Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 279: celebration

  Chapter 279 Celebration

The appearance of the sea anemone gives people a dreamy feeling, but for most creatures in the sea, the sea anemone is very scary. The tentacles of the sea anemone secrete poisonous substances. As long as it is touched by its thorns, it will be paralyzed and pitiful. The prey will be sent into the mouth of the anemone.

But sea anemones are not invincible. Sea turtles think they are a kind of delicious snacks. Ordinary sea anemones are a mixture of plants and animals and need sunlight for photosynthesis, but striped sea anemones are a kind of magical plant. Living in the deep sea, like the devil net likes the dark.

There are many terrifying animals in the deep sea. Sperm whales love to dive into the deep sea to catch a giant squid called the king squid. Its eyes are as big as a football. When whales hunt it, it also hunts whales. They usually go in the deep sea during the day. Rest in the middle of the day and swim to the shallow sea to search for food at night. The sea monster prototypes in Muggle fairy tales are often them.

The huge water pressure is deadly to land creatures, but it is essential to the king squid. If it loses the huge water pressure, it will soon die. The sperm whale attacking the king squid also drags it out of the deep sea and on the coast. The overlord octopus found was also swept out of the deep sea by ocean currents and killed. The seed of the striped anemone that Pomona found was also washed up on the shore. It looked like a translucent pearl. After being grown by magic, it quickly grew larger, hunting down Death Eaters flying in the air.

  The temperature of the deep sea is very low. Of course, the striped anemone does not feel that the water in North England will be cold, but the dark wizard Severus is more willing to accept the problem of sea temperature than being killed by the sun, and he does not care about it at all.

  He wants to relax, just like he is nostalgic for the holidays. Every summer, Harry is eager to leave, and others want him to stay at home for a while.

  Everyone has their own life. Protecting Harry Potter is work. It is Sirius who has done his best to do this, because he is Harry’s godfather. With someone to take over, Severus didn’t care much about Harry. He had to prepare for the Triwizard Tournament. Of course Sirius was busy fleeing at that time, and finally the job of taking care of Harry fell to Arthur Weasley. Body.

  Molly actually gave birth to seven children. This is an ability that makes other pure-blood women hate, and her figure is out of shape like that Arthur also called her "Molly Little Tremor", which is really annoying.

  Lucius Malfoy’s affair Just after Draco was scratched by Barcobic, Narcissa had no good face for him. Facing the mid-life crisis, the old Malfoy wanted to find a place to temporarily escape those troubles.

The advantage of being a mistress is that you can live as much as you want. You don’t have to think about children and family responsibilities like a housewife. It’s just like on vacation. However, when the vacation is over, he will turn around and leave to face what he left behind. Those questions.

  After staying in the gloomy Britain for a long time, she wanted to spend a while in sunny places, such as a sunny seaside. In view of the tsunami in Indonesia, she decided to vacation in Hawaii.

  She can wear a Muggle bikini and toad sunglasses to bask in the sun. The old bat, as pale and dark as a vampire, can’t stand the harsh sunlight. She can finally leave him alone for a while.

  "Madam, the Hawaiian juice you want." The handsome Draco came over wearing a Hawaiian-style shirt and shorts, carrying a glass of iced Hawaiian juice, and decorated with a small umbrella on it, which looked very cute.

On the distant beach, Harry was playing frisbee with a **** dog. Hermione Granger in one-piece swimsuits and Ron were making sandcastles. Unfortunately, Ron was clumsy and couldn't meet her requirements. As a result, he always Be beaten.

  Navi wore a short-sleeved shirt and was adventurous in the jungle. Hannah was bartending a drink in a bar, and there was a lazy guitar in the wind. This is the life that a rich Hefpuff girl should have.

   "Oh, my goodness!" Hermione yelled suddenly, waking Pomona from that comfortable dream.

  She was still in the gloomy England, and in the living room full of Gryffindor style, Hermione Granger was wearing a black cloak, covering her eyes as if she was traumatized.

  Pomona lowered her head and realized that she was not dressed properly, she immediately pushed away the old thief who was smiling triumphantly.

   "Welcome home, Hermione." After packing herself, Pomona said with a smile.

   "Although this is your home." Hermione suppressed her anger, and roared with her back to them like a little lioness. "But to be honest, please go back to your bedroom for what you are going to do!"

