
Chapter 30: Prometheus, Athena, Ephimetheus

Every since the Titan war, the world was never the same. The titan war cause the death of so many mortals that even today, only a few powerfull animals is still alive.

Zeus seeing the state of the world felt that as the god king, he should fix this. And so he summoned the twelve Olympian Gods for a meeting.

Zeus "Everyone, I would like to announce that I have decided to make new mortals for the world. Who would like to do it ?"

For a moment the world stood still as the gods ponder Zeus question.

Prometheus "I would like to do it"

Athena "No let me do it"

Hephaestus "I don't want to do it but I would like to observe it."

Zeus "Very well let's vote on who will create these mortals. Can both of you tell us why you should take on this task ?"

Athena "I have some authority of life given to me by Gaia"

Prometheus "I have the some authority over creation that was given by my father, Lapetus. My brother Ephimetheus who was also given some authority over creation will also help me"

Zeus "I see then let us vote.. I vote for Athena"

Posieden "I vote for Prometheus"

Hera "Prometheus"

Aphrodite "Athena"

Demeter "Athena"

Ares "Prometheus"

Helios "Prometheus"

Selene "Prometheus"

Themis "Athena"

Hephaestus "Athena"

Zeus "Well it seem to be a draw, since it's a draw both of you will create these mortals together. Hephaestus since you want to observe the creation of mortals, go with them."

Hephaestus, Prometheus, Athena "Okay"

And So Prometheys, Athena, and Hephaestus travel to the mortal world to invite Ephimetheus to help create mortals.They went to a village where Ephimeteus live.


Hephaestus POV

Interesting... this aura is quite strong. It seem that the rumor was false. Huh Ephimeteus is already a great god ??? Wait no his still in the high grade, it's just that he is nearly a great god. Just like me.


As Hephaestus found Ephimetheus little secret. Athena and Prometheus was cpnvincing him to help them and he agreed.

Athena and Prometheus went to Gaia to ask for some heavely dirt to make the mortals leaving Hephaestus and Ephimetheus alone.

Hephaestus "It seem that the rumors are false. You are quite the powerfull god. You're even stronger than Atlas before he became a primordial"

Ephimetheus "I don't understand what you mean..."

Hephaestus " You don't need to hide it, you're little trick is worthless to me"

Ephemetus "Sigh... I thought as long as I don't meet the three brothers of Olympus I won't be found out but it seem that I was wrong after all"

Hephaestus "Indeed... does your brothers know this ?"

Ephimetheus "Atlas knew but Prometheus doesn't know it"

Hephaestus "Well then it seem that the god of Knowledge might not be so knowledgeable himself and the god of ignorance might not be so ignorant"

Prometheus "Indeed"

With their talk finnish, Hephaestus and Prometheus went to Prometheus and Athena who just came back with the heavenly dirt.

Athena, Prometheus, and Ephimetheus split the creation of mortals into three.

Prometheus would shape the mortals usjng his creation authority.

Ephimetheus would give talents to the dirt shape mortals.

And Athena would breathe life into it using her life authority.

With this steps, they did the task of creating mortals splendidly. But when Ephimetheus was suppose to give talents to humans, he looked very tired. He was so tired that he skipped the humans and directly gave it to Athena causing humans to be born without natural talent. This cause both Athena and Prometheus to be panicked since humans are one of the most important mortals. Luckily Athena had a solution and gave them wisdom stronger than any other mortal race. With their job finally finished, both Prometheus and Athena went to Olympus to report to Zeus, leaving Ephimetheus and Hephaestus alone.

Hephaestus "Why ?"

Ephimetheus "What do you mean ?"

Hephaestus "Why didn't you give humans some natural talent ?"

Ephimetheus "Well I was tired so I forgot about it"

Hephaestus "You lie, although you looked like you were very tired, I can see that you're faking it"

Ephimetheus "Well it seem that I can't hide it from you. To answer you're question, it's just my feeling"

Hephaestus "Feeling ?"

Ephimetheus "Yes, I feel that it will be more beneficial for humans to not have natural talent"

Hephaestus "I see, it is quite ignorant of you to do that "

Ephimetheus "Well I am the God of Ignorance"

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