was blown out by the referee, and he admitted that he was very angry.But as long as he stays on the court, he has a chance to score again.

He didn't believe it was impossible to impress the first-team head coach and assistant coach on the sidelines—he didn't know that he had already impressed Advocaat with just this "invalid goal".

To be honest, when Chen Yingxiong scored a goal just now, Pavlov was completely frightened.He didn't expect that the strongest central defender in his team was completely at a disadvantage in the confrontation with No. 33...

Fortunately, the referee blew out the goal, making him just a false alarm.

But soon he discovered that this was not a false alarm at all—what should come will always come...

After the restart, the Zenit youth team continued to attack Tomsk's back line.Their attack method is very simple, simple pointing, but extremely effective.It's just that the two wingers frequently hit high balls into the penalty area, and the rest is just watching the show...

Chen Yingxiong jumped high and overwhelmed Davydenko with a header again!

This time goalkeeper Zvetkov made a save, and he fought to lift the ball over the bar.Although he saved Chen Yingxiong's header, he was not happy at all, because it was followed by a corner kick...

Chen Yingxiong stood in front of the goal, in the middle, and then raised his hands high, signaling the teammate who took the corner kick to pass the football to him.All eyes were on him. After seeing his performance in the air just now, everyone was eager to see his next wonderful performance!

Davydenko and Raskitayev surrounded Chen Yingxiong tightly.

But it was in vain, Davydenko was physically unable to compete with Chen Yingxiong, let alone Raskitayev, whose body was not as good as his...

The three of them jumped up at the same time, Davydenko and Raschitayev were defeated one after another, and Chen Yingxiong grabbed the right spot!

Shake your head and attack the goal!

The football went straight to the back point!

Zvetkov flew to save, but this time he failed to save the goal, his city... lost!

The hundreds of people in the stands gave out loud cheers again.Many people applauded and whistled to express their excitement.

Before Chen Yingxiong came on the field, it was just an extremely ordinary youth team league.Except for a very small number of people sitting in the stands who are die-hard fans of Zenit, most of them are family members of these young players.

The game was far from exciting, with the exception of two goals, the vast majority of the game was flat.

But all this changed from the moment Chen Yingxiong came on the stage.His explosive header from inside the penalty area ignited the enthusiasm of those in the stands.He unscrupulously showed off his body and header ability, knocked down the opponent's defender, contradicted the referee, and let the fans in the stands follow the adrenaline surge.

Even the celebration after he scored a goal can attract the fans in the stands.

Popovich turned his head and looked at the enthusiastic stands. The fans were standing in their seats, applauding and whistling.I have led the team to play in the youth league for several years, but I have rarely seen such a scene...

This kid really has a natural star style!

He suddenly had an intuition - his youth team might not be able to keep this kid for long...

This time, Chen Yingxiong can celebrate the goal unscrupulously. No one falls to the ground, so naturally there is no foul.

After he landed, he jumped high and threw his fist to celebrate the goal.

After the referee blew his whistle, he pointed his finger at the middle circle—the goal is valid!
This is his first goal in the Zenit youth team!
He had only joined the team two-and-a-half weeks ago, and the speed with which he scored his first goal surprised many - including those who knew him best.

After seeing Chen Yingxiong jump up twice in a row, Advocaat became more optimistic about him.He just jumped up to compete for the top, and immediately jumped up to celebrate the goal without a pause after falling, and the height of these two jumps is not low, this kid has a jumping ability that is completely inconsistent with his figure...

Chen Yingxiong's goal helped the Zenit youth team lead the Tomsk youth team 2:1.

If there is any dissatisfaction with Chen Yingxiong for this goal, it is that this is just an ordinary youth team league, which is played in a closed and small indoor stadium. There are only a few hundred people in the stands, maybe even 500 people. less than.

They weren't cheering loudly enough, and there was no radio chanting "GOOL" to cheer him on.Without the TV broadcast, there would be no commentator spouting, racking his brains to think of all the praiseworthy words he could think of to praise his header.

Similar to: "...the hero's header is really beautiful! He flew in the sky like a heavy bomber! There was a shrill siren in front of the goal of the Tomsk youth team!  … With the hero's air superiority, Tomsk has no players who can face it! They can only run away!"

Chen Yingxiong likes such a passionate commentary.

But all of this is not enough for now, on the small stage of the youth team league, he can only flirt with himself like this...

He looked up at the empty stadium stands and clenched his fists.

One day, I will face the crowded stands and celebrate the goal!
And this day, I won't let it come too late!
(End of this chapter)

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