Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 276: Illusion

  Chapter 276 Illusion

Whether you want to see it or not, the pure-blooded nobles have a huge influence on the upper echelons of the magic hair department. Ernie is actually not as good as Justin in social skills, but "society" is not only about social skills, but also about birth, Jas Ding was not defeated by failure, but clearly saw the reality.

  He has the help of his father in the Muggle world, so he can easily get along well, but when he arrives in the wizarding world, everything has to be done from scratch. Why does he give up the existing castle and rebuild his own castle?

Even the boys in the Badger House have a militant and unwilling character. Harry Potter is really lucky. Not only did he enter the Triwizard Tournament under his age, he also entered the third round of the game. When Cedley After K was thrown down by the eight-eyed spider, he did not abandon Cedric to get the trophy, but fell back to save Cedric, and then invited him to get the trophy together.

  At that time, Cedric refused. He is a man who believes in fairness and justice. Harry Potter told him about the dragon, and he told Harry about the screaming golden egg. No one owes anyone, but the trophy of victory is right in front of him. Hefpaff's honor for hundreds of years is Relying on him to save it, he finally couldn't accept Harry's kind invitation and raised the trophy together. In the end, he was transported by the door key to the Riddle family cemetery and was killed by Wormtail.

  He couldn't refuse this temptation, her male unicorn, so he finally went to the death trap. Dumbledore also had times when he couldn't stand the temptation, so he put on the Gunter family ring.

  White wizards need to keep the precepts. Black wizards do not have these taboos. They will just let go, just like Severus said to Dumbledore, letting Harry Potter become the fourth contestant.

  Men are naturally adventurous, but some people take risks to seek excitement, some are for greater gains, some of these gains are money, some are status, some are power, and a small number of people are for women.

  There is a peerless beauty in Greek mythology, Helen, who ignited the flames of the Trojan War, and she was hatched from the golden egg born by Lida and Zeus.

  When a man fights to fight for something, a woman can’t get involved. Just as a poisonous horned beast will blow up each other to fight for a spouse, when civilized methods are exhausted, it will use force.

  Some people think that duel is a kind of useless violence and a barbaric way of solving contradictions.

  But both men and women have admiration for duel masters. At least he has the courage to fight, and is much more attractive than cowards who don't even have the courage to face-to-face.

The fool Lockhart has been abroad for a long time. I don’t know what Severus ranks in the country. He doesn’t even use the Confusion Curse he is best at, but the Disarm Curse, which emits a dazzling red light. The Confusion Charm is colorless. He doesn't even need to "dance" because Lockhart has no chance at all. The fool Lockhart spends too much time writing, and his reaction is too slow.

It was a terrible and addictive "duel". Pomona was very happy to see Lockhart’s little white face being taught by Severus, but the duel between Severus and Sirius couldn’t make any difference. People feel happy.

  The proud Sirius must have lost miserably, otherwise he would not return to his residence on Guihua Street for several days, and when he came back, he was full of alcohol.

This is not only because he lost a woman, but also a denial of his return to life. He wasted twelve years in Azkaban. From Voldemort's death to his arrest, he was hunting down Petepe for four years. Drew.

The mouse was really able to hide. He used the loophole to leave a finger to fake the illusion of his death, and was awarded the Merlin Medal in the image of a hero. He was intoxicated in vain dreams and lived in the shell of a mouse. In 1988, Severus actually wanted to live with him in the house in Spider's End, and he couldn't kill him for the sake of the overall situation. He must have been very angry at that time.

It’s even more amazing to release the depression for too long. Just like Dumbledore’s fire magic, Severus knew where the Evans lived, but he didn’t know where Petunia lived. After Ni's residence, Pomona used it all at them, and when they left, they ran into Death Eaters.

  This time Dumbledore didn't keep his hands, and the summoned flames turned the entire block red. When the black smoke that the Death Eaters turned into was blown away by the flames and heat waves, she took the old wizard to apparate.

  He was very disappointed with Severus, because Severus finally told the Death Eaters the address of Evans’s house, and their only hope was Petunia living in Privet Drive.

  Penny didn’t send her wedding invitation to Lily at all, but the Evans family did have it. They went through the Evans’s house and they didn’t find the invitation. They had no choice but to leave until the last moment. Dumbledore was not sure that it would be safe to hand Harry over to Penny to raise him. For the sake of safety, Penny did not dare to go back to see his parents. The two couples were finally sent to a nursing home. It's like they never gave birth to two daughters.

