Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 277: Omen of death

  Chapter 277 Omen of Death

  The place in the slum, as long as you don’t want to go back, Severus tried to get rid of the house Irene, but she was reluctant to leave, because there was her husband Tobias there.

It was terrible for an aristocratic lady to fall into the field. When she left home, she took away a lot of valuable things from Prince’s house. If she could save some flowers, she wouldn’t end up in a slum. Who called her? The husband spends money lavishly and has no plan.

  Siris also spends a lot of money, his flying motorcycle is worth a lot of money, it is specially manufactured, and Dumbledore using the magic wand to make the flying motorcycle is much more durable and effective.

On October 30, 1981, after searching the magical world but not finding Lily, Voldemort suddenly remembered that Severus and Lily were friends before, and asked him to take the Death Eaters to the Muggle world’s Evans’ house. After "cleaning up" the memories of the Evans couple, Pomona and Dumbledore met the Death Eater advance troops. Not long after their Apparition, Voldemort personally came to Evans’s house. She cleaned up very cleanly, even They were too clean, and the Evans were a bit demented. In the heads of the two Muggles, he found no news about Lily. Instead, he found Petunia, Voldemort tortured Severus, and finally Severus. Si fainted.

  On October 31, Voldemort received the news that Lily Potter and the little savior were in Godlik Valley, where Voldemort ended his life, and the Death Eaters fell into the chaos of a group of dragons without a head. Hagrid brought Harry back from Godlik Valley in a night wagon and came to Cockworth. Hagrid met Sirius when he went to Lily’s house. He said that his flying motorcycle was no longer needed, and then Hagrid When he came to the ruins, he found that Lily and James were dead, only Harry was still alive, so he rescued Harry from the ruins and carried him into the carriage.

   During this time Hagrid had nothing to connect with, nor could he track it. After arriving in Cokworth in central England, he saw the traces of the fire and knew that he could no longer go to the residential area. He landed in a nearby forest.

Although the carriage used an invisibility spell, Ye Qi could not see anyone who had never seen the murder, but Emily Vance hiding in the forest found it. She took Hagrid to find Dumbledore. Qi's untied from the carriage and moved in four directions to draw the attention of the Death Eaters. Pomona went to Scotland, Hagrid went to the southwest of England, Moody went to London, Dumbledore went to the southeast of England, and Minerva Maik Grid watched as a cat on Privet Road and sent Harry to this Muggle community after confirming that there were no signs near Petunia's house.

  Siris usually likes to ride a flying motorcycle, but it was useless that day. It was parked in the garage on Guihua Street.

A child would cry when he was hungry, but he wouldn’t be as patient as an adult. Although Hagrid was more skilled in taking care of the baby than the woman Pomona, the first flying motorcycle crashed after Hagrid arrived in Exeter. Guihua Street changed the Sirius car. He didn't dare to stay too long. After feeding, he continued to fly southwest. It was not until midnight that he flew from Bristol to Little Huijin, Surrey, in southeastern England. No. 4, Privet Road.

Lily’s protection curse can not only protect the Evans couple, but also Petunia. Although they did not attend each other’s wedding, Lily and Petunia know where each other lives. If you look carefully, you can find the vase and letter that Petunia sent to Lily. , But no one thought at the time. After all, the house had been blown up. It was November 1st when Severus woke up. All he heard was that Voldemort was dead and Harry Potter had become a big one. The surviving boy, the news that Lily Potter was dead, both the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix threw the international secrecy laws out of the cloud.

  When all the dust settles, the ruins of Godric Valley will be protected to avoid any clues to Petunia’s house. And Petunia learned the news that Lily was dead in the letter Dumbledore put on Harry. In order to avoid being discovered, even the Evans who lived in the nursing home were not seen.

   "Why didn't we expect to check the clues before?" After clarifying the timeline, Pomona muttered while looking at the parchment.

   "It's funny, why doesn't Sirius ride his flying motorcycle to Potter's house." Severus said sarcastically as he smoked.

  Ciris Black likes to make a grand debut. He rides a flying motorcycle like a hero in a Muggle movie, and screams into the Death Eaters from mid-air, and then begins a fierce battle.

