
Chapter 38: The birth of New from the Old

The birth of race such as Dwarfs, elves, beastman, giants, etc from the remnants of the silver age humans.

In the realm of Gaia where plants grew vigorously, lands filled with flowers, and trees that grew delicious fruit. A secret meeting was held.

"Hephaestus why have you boight me here ?" Said Hades with his dark black eyes that seem to see straight into the soul.

"Yes I would like to know too" said Selene

"Don't worry my fellow gods, I promise the reason that I bought you here will be interesting. Follow me" said Hephaestus

The group of gods were led to something that seem like a laboratory. There Hephaestus showed a them a huge room filled with Containers made of Twilight Glass that houses a lot of silver humans.

"Now my dear gods, how is it ?" Asked Hephaestus

"Well this us quite a suprise. I thought all of them have been burned to death" said Posieden

"Indeed, We, the goddess of fate have cut their fate. They should all be dead !" said The three sister of Fate at the same time with an angry face.

"Calm down my dear guest. And yes their suppose to be dead but I asked Gaia to take them away when they were about to die" said Hephaestus

"And why would she do that ?" Asked Hades

"Let's just say she owed me a favour" said Hephaestus

"So you wasted the favour of a primordial god for them ?" Said Ephimetheus

"Well I wouldn't say that I wasted it. After all if my plan is correct, they will be quite entertaining and helpfull for us" said Hephaestus

"Oh what is your plan that can make these mortals usefull" said Selene

"Well what if you all of you can have a race that fully worshiped you and supply you with faith ?" Said Hephaestus

"That will be quite helpfull I suppose" said Themis

"Yes, that's why I have bought you here ! Don't look at these silver humans that seem very normal. All of them have been tested of their quality and have been injected with a serum that makes them more susceptible to divine power" said Hephaestus with a glint in his eyes

"Injection ? Serum ? What is that ? Ugh can you speak more clearly" said Posieden

"Fine I'll get right to the point. See each of these humans have been made so that if any of you inject you divine power into their bodies, they will be transformed to a race that fits you're laws. For example I have created a race known as dwarfs. Due to my divine power they have been granted with great craftmanship talent and have strong bodies. They have also been affected by my love for alchohol. Meaning with these you can create you're very own race" said Hephaestus

"Why ? Why would you do that for us ?" Said Ephimetheus

"Okay the truth is I originally captured some of them to create a race that can be my personaly assistent. But Gaia took too much so..." said Hephaestus

"So you just want to give us you're unused property ?" Said Selene

"Well I also did this so that the dwarf won't stand alone" said Hephaestus

"What do you mean ?" Aksed Posieden

"I created an innate weapon called the mirror of time. It has the ability to forsee random future. In one of these future I saw that the humans will enslave the dwarfs with the help of the gods. That's why I want you all to create races just like me. In this way, the dwarf won't fight alone" said Hephaestus bluntly

"Ok I agree" said Posieden

"Me too" said Hades

"Same for me" said Selene

"I agree" said Demeter

"Sure" said the three goddess of fate

"Hmm it will be quite fun, dear" said Pandora to Ephimetheus

"Fine as you wish my love" said Ephimetheus

"I also would like to join" said Gaia who just appeared

And so the gods did their thing.

Posieden created three race. The naga which is a race with a male human body and snake tail that can secreate powerfull venom, they represent the darkness of the sea. The mermaid/siren which is a race that has the body of a human women, they have an amazing voice that can control some animal sea races and hypnotized other intelegent race. Both the mermaid and naga reproduce with each other to have children. And finally the merlock, a race that has a fish head, a body with scales, and have great fertility.

Hades also created three race. He created the demon race using his divine power and a wisp of the origin of Tartatus, the result is a race born from evil emotipn such as greed, pride, envy, laziness, etc. This race will live as the first inteligent race of Tartatus with the mission of eating the negatifity of the world that gets sent to Tartatus. The second race was the Demetors, thus race has the ability to capture souls of the dead. And finally the guardian, a race with a bull and oxe Head that has the ability to guard the underworld.

Selene created two race the werewolf and the rabitman. The werewolf being humans that can transform into giant humanoid wolf during the night when the moon is in the sky. And the rabbitman being a race that has the ability to transform between a humanoid rabbit form or a human form with rabbit ears, thus has will have their ability strengten during the night when the moon is high in the sky.

Ephimetheus created three race. The ogre race which is a race born with great strength and horns on their head that helps them communicate with the elemental spirit. The goblin race which is a race that looks like malnourished human children but has green skin, a short lifespan, and greedy mind. Finally the orc race, a race that has a pig head and a strong body but a simple but not so simple mind.

And Gaia created a lot of race. She created the centaur race which is a race born with the upper body of a human and a lower body of a horse. The giants, a race that has a strong body. Gaia also created the elve race by fusing magical plants and her divine power to the silver humans causing them to become a race known as elve that have a lifespan comparable to silver humans and ten times longer than the new bronze human. This race have been granted with the ability to communicate with elemental spirit causing them to have many varient such as fire elve, mountain elve, forest elve, star elve, water elve. Other than that, Gaia created Harpies which are women that was wings in their hips and the beastman which are a race that are like a fusion between human and animals like the Tigerman, Lionman, Catman, lizardman, etc.

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