Chapter 31: Fire of Civillization
Ever since the creation of humans, Prometheus have been visiting the humans a lot. He would teach them how to hunt food and showed them how to make fire. And the most important thing he did for the humans was giving them the power of choice.
When the humans were created, Zeus hold a meeting with the twelve gods of Olympus. There Zeus said that the humans should worship all gods in the world but Prometheus disagreed, he said that if a human worship too much gods their faith will nor be strong. Prometheus said that instead of forcing the humans to worhip all gods, they should be allowed to chose which god they will worship because by doing this their faith will be stronger. The gods agreed and since then man have choices.
Prometheus also said since the humans were newly born, the gods should not show themself until the humans are stronger. He said that for the time being, the humans should worship the gods together by sacrificing the animals they hunt. Meaning for the time being, the humans will not worship the gods as individual but as a group.
Prometheus even taught the humans how to cheat the gods by only offering the bones of the the animals they hunt to the gods. And so the humans live peacefully with the gods. They would hunt for food, mate with each other, and woship the gods through a ceremony that requires them to sacrifice the animals they hunt.
Unfortunately peace will never last forever, one of the humans who have grown very old decided to betray his creator for ethernal life. This human prayed yo the gods and told them how Prometheus taught them to only give the worthless part of animals they hunt.
Zeus hearing this took fire from humans leaving them alone in the cold. He also told Prometheus to not help the humans.
Maybe as an act of deviance, Prometheus stole the fire that Zeus took from the humans and imbue it with the knowledge priesthood. This act cause a change in the fire becoming the fire of knowledge. After seeing the chance of the fire, Prometheus realised something, he realised civillization.
Thus gave Prometheus an inspiration. He wants to evolve his priesthood and become the god civillization instead of knowledge.
And so Prometheus sneak unto the human world while the gods were partying and gave the fire of knowledge to the humans. While doing this Prometheus tried to communicate with the laws of the world and enscribe the laws of civillization into the world. He failed.
He was discovered by Zeus who attack him in the critical moment causing him to fail. However he manage to evolve the fire of knowledge into the fire of civilization. This cause the fire of civillization and the wood where it lay to fuse and become the first innate weapon that was not created by Hephaestus.
Zeus punnish Prometheus. Chaining Prometheus to a mountain where his pet eagle witll eat his liver every day.