  Hermione Granger’s parents are the same. They obviously have a beloved daughter, but she uses magic to hide herself from their memory. They may regret letting her go to the magic school.

  Even if the memory has cleared the memory of the body, I still remember, such as giving that little sweetheart a kiss on the forehead before going to bed, or thinking about where to take my children on vacation.

On the surface it seems that it hasn’t changed, but in fact everything has changed. In their lives, a very important piece of the puzzle was missing, and it became incomplete. So they closed the dentist’s office, left the UK, and went to poverty. Dominica becomes Doctors Without Borders.

Only such parents can bring up a sympathetic daughter like Hermione. If Pomona arbitrarily hides the memory of Evans’s parents without Lily’s consent, then Hermione will not ask herself. Parents’ opinions arbitrarily obscured the memory of myself. In order to protect their children, parents will fight for their own lives. This is the love of mother and father praised by the world. Mrs. Crouch is even willing to die in place of Barty Jr., so Hermione’s fate now is that she does not ask. It's self-assertion.

  In the kitchen on Guihua Street, the stew made a gurgling sound in the pot. Even after he had achieved something, Severus still liked to eat this kind of civilian food.

  It’s hard to change your appetite when you’re young, just like the Chinese love rice and the British love bread.

   This grunt reminded Pomona of the potions classroom, where twenty cauldrons can be placed, and a dark potion professor pacing in the smoke.

Cold, dark and mysterious, the **** dark wizard makes people want to raise their wand against him. The steam produced by the potion is reminiscent of the forest of Dean shrouded in mist in the early morning. There is a silver deer. Shutting through the forest, it led the savior to the frozen small lake. At the bottom of the lake was a Gryffindor sword inlaid with red gems.

  This scene is so beautiful that some people even made it into a drama and performed it on the stage, but no matter what props and animals were used to replace the deer, it was not as fantastic as it was summoned by the gods.

  This is a world of dragons, elves, magic, and giants. Muggles live in a society where there are only tedious and repetitive tasks that operate like machines. People with adventurous spirits will want to stay in the wizarding world. After Voldemort came to power, Muggle-growing wizards were oppressed and squeezed out. They would rather live on the streets than return to the Muggle world. They can easily get the worship of Muggles just like Rasputin, but they are not willing.

Because they knew very well in their hearts that wizards and Muggles were not the same, and being worshipped by the weak did not make them feel great, just like Ron was treated like a king by house elves in the Hogwarts kitchen. Among the wizards, he was still a loser who couldn't do anything.

  A genius would be mediocre if he did not sweat. Harry Potter had magical powers beyond ordinary people, but he was not trained in fighting skills and control, so he was sacrificed as a piece of meat.

  His "guardian angel" hates him, and even training Occlumency is like torturing each other. Pomona can't let Neville go the same way as Harry.

   "Do you know how to use a sword? Your Highness." When the honey-eater had drunk the nectar, Pomona asked in a hoarse voice.

   "Not as good as Lucius." Severus closed his eyes and said, "Where am I?"

  Pomona looked around. She was sure she was on Guihua Street, but his body exuded a chilly breath, as if he were in a dark and cold forest.

   "We are camping." She whispered in his ear, "What did you see?"

   "Werewolf." He said with disgust on his face, "They are eating."

  A very impactful picture appeared in her mind. She didn't want to know what kind of animal the bloody, hot flesh and blood originally belonged to. Whether it was a deer or a human, it was very disgusting.

"Think of something beautiful and follow my patron saint." She used her magic wand to call out her patron saint of swan, but it penetrated through his body, and finally fell to the ground, as if floating on the water. Curving his neck with grace.

   "How are you now?"

   "There is a swan on the lake." He whispered, "What is it doing?"

   "It's dancing." Pomona put her forehead against his forehead, dreaming of a silver-white swan dancing in the mist. "Look, is it pretty?"

   "Not a punishment?" He began to shake.

   "What did you do wrong and I want to punish you?"

   "My master, please stop." He cried and said, "Please stop..."

  He looked like he was awake and having a nightmare, and Pomona immediately raised her wand and gave him a curse, and his loose eyes gradually became clear.

   "Dark Lord used illusion on you?" She gasped and said, it was obvious, and he cried.

   "He tortured me Petunia's address." He lay on her as if exhausted. "I don't know, I really don't know."

   "How did he torture you?" Pomona asked cruelly.

  He did not answer her question.

   "It's okay." Severus said softly, "I won't go back to the house in Spider's End."

  (End of this chapter)

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