Harry potter: the ring maker

Dumbledore’s interest

Nick packed up the book and headed for dinner since he didn't feel like skipping out on the delicious food. For him it was a normal meal but for the teachers is was an odd situation as Dumbledore questioned the teachers who had Nick in class today how he fared. Madam Hooch and professor Sinistra both explained their observations of him with Madam Hooch in particular mentioning that he showed an extraordinary talent in flying. She cited each of the unusual instances involving the broom that he had including how it malfunctioned in such a manner as to break Malfoys nose.-

Dumbledore was surprised to hear this and remembered the unusual wand Nick possessed and it's core and wondered if that may be the reason for this particular incident. The old man had no doubts about Nicks talent as he had proven it over and over again but it was hard to pin down his personality without probing his mind for details. So far Nick had proven to be both cunning and loyal but he had also shown a sharp temper as well with vicious mockery and rule exploitation to get his way.-

The headmaster had always seen the events from an outside perspective through the minds of those involved but he was willing to admit a heavy reluctance to try and probe the boys mind again after the events of the previous attempt. Dumbledore had trouble sleeping for weeks after that incident as he was haunted by the scenes shown to him. There was one person however at the professors table who was cursing mentally at all the attention Nick was getting , Voldemort. Originally he had assumed that Dumbledore was only interested in Nick to keep the boy from following his own path but at this point he realized that was only part of the truth.-

The old wizard was genuinely curious about the boy for some reason and actively sought out information on him. This was a problem for Voldemort as it meant that the boy was beyond his grasp at the moment since it would draw unwanted attention if something happened to the boy. This made him unhappy but he could only decide to post pone any plans on the boy until summer break when he had a new body from stealing the philosophers stone this year. Nick meanwhile was stuffing his face with various protein rich foods cleanly.-

This was very much unlike Ron who's face was stained with grease and other things from his messy way of eating. 'I wonder if the elves know how to make ramen? I should check this weekend since I'll have time.' Nick thought suddenly having a craving for seafood ramen. Surprisingly enough there was no seafood available at the feast which was a shame to Nick as he loved the stuff. Once the meal was over and Nick had refilled his desert stash he went to bed since he had a interesting day tomorrow with transfiguration after DADA and history of magic.-

Unlike the rest of his classes Nick knew with absolute certainty that he was talented at transfiguration since the words "Supreme Transfiguration" were included in his wands description. The problem he had instead was that he wasn't quite sure how far he could push it before Mcgonagall get irritated at him showing off. 'Do I only turn the match into a simple silver needle or turn it into Damascus? Is that also too far or should I give it designs as well?' Nick wondered as he went to sleep. "I see you are acclimating yourself to your surroundings before forging again , good." a certain elf said in the dream.-

"Perhaps if I myself had done so rather than falling prey to my own pride things wouldn't have ended for me as they did." He said with a melancholy sigh before the dream ended and Nick woke up at dawn once again. 'Did he just show up just because he could or is there actually a reason behind it?' Nick wondered confused since the elf only spoke two sentences before the dream ended. Nick cracked open his "ancient" book to continuing reading while making sure it's contents were out of view in case someone else got up within the next hour.-

One such person did indeed show up in the form of a Bushy haired brunette who looked very unhappy to see him. She couldn't leave however as curfew wasn't over until seven when breakfast started so she had to sit in the common room angrily. She did try to see what he was reading but Nick was having none of that since she was rather irritatingly competitive and might try and figure out what language it was written in. That would be understandably bad for Nick and as a result he simply refused to let her see what he was reading.


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