Harry potter: the ring maker

Hunting and profit

"AGLAD!" He spoke firmly and an arm thick bolt of electricity flew forth from the tip and struck the figure all while ever so briefly illuminating it's true appearance. It was a creature similar in appearance to that of a brown huntsman spider but the size of an adult man. The acromantula hissed in pain and seized up causing it to fall to the ground with a loud "THUD" but was clearly still alive. Nick hit it with another heavy dose of electricity followed by another and another before finally the thing appeared to die and curled up like normal spiders did after death.-

Nick was a firm believer in not taking gambles with his life however and with a wave of his wand transfigured thick metal chains out of the forest soil that tightly wrapped around the limbs of the acromantula. This proved wise as the spider immediately started to struggle in an attempt to break free after realizing that it's trick failed horribly. Nick scoffed at the beasts struggle as the chains he transfigured were made of tungsten and thus damn near impossible to brute force your way out of. Nick calmly pointed his wand at the monster and spoke but a single word six times in rapid succession , truly killing it.-

After that he stored the entire corpse minus the legs in Greed before quickly but carefully making his way back to the secret passage back to the school. The flag was still attached to the the tree so after canceling it he opened the hatch and officially ended his first trip into the forbidden forest. Unfortunately this hunt of his didn't go unnoticed by the centaurs living in the forest and the legs Nick had left behind were discovered by them.-

They decided to drop the matter there however since it was clear that whoever was in the forest was hunting acromantulas and the centaurs hated those spiders with a passion. In this particular case it was a simple matter of the trespassers goal suiting their purpose so they turned a blind eye to the broken rules. Nick wasn't aware of this and even if he was it made no difference since in the end it would change literally nothing besides maybe that he would use it to get closer to them in the future. After checking to make sure that professor Sprout wasn't nearby Nick left the greenhouse and reentered the castle.-

Another careful journey through the castle and he made it to the ROR and got a room set up specifically meant to be used to harvest the spider's parts. He had to be very careful when removing the organs or all of his hard work would be rendered pointless. First he used the tools provided by the room to remove the fangs and poison sacs. Then he used a special curved blade tool to separate the carapace of the body into two pieces without damaging the organs inside.-

Nick carefully pulled the top of the carapace away from the bottom while carefully making sure that no organs were stuck to it and then set it aside Then he started to slowly but methodically separate the organs from each other without bursting any of them. He stored the heart away in a special preservative potion before having the room conjure up a list of all the useful parts that he had left and preserving those as well. The final part was the silk producing organ and spinneret meant to use it. For this he used transfiguration to weave the fluid into a thin but strong non sticky thread which he then stored in Greed.-

This single spider gave him a single large spool of silk which wasn't enough to make a set of clothes but would certainly be perfect for fastenings or decorations. Nick directly incinerated the remaining parts of the spider that served no purpose for him before leaving the room and heading for the great hall after a quick tempus charm told him lunch was soon. He didn't take any short cuts in order to kill the last little bit of time before lunch and entered the great hall with a pleasant smile on his face since he was in a good mood.-

Harry and Ron greeted him as he sat down to eat and he returned the greeting happily. "Whats got you so cheerful?" Ron asked curiously. "I've just been having a good day is all." Nick said honestly. "If you say so , still got any plans for the rest of the weekend?" he asked calmly while stabbing a sausage with his fork. Got a bit of research I need to do but other than that I'm totally free." Nick said while grabbing a couple finger sandwiches.


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