Chapter 7: Island upgrade
After Hephaestus ended his monologue during his search for materials, he went back to his island which he named Lummos.
He smelted these metal that he got using fire that he cinjure up. He even use his divine powr to control the earth element in the metal to make the metal stronger. It does have to be noted that gods are usually devided into four.
1. Their wisdom/devine soul which is their memories, feelings, etc
2. Their god personaility/ devine personality which are the cristalization of their existense such a their name, their achievements, etc. The devine peronality is also important since it is the basis of ressurection.
If the devine personality is destroyed they can no longer be rebirth as that god. Such as Pontus whose devine personality was destroyed by Uranus causing him to no longer be able to ressurect as Pontus which then causes him to be reincarnated as Posieden by the world.
Not only that if other gods gets it intact they will be able to get the achievements of said god. For example if Helios dies and his devine personality was take by his father Hyperion, Hyperion will be able to devour his son's divine personality which will allow him to gain his suns achievement of making the sun fire which in turn will allow Hyperion to gain Helios's authority over fire.
3. The priesthood which is like their innate talent and qualification given by the world. The priesthood grants them a chance in becoming a primordial by evolving their respective laws which will allow them to condence a new primordial seat. If the god dies, their priesthood will usually automaticly hide, waiting for their new owners. However if the enemy is strong enough, they will be able to forcibly capture the priesthood thus preventing it from hiding.
Priesthood also have many uses, it can be granted to other beings that don't have a priesthood yet. It can also be devoured by a god that have great compatibility though this will cause their priesthood to become a new priesthood which is born from the fusion of their original prieshood and the one that they fuse with. While their original one will go dormant.
4. The divine body which is like the vessel for the gods to channel their power. The divine body is important since without it the gods won't be able to effect the world much. Not only that the divine body will also produce divine power which is like a non atribute energi that can be used for anything though the consumtion will vary depending on their priesthood and authority.
It can be seen as this :
If they own the priesthood = very little devine energy needed
If they own the authority = some devine energy will be needed
If they don't own ether = it will be very expensive for them to do it. It can even cause some damage to their devine body.
Hephaestus used his devine power to create many buildings. He created a villa, a greenhouse, a park, some rollar coastar, he even created a train that travel across his island.
He even use his divine power to expand the island and then discovered the connection between fire and earth. This gave him some inspiration to evolve his priesthood.