Chapter 37: Bronze Humans
As the world burn and lives weither. The gods felt the despair of the world. Zeus feeling his authority as god king weakening due to the world rejection of him for letting a god make a mistake in their duties decided that he should change that.
Zeus ordered his newly born son Hermes the god of speed to collect the remaining lives in the world in a ship created by Hephaestus. Demeter as the goddess of Plants also did her duties and collect the remaining lives in the world.
Unfortunately when Hermes was about to rescue the silver age humans, he found that he couldn't find any of them. They seem to have all disapeared.
And so a meeting between the twelve Olimpian except Helios and Selene was held in the god realm.
Zeus "What should we do ? The humans can't be found. Without them we have no source of faith to boosth our abilities"
Hera "Well we better think of something"
Athena "why don't we create new humans ?"
Hephaestus "No that won't work. Prometheus is imprisoned remember ? And ephimetheus won't want to it again"
Zeus "I see. Hey does Ephimetheus and Prometheus have a descendant ?"
Heohaestus "Yes Ephimetheus have a daughter named Pyrrha with Pandora. And Prometheus have a son named Deucalion"
Posieden "Since when did Prometheus have a son ?"
Hephaestus "Well he can't really called a son. More like half adopted and half son."
Athena "What ?"
Hephaestus "Do you know how the golden humans were created ?"
Hera "Yes the golden humans were created by Gaia with the help of Lapetus the father of Prometheus"
Hephaestus "Yes and what is their characteristic ?"
Athena "The golden age human are immortal, have great strength, and wisdom similar to children in the current human race. Oh and there are only man in the golden age humans."
Hephaestus "Yes and since there are no female golden humans. Lapetus is task with creating the new golden humans. Deucalion was the half finnished golden humans in Lapetus's home. When he was found by Prometheus, he was bath in Prometheus divine power thus granting him life. Both of them should be able to inheret their father's creation authority thus allowing them to create humans"
Thesis with time flashing in her eye said "I see, than the new humans should be born of Pyrrha and Deucalion. Born from gold and silver. These humans should have the potensial of gold and the wisdom of silver."
As the gods made their decision, Ephimetheus felt it. He went to where his daughter Pyrrha and her lover, Deucalion were resting.
Ephimetheus "Pyrrha, Deucalion, you're destiny have arrived !"
Pyrrha "What do you mean Father ?"
Ephimetheus "Both of you will be the ancestor of the new humans !"
Shocked was the feeling that goes through both Deucalion and Pyrrha.
"Here this is my gift to both of you for becoming the first humans to become gods !" As Ephimetheus said his words, He took out something from his divine personality. It was the creation authority given to him by His father, Lapetus.
"THis PoWer ! It's amazing I feel as though I can create anything I want!" Said Pyrrha
"That's just an illusion. You will have to a long way to do that" said Ephimetheus
"But uncle.... why do I feel it's stronger than my father Permetheus ?" Said Deucalion
"Because it is. You're grandfather Lapetus gave me the majority of his creation authority. Prometheus just got a quarter of it. During the creation of the mortal race, I was the reason both Athena and Prometehus was able to create them. If I wasn't there to help them, even with the authority of Life given by Gaia and the quarter of creation authority given by my father, they will fail" said Ephimetheus
Deucalion "Does my father know about it ?"
"NO, I would apreciate if you don't tell him abour this" said Ephimetheus with a commending voice
"No problem, we promise you" said Pyrrha before Deucalion had a chance to answer.
"Sigh... well now uncle, me and Pyrrha should start creating then but how will we be able to do it ?" ask Deucalion
"Go to the peak of a mountain and pray to Thesis there she will give you instruction" said Ephimetheus
"Okay father. By the way how do you know all this ?" Asked Pyrrha to her father
"Just a feeling. Oh yes here this is the creation authority that Prometheus enstrusted to me to give to both of you" said Ephimetheus.
And so both Deucalion and Pyrrha did as they were told by Ephimetheus. They went to the peak of a mountain and prayed to Thesis for intruction. There Thesis instructed them to collect the stones shaped like an egg in the world and create a circle with them. They then will have to have sex in the middle of it. Then using the authority given by their father, the stones will become their children.
And so Deucalion and Pyrrha did as they were told. And with that the bronze age humans were born.