"That thing is too conspicuous. Even though he replaced the Secret Keeper with Wormtail, he was still keeping the secret for James." Pomona said listlessly. Sirius likes flying motorcycles because of the roaring sound of its engines. He listens to it in the dead of night. It was extremely noisy. The residents on Privet Road like to ask questions about everything. When there is movement on the street, the residents will stick their heads out of the window. Ms. Feige was awakened by the sound of Hagrid's motorcycles.

   "Why did he go to Potter's house back then?"

   "He said he had a bad feeling and wanted to make sure they were safe."

"But obviously, his hunch came too late. When he arrived at the scene, he had no other effect except to deepen his suspicion. Hagrid firmly believed that he had betrayed the Potter family." Severus pursed his upper lip, full. With a fierce face, he said, "No matter what he does, he can't do it right."

Although it sounds bad, Sirius is really not suitable for working in a secret society like the Order of the Phoenix. He is more suitable for work that shines. His flying motorcycle lights are so dazzling, just like his name, Sirius, in the dark. The most dazzling star.

  Pomona felt sorry for the death of her friend. She didn't understand what went wrong, but Sirius died really a pity.

"Bella took aim at Moody. She thought Harry Potter was going to Black's house." He adjusted his mind and said slowly. "Lucius said he should be taken to Hogwarts, ready to be near the school. Set up an ambush, but they met Francon Button there, otherwise you won't be able to go back to school so easily."

   "Why are you not there every time you fight?" Pomona said with disgust.

   "Do you think I am a coward too?" he said with a smile.

   "No, you are the bravest person I have ever seen!" She immediately said, "I just wonder why you are left behind by the Dark Lord every time you fight."

   "Not every time. I went to the front in the Battle of Seven Potters, and George's ears were knocked out by me." He took a puff of cigarette distractedly. "Fortunately you didn't listen to George's instigation."

"You are sometimes very emotional, but I don't think you will be jealous for a child. Fred is not your opponent at all. What's more, he doesn't like me at all. He just likes pretty girls." Pomona shook her head, Fred if When he grows up, coupled with the image of his war hero, he might become a wanderer in the game world. George is a family man. No wonder Angelina chooses him.

  "If it were to be replaced by Alastor, he would definitely believe what George said." He sneered and said, "He believes that the thief in Mongaston is more than me."

"Dumbledore believes in you." Pomona said coldly. No one believed that a half-giant could take care of a baby, including Minerva McGonagall, but Dumbledore gave Hagrid the task. No one dared to say anything, but Hagrid, the big head, rode his motorcycle through the sky rumblingly all the way. I didn’t know how many Muggles saw it. Fortunately, the Brest International Balloon Festival was over. With the headlights on, Muggles thought it was a UFO that appeared.

"Others call the Dark Lord a mysterious person, only James and Harry Potter father and son dared to call that name. The Potter's house was cast with a fierce loyalty curse, and Parites was ordered to monitor him. Later, he ran into Sirius Black. , He was riding that dazzling motorcycle." Severus pursed his upper lip and said, "The same goes for the Black House. Harry Potter is talking about the name loudly in the room. Anthony Hogrove is in Gerry. Nemo Square monitors. If it weren't for Harry Potter, Emily Vance would not be exposed, and there would be no Downing Street homicide."

   Reckless and arrogant, Harry in fifth grade is really like James.

"I heard Lucius say that Harry Potter's dog godfather in front of the veil of the death hall called him James?" He said slowly, sounding exactly the same as Platinum Malfoy. "Is he insane, or because of that? At that time he had predicted that he was going to meet his old friend?"

   "Maybe he just thinks Harry really looks like James." Pomona's heart was pounding, and she looked back at the window, and a figure flashed by.

  She was not in a hurry to think about it, she just apparated outside the house, and in front of her stood a teenage boy with a football in his hand.

  She almost forgot that Muggle’s life is so boring that she loves to snoop into other people’s privacy.

  It is precisely because of their habit that many wizards who were originally hidden in the Muggle world were exposed, then hunted down and expelled.

   "Don't make me hate Muggles." Pomona said, looking at the little boy, and then raised her wand.

   "You didn't use a Muggle expulsion spell?" Severus walked to the window and said lazily.

  Pomona ignored him. After looking at the kid, she looked at the sky in the evening. I don't know if it was her illusion, she saw a dog-shaped cloud floating in the sky.

  Harry Potter will not be the same as Sirius.

  Pomona was a little worried, but Teddy Bear gave it to him, but she was not at ease at all.

  (End of this chapter)

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