Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 280: Raid

  Chapter 280 Raid

Black’s old house was captured by Death Eaters for a while, but the valuables in the house were not too small. Later, Mongaston sneaked back and turned the Black’s house upside down. Almost all the valuables were raided. Go, even the broken double-sided mirror.

  She just remembered to take good care of Hermione, and forgot that she still had a gloomy Draco Malfoy in her house. If they didn't go back for dinner, he would have to eat alone with the house elf.

  If she is a real hard-hearted witch, she should shut everyone out without sympathy and keep her residence absolutely safe. As long as no one enters her house, she is absolutely safe.

Severus had done this very well before. He lived alone in a dungeon-like cellar with almost no visitors, except for Draco Malfoy. He could swagger and enter his godfather’s without knocking on the door. office.

  Being with him made her feel a strong sense of guilt. The smart way is to close the door like Lily, but she opened it for him, just as Hogwarts opened the door to many creatures in need.

The house elves in the Hogwarts kitchen are refugees hosted by Helga Hef Puff. They are not bound by magical deeds like other house elves, but they are still received like the house elves outside the school. A piece of clothing is a shame, and what you forcibly give to others is not necessarily what they want, even if it is the most precious treasure in the world, "freedom".

  The last time they lived in seclusion, the two of them lost everything in the past and lived alone in the wilderness.

  At that time they were free, and they did not hinder anyone, how happy they were, no matter what they did, no one would criticize them. If it weren't for his unbreakable vow that hell, they wouldn't have returned to human society at all.

  Humans have been replaced by werewolves as the ruler, and are kept in pens like livestock. What does it have to do with them? As long as the defensive spell is cast, the werewolf will not be able to spot them.

She rescued Wormtail back home like a ghost, and then lost her daughter. She herself didn’t know which Lily she used as a substitute for Hermione, since Hermione had summoned her patron saint, and it Still talking, Pomona took the stew and returned to the villa in Godric Valley from the fireplace with Hermione, letting the little otter send a message.

  When the green flame flashed, the magical song began to ring again, and Draco was drinking in the small bar.

Bringing children is so tired, they will always have various situations. Pomona has had enough of the house-elf Shining who only has alcohol problems, and doesn’t want little Malfoy to follow in his father’s footsteps and become alcoholics as well. . So she waved her magic wand, and the wine in the glass immediately burned, little Malfoy screamed, and his platinum hair was almost burnt black.

   "What's the name of this song?" Hermione listened to Elvis' voice and said emotionally.

   "I can't help falling in love with you." She said blankly, removing the stylus from the record.

  It would be a disaster if Hermione and Draco had an affair that they shouldn’t have.

There is no pure friendship between men and women. She fantasizes about them, but Shakespeare said that the friendship between a man and a woman is only that one side is mixed with selfish thoughts, and the other side does not know it. If both sides have selfish thoughts, then they will definitely meet each other. Ambiguous, even sparks of love. If men and women do not like each other, there will be no friendship. Only when you have a good impression will you regard her as a friend. If you hate someone, how can you be friends with her? So Hermione will continue to hate Draco, so they will never be together.

"Stop drinking and see what gift I brought you back." Pomona took out the toy she bought from the Weasley trick shop, and the toy monkey sitting on the flying carpet immediately started flying around the house. Up.

  "Kicky chick." The monkey laughed loudly, which made this quiet villa feel a bit lively.

   "Idiot." Draco looked at the monkey with disgust.

   "Then can you make a toy more interesting than it?" Hermione said without hesitation.

it has started.

  Pomona’s conspiracy succeeded, humming, and returning to the kitchen with the stew, Draco and Hermione started arguing over trivial matters.

Although she didn't think how Harry could speak Snakeman, but she did not intend to continue to use Harry as a Horcrux. There is still a piece of Voldemort's soul lingering in the world. She will not deny that Voldemort is back as strongly as Fudge. .

  He actually thought of Sirius who organized Azkaban’s escape, what a clever head.

Severus is very good, but he is not as optimistic and cheerful as Sirius, good at creating happiness and sunshine. If Severus is caught in Azkaban, I am afraid it will not last for half a month, let alone twelve years. .

