Harry potter: the ring maker

Higher interest

Voldemort was very unhappy to see Nick fully recovered from whatever he was afflicted with as it meant the boy was still a threat to his rule. Even worse was that thanks to his clear targeting of the boy during class convincing Nick of joining him is pretty much gone so long as he remained in this body. The boy had already proven to be vengeful with his actions against Draco Malfoy both seen and not. Many people thought that the incident with the broom was an accident but Voldemort had seen it for himself through the memories of others.-

Nick had clearly shown hostility towards Draco during that incident and while he certainly was surprised by the way the broom in his hand reacted it was indeed his doing. Voldemort was one of the few people to figure out how wandless magic worked very early in his life thanks to his poor upbringing. Emotions were powerful things in magic and the boy's magic was clearly potent so it was little wonder that he performed accidental magic in this regard. Voldemort was also quite interested in Nick's ability to create artifacts despite never learning ancient runes.-

Modern day enchanting involved engraving runes onto an object and channeling very specific spells into the object. Nick clearly didn't do this in his creations which anyone familiar with artifacts would recognize. The boy claimed to be self taught but Voldemort was more willing to believe that he had instead found an ancient wizards inheritance as the alternative meant he was more talented than him , lord Voldemort which was simply impossible. Dumbledore meanwhile fully believed what Nick said as he was a master alchemist himself and as a result could see traces of the process in his creations.-

They were rough and unrefined but filled with potential , a scary amount of the stuff in fact even by his standards. Dumbledore could tell that Nick imprinted his own knowledge and will onto his creations while fueling the enchantments with the ambient magic. What he couldn't seem to figure out however was the method the boy used to accomplish this. At the surface this seemed like extremely high-level magic but when truly examined it's simplicity became apparent and this confused Dumbledore greatly. It thrilled him to learn that there was a whole different way to enchant things than anyone else knew.-

He didn't find it odd at all either since if there was one thing he knew from his long life of experience it was that magic was an infinite thing that seemed to truly have no end at all. 'Perhaps I may even be able to convince the boy to share his knowledge with me if my plan works out.' the old goat thought eagerly. Nick meanwhile was simply ravaging the food put on the table as he enjoyed the flavor of good food after not having any in three days. More than one person was unable to figure out how he ate so quickly without making a mess like Ron.-

After breakfast Nick grouped up with his friends and had to try and convince the girls why he had been strange for the last three days and even bribed them to let it go with a modified version of the sparks charm that created a green colored marble of fire. The spell was so horribly simple that Nick could modify it on the spot without much thought at all. After all the original spell required no hand motions and even could be cast with the incorrect pronunciation of the words.-

All Nick needed to do was figure out what hand movement to have and mess with the words to get a functional variant. In this case a circular twirl and the word "globus" after the base word "verdimillious". Honestly speaking this version of the charm was far better for attacking than it's base form as it was far more precise and hurt way more on impact. The spell was still not lethal of course unless you literally stuck your wand down someone's throat while casting it but then again a lot of harmless spells also fell into that category.-

Astronomy was once again a whole lot of cramming though admittedly the professor slowed down a bit now that they had most of the information they needed. Charms class was once again focused on the Lumos charm and Nick was conscripted by Flitwick to help teach again. Interestingly enough was that Neville had a new wand by this point showing that he took Nick's previous advice. He apparently got it over the weekend and had been nervous that he would still fail at everything afterwards. He hadn't had any trouble at all and had improved by leaps and bounds which helped his confidence considerably though he was still quite shy.


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