   "You and Ron have never worked outside the bedroom, have they?" Old Bat said with a mocking smile, "Because your family has always lived together."

  Although he didn't have a family crowded in the same room as Draco told Draco, it was quite mean to say so.

   "Why are you so proud?" Pomona asked puzzled.

   "You just said to eat bibimbap, is there rice here?" Severus said as he took off the coat from the hanger.

   "No, buy some basil leaves by the way."

   Then he left the safe house, waiting for the sound of the lock to be heard at the door, and Pomona took Hermione and sat down at the table.

"The worst thing about going home from get off work is not opening the door to face the darkness of a room, but being so tired that you have to cook for yourself. This is the benefit of living with your parents." Pomona will pour a glass for Hermione. Butter Sherry "You should be fortunate that you don't have to go to work, take your kids and do housework, that kind of life is really hell."

Hermione drank the sherry in one gulp. She was wearing a black robe, and the neckline also had the silver button given to her by Pomona. Pomona herself wore almost the same clothes for the prom, but Hermione wore it. When the Ministry of Magic goes to work, the so-called things are nothing but people.

  Hermione Granger is really much smarter than Ron and Harry. She didn't use the fireplace to go home, but walked in from the door. Obviously she had learned something and knew the importance of "a step back".

   "Want to chat?"

   "I'm fine." Hermione said coldly, "I should have thought of it long ago."

"what is it about?"

   "So many people did not get tickets to the Quidditch World Cup. How did Arthur get it? He also bought me and Harry."

   "Maybe it's because Ginny needs a company." Pomona said. The Weasley daughter is one of the few girls who likes Quidditch. It just so happens that Hermione doesn't understand the wizarding world, so she can increase her knowledge.

   "There are rumors everywhere in the ministry that Arthur is dereliction of duty. This is what you warned us about, right?"

   "I don't know what you are talking about?" Pomona poured Hermione another glass of wine.

   "Arthur has been trying to dispel Muggle's misunderstanding of wizards. I thought he was correct." Hermione drank the wine but did not drink it. "But it seems that each of us has an unknown side."

   "Arthur is a family man. Even if he was corrupt, he did not go outside to find a mistress like other men." Pomona said coldly, "He is not very bad, have you confronted him?"


"Then don't hurry to draw conclusions. There may be a misunderstanding. At least I haven't seen your living environment improve significantly." Pomona used the Flying Curse to incur a glass and poured herself a glass of sherry. "When the mysterious man fell for the first time, he put a lot of imprisonment on people. Once he died, these imprisonments were released. People are sure that the first thing he does after his death is to celebrate. No one has thought about the follow-up. Harry sent to Petunia’s house. We violated the international secrecy law countless times. Thanks to Millison Barnold’s defense for us, I think you know, Dumbledore and Grindelwald are good friends, from the Wizarding Union. People think that he is inheriting the will of Grindelwald to expose the wizarding world. She defended us, saying that we were drunk while attending the celebration and made such a big disturbance. The people from the Wizarding Association said we were not. It was time for a celebration party, and then Millison said the infamous words, I defend our inalienable right to celebrate, Severus complained to me that I deprived him of the right to be happy, and men sometimes do that. I'd rather spend the next half a year living on food and clothing than enjoying short-term happiness. Perhaps the World Cup tickets that Arthur obtained from other sources were not bought by corrupt means. You forgot, he is from the Order of the Phoenix, and Deng Bu Lido trusted him."

   "It's like Dumbledore trusting Professor Snape." Hermione smiled and said, "He looked like a badass in school."

   "He is a villain even outside of school." Pomona drank the wine in one gulp, and she was so stupid that she thought he was an angel.

"When Yaxli caught me, the first thing I thought about was to go to a safe place. There are many powerful people in the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, Moody, Sirius, Kingsley, Professor Snape, I As long as you think of them, you feel safe. Arthur is very good, but he is not very reliable when it comes to life and death. I am sorry to expose the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

   "Don't worry, it's all over." Pomona said listlessly, "Did you Apparate back?"

   "No, I came back from the fireplace in a nearby tavern. They are still having a celebration." Hermione shook her head. "It's incredible. Voldemort has been dead for six years."

   "Don't say that name." Pomona lowered her voice.

  Hermione frowned.