   Sirius is stronger than Severus. Although Severus is stronger than Sirius, Sirius’s soul is more dazzling and he is very loyal. Which woman would not like a handsome and loyal husband?

  If Sirius appears on the battlefield of Dandi, he must be the first knight to charge. He will open a thoroughfare for her and **** her home safely.

  He will still be Animagus, will not be afraid to fight with werewolves, he will become the hero who leads everyone to victory, but he died because he did not withstand Severus' provocation.

There is only one winner, but there can be many losers. She can’t intervene. Lily has tried to intervene in the competition between James and Severus. The ending is very ugly. The mudblood is angry and sincere. He cannot continue. Live the life of a Muggle.

  Cockworth is an industrial city. In addition to a small river, there is also a railway. After staying with Lily for a short period of time, Pomona took the train back to London with her and her parents.

  If he was still the son of Muggle and lived a life of ethics, then he would be like many workers in Cokworth. He would spend his whole life in pubs and boxing clubs and would never be able to set foot in Buckingham Palace.

The jewelry of the British royal family is world-famous luxury, but more exquisite than the crown are the Tsar’s Easter eggs. Like all countries that have experienced wars, these royal eggs have survived court turmoil, World War II, and some royal eggs. They were sold during the war, some have been lost, and some of the eggs were fortunately looked after and passed on from generation to generation. Among them, three Easter eggs were collected by the British royal family.

As long as people see the Easter eggs, they will not be surprised. The eggs are a symbol of health, beauty, strength and wealth for the Russians. At the same time, they are also used to welcome new lives. In 1984, when the prince’s eldest son Henry was born. , The queen plans to hold a jewelry exhibition, and the protagonist is a czar's egg stored in Buckingham Palace.

  The British royal family hires a group of new people every year, such as maids, secretaries, butler assistants, etc. In addition, during the summer opening period, Buckingham Palace will also recruit more than 200 temporary administrators.

The legend about Queen Victoria’s blood curse has been around for a long time in the court, but this blood curse did not affect the British royal family, but affected other European royal families that have marriages with Victoria. Among them, Russia has suffered the most. The Russians believe that Easter The easter eggs belonged to Russia, so they conspired to retake them. Guarding the Easter eggs had nothing to do with Severus, but who told him to "be free during summer vacation", so he appeared grandiosely in Buckingham Palace.

He basically didn’t use it. He just enjoyed the feeling. He even showed her the view of Buckingham Palace with a double-sided mirror. Pomona saw that the senior attendants behind him wanted to drive him out, but he I'm confused when I use the Confusion Curse.

  Since then, he has been obsessed with "eggs", and even brought a bird and snake egg to her to incubate. Does he treat her as a hen?

   "I hate you, Severus." She murmured. She knew that the bird and snake egg was sent by him with ulterior motives. His way of joking is not funny at all!

  With the sound of "coax", a green flame rang in the fireplace, and the great snake king returned home.



  Draco, who was arguing, shouted with Hermione.

  He smiled in a good mood, holding a paper bag in his arms, making people extremely suspicious of its origin.

"power cut."

   "Where is the power outage?" Pomona asked.

  "The blackout in London and Wales were also affected. At least a million people were affected. Except for the old telephones, all communication equipment was out of service."

   "Where did you hear the news?"

   "The news is on the air, London has been out of power and Exeter hasn't stopped."

  "Do you think Huanye did it?" Pomona took the paper bag he bought. In addition to rice and basil, he also bought some Muggle snacks.

"I can't control this. It's Kingsley's job." He took off his Muggle jacket. It was bought by Hermione with her last time. It's expensive, and it's not bought by a Muggle worker. From.

He swears that one day he will leave the house, he almost broke free, but in the summer vacation of Draco's fifth grade he went back to Spider's End, just like the worst memory of his life, it happened in the fifth grade. time.

  Five is an unlucky number for him.

  The herbal professor who believed in divination was so serious that he went back to the kitchen to boil water and cook.

  (End of this chapter)

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