Harry potter: the ring maker


"What sot of research?" Ron asked curiously. "Mind arts , occlumency , legilimency , confundus , stupefy and obliviate , that sort of thing. I suppose it should go without saying but the blood used to discern my heritage wasn't given freely and I'd like to prevent similar incidents." Nick said while making sure to keep his anger in check. He may have vented out his wrath with his revenge but that didn't make talking about the topic a calm affair. "Aye , that was a right foul thing to do on the headmasters part." Ron said seriously. No one found Nicks interest in the mind arts unusual considering the method Dumbledore used was pretty obvious.

Meanwhile in the Austrian mountains a single half destroyed castle stood almost seeming to be abandoned but the truth was far different. Dozens of powerful wards covered the area and an entire five man squad of elite aurors patrolled it seriously at all times. Despite this however there was only a single person who resided within the castles walls. An old man with heterochrome eyes and short neatly combed hair that failed to match the wild long beard that covered his lower face. The old man had narrow but not quite skeletal features and a sort of peaceful smile on his face at all times.

If Nick was here he would notice that despite the room the man was living in appearing comfortable not a single thing other than the man himself was magical. This didn't seem to bother the man however as he merely waved a narrow finger and the spoon in his tea cup stirred its contents gently before coming out and landing neatly on the napkin next to the cup. Soon one of the aurors walked into the room stone faced and carelessly tossed a copy of the daily prophet at the old man before leaving without a word.-

The paper struck the old friend harshly but his expression didn't change at all as if he was used to such behavior by now. Looking at the headline of the paper the man quirked an eyebrow in interest before reading the article curiously. Once he was done the smile on his face widened and he chuckled a dry and raspy sound due to not having spoken for a long period of time. "It seems you've angered a rather resourceful little fellow my old friend. How interesting!" the man spoke to no one but his dry raspy voice still seemed to linger in the air.-

"Perhaps I might pay this young man a visit , after all I am ever so bored at the moment and he seems rather amusing." the man mused out loud before laughing uproariously. The aurors heard the man's laughter from outside to castle and one of them asked frustrated "Why don't they just kill the monster rather than keep him locked up here where he might escape?" The auror leading the squad sighed hearing his team mates question.

"It's not that they don't want to kill him but rather that they can't since even with all these restriction he is still powerful enough to kill all of us easily." he explained seriously. "It is only due to a deal that Grindelwald has with Dumbledore that the man even sits here quietly without any trouble." The leader says darkly. "Then why are we needed?" the other auror asked angrily. "We are not here to make sure that Grindelwald doesn't escape , but to warn the rest of the world if he does." the leader says sternly and the entire squad has dark expressions hearing it but doesn't argue.-

"Then I suggest you be on your way then , unless you would rather waste your time here that is." an old raspy voice says calmly and all of the aurors look to the source of the voice in fear. There outside the castles only entrance or exit stood the old man with that same smile on his face. The squad of aurors all point their wands at the man shakily but with conviction. "Grindelwald! Return to the castle at once or prepare to face the consequences!" the leader yells sternly even though he is clearly afraid.-

"No , I don't think I will thank you." Grindelwald said before slowly fading away like a mirage and the aurors grew pale. With a heavy heart the leader takes a magical device out of his pocket that looked like a fragile crystal orb and tossed it on the ground shattering it. In the office of the Austrian minister of magic a middle aged heavy set woman with brown hair and eyes froze in shock as the sound of a crystal shattering filled her office. Her hopes of it being an illusion were dashed as she turned to look at a particular place in her office and saw that a certain failsafe device had been activated and she knew , Grindelwald was free.


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