"Last time I told you in the Hogwarts kitchen, if Harry is not a Horcrux, there is still a piece of soul shards left behind. Do you know what would happen if you let those escaped Death Eaters know that their master can be resurrected? The Weasley’s home is their primary goal. The Burrow is no longer safe. You have to find another place to live. Take this opportunity to find a home for yourself. Also, Severus asked me to wash you away. Memory, so you won’t be tortured even if you are caught."

   "I learned Occlumency." Hermione said unconvinced.

  "You are not enough to pass the level, and even if you learn the occlusion technique and the black vine water potion, it can break the occlusion technique, but after using it, the wizard's brain is also destroyed."

   "Why are you telling me?"

"Because I want you to choose, Severus is here too. He can continue Occlumency training for you. When he thinks you can be trusted, I won't have to erase your memory." Pomona looked at him. Hermione's eyes said, "How about Harry's Occlumency?"

  "Because of Dobby's death, he has improved a lot."

  Pomona couldn’t help sighing, how come that boy’s progress is accompanied by death, is he the one who possesses the three Deathly Hallows, or the **** of death himself?

  Unless humans learn to reproduce asexually like sea anemones, the vulgar topic of love will never be avoided.

  This kind of normal communication between men and women is regarded as an immoral topic by some people, not to mention the love affair between men and men.

  Dumbledore and Grindelwald are just friends, no one else, including Hermione, can know, otherwise it will ruin the reputation that the White Wizard has built up in his life.

  Dumbledore was another person besides Harry Potter who had collected the Deathly Hallows. He was like the **** of death himself, but he finally fell from the observatory and died.

He is indeed a wise man, and he is not trapped by love, but he did not leave any heirs. The wizard population is decreasing year by year, and the European race is also decreasing. When there is no one, there is no need for a country and the Ministry of Magic to exist. .

  Men like to "rule", first of all, someone must be available to rule.

  It’s a pity that some people’s thinking still hasn’t improved. The misunderstandings between Muggles and wizards cannot be resolved but they are busy reveling.

  Many people have a misunderstanding of the Middle Ages, thinking that the Middle Ages are painful, full of plagues, wars and natural disasters. In fact, the Muggles in the Middle Ages lived very happily.

  At that time, they were free to kill wizards. Now they accuse someone of being a wizard, and putting her to death will be accused of being barbaric and illegal, and they have to bear legal responsibility.

  It's really "boring" to not be able to eradicate "evil" freely. This kind of thinking is just like the Death Eaters. They also make killings and terror everywhere for "fun".

"You used to engage in the elf liberation movement, Hermione, to give freedom to the elf, but have you ever thought about what real freedom is? If one can do whatever he wants, he is the same as Bella. Freedom is right. It’s manifested because of lack of freedom. Now I give you the right to choose. When you cleaned up your parents’ memory, you didn’t ask them for their opinions, just like you didn’t ask if the elf needed a piece of clothing. Divine Mind is a kind of interrogation. You give me the answer before dinner, but this means you must ask Severus to interrogate you. If you can’t accept it, I’ll clean up that memory for you, just talk to the wizard. Do the same for Muggles."

  Hermione flushed immediately. She was the kind of person who would never admit that she was not good enough. Pomona couldn't help but sigh, that a child is so cheating.

"Control your emotions and don't be irritated." Pomona said. "Siris was irritated by Severus, and finally made an irrational choice. Choice is more important than hard work, Hermione thought calmly. You are a smart girl, don't let your emotions control your head."

   "You are torturing me!" Hermione screamed loudly.

   "Call out your patron saint, now!" Pomona ordered.

  Hermione controlled her emotions, took out her wand and waved it, and as the white smoke from the end of the wand sprayed out, a cute otter appeared in the air.

   "What did you think about?"

   "My parents." Hermione looked at the otter and said, "We are camping in the forest."

   "It's like it is protecting you instead of them, dear." Pomona said, "Will you let the patron saint speak?"

   "Yes, how about you?" Hermione asked Pomona provocatively.

"I'm the Dean of Hefpuff, don't you think I can do such a simple thing?" Pomona said with a smile. "You are a witch, Hermione Granger Weasley, don't forget who you are. , Don’t think about the problem in Muggle way anymore, think about what is the real right of the elves? What makes them drink to celebrate after they get it?"

  (End of this chapter)

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