Chapter 21: A Couple Thousand Years
It's been a thousand years since Hephaestus made the plan to condence the divine craftman position.
During this time a lot of things happened in the world. Hephaestus also went to the cyclops, asking for their surrender. Unfortunately they ignored him even after showing them that he have a close relationship with Gaia.
That's why he also went to Gaia, asking for her permision to kill them if they atta k him. She agreed with the condition that he keeps their divine souls intact.
He also forge the prototype of the four elemental pillars during this time. Now all he need is to continue using materials to improve them.
He started travelling across the world. He went to the sea where he met Tethys and Oceanus and asked them for their divine blood so that it can be fused with the water pillar to make their fusion easier. He also asked them for some water type materials. They were so welcoming that Hephaestus stayed in their temple for a couple years.he also forge some items for their children.
The most powerfull being a map called the thousand sea gods map which has the ability to defend and attack. The map can also split into 6.000 parts which is just the number of Tethys and Oceanus Children. They can be fused together to form a formation. The more parts are fuse the stronger they are.
After meeting with Oceanus and Tethys, Hephaestus continues on his journey. He went to his old home the island of limoss where his clone Vulcan live. There he took a lot of fire type materials from Vulcan.
He then went to Atlas who hold the sky of the world. There he asked Atlas to tell him about his mastery over the wind element. Atlas told him how he fought many gods just by using the wind element and that if it weren't that a god can only hold one priesthood, he would have become the god of wind. Hephaestus alsp ask Atlas for some wind type materials.
After meeting with Atlas he went to Gaia. It was an interesting meeting.
Gaia : Are you finnish with the four pillars.
Hephaestus : no but I'm nearly done. Now I only need some earth type materials to complete them.
Gaia : Then you have made a great choice coming to me. By the way who is Vulcan to you ? After all last time we met you were the god of fire.
Hephaestus : His my clone. I created him by splitting my divine soul. (Of course, Hephaestus won't tell her about his past life and his ability to condence clones)
Gaia: that must have hurt
Hepahestus : Yea... anyway can you give me the materials
Gaia : Here you go...
Flashback End
After Hephaestus got the last material needed to complete the four pillars, he went to his mountain which he doesn't even bother to name and went into seclution.
And after a couple thousand years. A vision of fire, water, earth, and wind was showed across the world. Hephaestus finally finnish creating the four pillars. He can finally do the plan.