
Chapter 20: Other god situation. Again

As Hades relized his path to greatness. The other gods also continued their lives.

Hera and Zeus finally had their wedding after becoming husband and wife where they invited all the gods in the world including Vulcan and the newly born goddess of love, Aphrodite.

Vulcan who met Hera for the first time gave her a throne that unlike his myth counterpart, doesn't have a curse on it. It was also during this wedding that the world announce the birth of the god of Memories, Chiron causing the gods to was realized that Mnemosyne had died.

Not only that, Hades also send a gift and a letter to Zeus and Hera's wedding. He gave them death iron which are metals that can only be born in the underworld and a letter that states that he will quit the councel of olympus.

This letter and the realization that Mnemosyne death might be done by Hades causes Zeus to have a headache which inturn made Athena in his head to finally be able to come out and be born. Which gives Zeus a bigger headache causing him to ask Ares to cut his head which Ares did. There the goddess of wisdom Athena was born.

And so the wedding finally continued after the discovery of the death of Mnemosyne, the resignment of Hades from the twelve councel of olympus., and the birth of Athena.

After the wedding, Zeus held a meeting where he made Ares and Vulcan a new member of the counsel, replacing Hades and Mnemosye. It was also in this meeting that Hestia decided to also quit the counsel which cause Zeus to promote Aprodite as a new member of the counsel due to her technically being the daughter of Uranus. Athena also replace Metis as a new member of the counsel.

Since then the twelve gods of olympus become :

Zeus the god of heaven

Posieden the god of the sea

Vulcan the god of fire

Ares the god of war

Aphodite the goddess of love

Athena the goddess of wisdom

Demeter the goddess of plants

Hera the goddess of marriage

Helios the god of the sun

Selene the goddess of the moon

Themis the goddess of order

Prometheus the god of knowledge

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