Chapter 139: Breaking Point
Amelia Bones walked through the Auror Headquarters on her way to the holding cells, she was looking forward to the look on Fudge's face when she informed him the resolution for his extradition had passed late last night. She decided to finally let Moody know that Sirius and Harry survived the attack; the five and three quarter months of misplaced guilt was long enough. She wanted her former employees to know what the American President had promised as well.
"Good morning," she said, "I have news that affects the five of you."
""What news?"
"You will be extradited tomorrow at eleven thirty a.m."
"They can't! The Americans will order us executed!" Dawlish cried out.
"They can, they are, and you should have thought of that before you blindly followed Fudge's orders. But relax Dawlish, I've spoken to the Americans and you are not likely to face the death penalty. Trent the same goes for you and Williams. Moody I can't offer you and Fudge the same assurances."
"That's alright Amelia. If I'd have done what was right, and thought instead of emoting I wouldn't be in this mess."
"I wanted to tell you though, Harry survived the attack as did Sirius."
"How? They took two sectumsempra curses and not even I know the counter."
"I don't know, I'm afraid. I've been so busy with trying to straighten out all the problems created by the shit for brains that calls himself candy over there. I haven't really had the chance to read through the reports, not that the information coming from the other side of the pond is very plentiful to begin with.
"How dare you insult me Amelia!" Fudge spouted indignantly.
"Easily you brainless twit! I'm very much looking forward to what the Americans will do to you for ordering the attack." She said with a sardonic smile.
Albus sat in the Headmaster's office and thought. The last six months had ripped his influence in half. Many of the influential families that had followed his lead no longer did so, he still had a good following in the working class wizarding society. He was frustrated because of all the changes to his influence the Wizengamot had instituted. He no longer could use the seats the Potters held on boards and in the Wizengamot those seats now sat empty. How could he do this, the magical world would be in a world of trouble when Voldemort returned. He wished he knew how Voldemort had managed it. perhaps if he'd been able to study Harry,he might have had clues enough to know why it was the the back fire of the Avada Kedavra curse didn't kill him. Albus wasn't certain how he knew, but he was sure if only because of Severus' Dark Mark that Voldemort wasn't dead.
The changes the Queen wanted affected more than just the Wizengamot. If he followed the dictates of that woman, Hogwarts would be very different. But how to fool the oversight committee? Could he? The lack of reasoning skills and gullibility of the British wizarding society worked to make them believe what they were told. He was perfectly happy having Binns teaching history, the population's ignorance of rights and government worked in his favor. How to win back his influence? Who were the most financially powerful in the British magical world?
The Malfoys, the Blacks, the Potters, the Duc de Sable, the Greengrasses, and the Ogdens; well the first three he wouldn't be able to influence but the last three…
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