Harry Potter: A Different Sirius

Chapter 138: A Delicate Balance

Rufus breathed a sigh of relief as he left the main Wizengamot chamber. He really hadn't wanted to go down in history as being the Minister of Magic when the Statue of Secrecy was broken. He was confused that Albus had managed to gather a block of votes and had been so against the extradition. He was just thankful that last week the Wizengamot decided the votes that would one day belong to Harry Potter had been put into abeyance ending the dispute that had lasted since the fiasco of the attack. No one got to vote them, otherwise today's close vote would have not passed. According to the Potter wills Sirius Black was indeed the Boy-Who-Lived's guardian. But there was still the matter of overturning the trial, if he walked down Diagon Alley and queried the average British witch or wizard they would still say that Black was a disciple of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. There would have to be a large very public trial and as much as Rufus hated it, that trial would undoubtably leave the backside of the British Ministry hanging in a breeze similar to the ones that came in a blizzard.

As he walked to his office he got an idea, what if he invited all of the ICW to England on the British galleon and they could oversee the retrial under the eye of the international media, that would help ease the near strangulation of the current sanctions. It would probably take two months to organize it all and getting the Wizengamot to pass the budget… Such a thing would be required and would be as difficult as getting them to pass on today's resolution of extradition if not even more difficult. But if he approached the right people…


Augusta Longbottom quietly finished the paperwork from the Wizengamot meeting that day so she and Rufus could hand off the prisoners the day after tomorrow. She heard a noise near the door to her office. "Yes, Neville?"

"Bad dream, why were you so late Gran?"

"Wizengamot business I'm afraid. Sorry if you feel I've been neglecting you."

"S'okay. I know what you're doing is important."

"Yes well, I'm trying to make sure things will be better for you and your children. But you're important too, Neville. I was hoping that next weekend the worst of this Wizengamot business will be settled so we can finally find time to visit your parents."

"That would be nice, can you talk about what's happening?"

"Well the Wizengamot has finally passed the resolution to extradite the five men that caused all the international problems. We have a few more resolutions to pass and then hopefully the worst of this will be over."

"Why is it so hard?"

"Lots of reasons, Neville. There are many people that have to work together to have laws be made. Unfortunately the Queen's dictates haven't been well received by everyone. Certain people that have been using money and personal influence to control the way things are done here in the United Kingdom and are very reluctant to change, because they want to continue to do things the way they have always been done. As result they are fighting change for everything they are worth."

"I don't like them. They are making things harder for everyone, and making it that you don't have time for me!"

"To be frank Neville, I don't like them much either. They have bent laws for their own benefit for years, now the chickens have come home to roost and they think they can stop the consequences by burying their heads in the sand." She sighed, when she wasn't here it was mostly Neville and the house elves, Neville spent most of his time with Gus the elf in charge of the green houses. "Perhaps we can arrange for you and Susan Bones to have some time together ."

"That could be fun maybe she'd have a new letter from Harry with pictures. The pictures from his China trip that she shared were amazing."

"Neville maybe you should ask Susan if she would share his address, that way you could know him and be a friend to him if he returns to England before his majority. And you could be getting letters of your own."

"I'll ask night Gran."

"Goodnight and sleep tight Neville." Augusta wondered for the hundredth time if taking the position of Chief Witch had been the correct choice. Poor Neville was so painfully shy and seemed so weak magically, only one bout of accidental magic in eight years. Of course had Augusta not had the gall bladder attack and been in bed Algie wouldn't have had the opportunity to drop Neville out the third story window. She still wanted to throttle him for that, but he was one of those people that believed better dead than a squib. Had Neville died that day, there would have been two murders committed, Neville's and Algie's. But maybe getting the opportunity to become friends with the young Lord Potter if only by mail would be good for Neville. He would be able to present himself well on paper it was mainly in person that Neville's awkwardness was readily apparent. In most ways Neville was acceptable as heir to the Longbottom family. He was intelligent, hard working and had a better than average grasp of politics mostly due to her own interest she supposed. Once he trained to get the most from his limited magic he would probably do the family proud, never as well as Frank, but still Neville would do well.


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