Harry potter: the ring maker

Rough time

"What about the ambient magic you mentioned?" Nick asked after digesting the information he just received. "That's the nifty part , see the "system" hadn't been able to calculate that factor into your transformations timeline since it couldn't have information you yourself lacked. It's not actually some cosmically powerful thing but rather a mere tool and it's abilities require your input to do anything. In a way you could say it's actually powerless without you. Until you came to Hogwarts it was totally blind to the extremely potent magic that would soon be in your surroundings." the elf said and Nick understood what was implied.-

"So the timeline is actually shorter on my transformation?" he asked seeking verification. "Drastically so , it dropped from three years to one and a few days." the elf said "Good news however is that this whole emotional turmoil should clear up in three days so try and keep yourself under control till then." he added with a reassuring smile as the dream ended and Nick woke up. Nick washed up and reapplied the glamor charm to his face to keep the others from getting too suspicious of him 'I can do three days' he thought firmly.-

Nick underestimated exactly how difficult it was going to be however as Flitwick noticed the glamor immediately. "Is something wrong Mr. Iron?" he asked concerned. "It's nothing to worry about professor I'll be fine in a few days." Nick while controlling his voice with much difficulty. "Very well but if you need help please do seek it." Flitwick said obviously not believing him. The professor left Nick alone after that but sent a few glances at him every now and then with a concerned expression. Nick avoided his friends after the class was over and found a place to remain hidden from others as his emotions shifted constantly.-

The next day was far worse as he had to grip his broom very hard as it kept moving about due to his constantly fluctuating emotions. Astrology was much easier as it was merely cramming information again and didn't need much emotion at all. Defense against the dark arts however was a very big problem. Quirelmort specifically seemed to have it out for Nick as he constantly called him out for various reasons. Demonstrate the spell , read from the textbook about so and so , partner up with Malfoy , things like that.-

It didn't take a genius to figure out that something was very wrong with Nick and none of his friends could ever find him after class to ask. Nick got pretty close a few times to cursing Quirelmort and the man seemed to expect it from the way his body shifted ever so slightly to favor his wand. Nick had even been avoiding meals and eating lembas bread instead to fuel his body and his absence was noticed by many. Thursday started out horribly since they had DADA first thing but it was fairly smooth after that.-

The history of magic professor ranted on and on about the goblin wars and Professor Mcgonagall minded her own business after ensuring he could still do his work. Much like he was promised the turmoil finally ended late that very night and he slept like a rock as the mental fatigue of having constant mood shifts for three days caught up to him. Ron and Harry were actually worried he had died in his sleep when they woke up before him and even had to shake him hard to cause him to stir awake groggily.-

"Ugh , Thank merlin it's finally over." Nick said as he got out of bed. "Did you get taller?" Ron asked with a confused tone. Nick looked at him and noticed that he had in fact grown a couple inches and now had to look down a little to make eye contact. "Looks that way , let me tell you mate puberty sucks." Nick said with a tired grin. "Was that what was bothering you this whole time?" Harry asked confused. Nick nodded "yeah , something like that my emotions were all out of wack for the past three days , probably because of this growth spurt. Didn't want to bother anyone with it though so I avoid you all sorry about that." he said rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.-

"So long as you're fine now it's all roses." Ron said happy it wasn't something to do with them. "Yep , fit as a fiddle and twice as handsome." Nick said with a grin. Harry chuckled "yep you are back to normal." he said with a smile. They got dressed and headed to breakfast after that since Nick was slightly tired of living of the nearly tasteless lembas bread. The professors seemed pleased to see him back to normal minus a single one that looked disappointed.


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