Guild Wars

Chapter 960 Shuangtian Returns! (1/2)

Once she thought of this, Shuangtian felt the incomparably vast and majestic power of the World Will descend upon her.

「System to Player Announcement

Origin Being Shuangtian, I am the Will of the Eternal World.

You have completed the task set by myself quite quickly and more efficiently than expected, similar to origin being Draco and Eva, but you were far wiser and more cultured in doing so. This is commendable, but with this your time in the Eternal World has come to an end and you must return to the digital world you hail from.

Due to the calibration of  the time axis from the previous visit of Origin being Draco and Origin being Eva, time has actually flowed at a 1:1 ratio between both realms. So when you are returned, exactly 5 days should have passed just as you spent here.

You, Like the two before you, have gained the right to access partial eternal powers in the digital universe you came from by passing my trial, but you cannot progress further than that without making your digital plane an eternal world fragment as I told the other two.

While you were ascending and absorbing the epiphany granted you, the various powers of this plane tried to harm you, but you took steps to protect yourself and your safety, which was commendable. Even the Plane Lord of the Xia Dynasty, Li Chunsan, attempted to kill you had it not been for my interference.

You can do whatever you will with this information.

Now, you shall be sent back to your plane within the next minute, so choose your next actions wisely.」

Shuangtian eyes narrowed when she read that she had almost been attacked by the Plane Lord of this trash plane. She swore to go and report his actions to Draco and Eva so that they would help her get revenge!

After being locked in that room for the entirety of her childhood she had long decided that anyone that crossed her was an enemy worse than evil itself, and she would do anything in her power to get back at them.

Meanwhile, the Plane Lord, Li Chunsan, was released by the World Will and he sighed with relief. Sensing that Shuangtian was done with whatever she wad doing, there was no point in attacking her now since he could detect and spatial warp gathering around her.

It meant that the World Will was about to send her away, which was what he wanted anyway. Otherwise, he probably couldn't stop himself from smashing her into paste to prevent any accidents.

Suddenly, the fellow grabbed his chest and spat out a thick mouthful of black blood. His face was filled with shock, horror and endless fear.

"You trash World Will, you told her! My fate has been cut off in the near future!"

At his level of power, one could sense their own fate and lifespan, and he could tell that he would suffer extreme pain before dying miserably to foes he could not hope to match, ending the path of his life.

It was simple enough to do the mental calculations and know the cause as well as the effect, so he could tell where things went wrong. Immediately, he disappeared from where he was and appeared above Shuangtian on the plane.

Without another word, he sent down a giant palm full of all his power, aiming to crush her to death at once!

Shuangtian looked up and saw him and her face filled with coldness and hatred. She directly did the taboo and burned all her endless bloodline energy and threw a giant fist with it raw.

When the two energy attack collided, Li Chunsan was actually suppressed slightly and forced back a little, filling him with shock. After all, how could he know that when Draco, Eva or Shuangtian used raw bloodline energy without converting it into their branches, the Eternal Power was rated at 100?

In fact, that was even why they had both Eternal Power and Limit at 100, because of the potent and endless bloodline energy, not the bloodline branches or tree itself.

After all, those branches as well as the entire tree were only as strong as the amount of energy one could squeeze in, which was why the whole thing about efficiency was relevant.

Li Chunsan could only watch with a pale face as Shuangtian disappeared. His teeth chattered with fear because he sensed his fate became longer, but was filled with far more pain in the newly added interval.

How cruel was this bitch to torture him for so long just for this small thing?!

"No, I can't sit here and wait to die, I have to live!" Li Chunsan roared in his heart. He left the plane and rushed to other nearby planes to sacrifice benefits in order to recruit as many powerhouses and fellow plane lords to help him as possible.

But will it truly make a difference? Hehe.


Shuangtian appeared in the Private Room of the Rank 7 Guild Hall's Training Hall once more and she felt the suppression Draco and Eva did. She unwillingly sealed herself as well, and checked her new class details.

「System to Player Announcement

Calculating potential stat allocation… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Drafting potential class skills… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Assessing current player physique… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Inspecting class equipment… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Corroborating possible techniques… 」

「System to Player Announcement

Predicting potential class paths… 」

「System to Player Announcement

New class analysis complete. Display?

Y/N 」

Obviously she chose yes, as she didn't do all of that just to flex her muscles.

「Primordial Eternal - Semi-Eternal Class

Skills: Eternal Strength - Rank 1 (Passive), Eternal Speed - Rank 1 (Passive), Eternal Endurance - Rank 1 (Passive), Eternal Intelligence - Rank 1 (Passive), Eternal Spirit - Rank 1 (Passive), Eternal Luck - Rank 1 (Passive).

Starting Stats: Str 200, Dex 200, End 200, Int 200, Spr 200, Cha 200, Lck 200

Exp gain rate: 0.001%

Rank Up difficulty: Unknown

Class weapons: All

Class skills: Any Power/Strength, Regeneration/Defense, Summoning, Elemental and Eternal.」

「Eternal Strength (Rank 1) – Passive skill

Effect: As a being that has touched the level above Origin… etc.

Currently, you have a 40,000% boost to Strength.」

「Eternal Speed (Rank 1) – Passive skill

Effect: As a being that has touched the level above Origin… etc.

Currently, you have a 40,000% boost to Dexterity.」

「Eternal Endurance (Rank 1) – Passive skill

Effect: As a being that has touched the level above Origin… etc.

Currently, you have a 40,000% boost to Endurance.」

「Eternal Intelligence (Rank 1) – Passive skill

Effect: As a being that has touched the level above Origin… etc.

Currently, you have a 40,000% boost to Intelligence.」

「Eternal Spirit (Rank 1) – Passive skill

Effect: As a being that has touched the level above Origin… etc.

Currently, you have a 40,000% boost to Spirit.」

「Eternal Luck (Rank 1) – Passive skill

Effect: As a being that has touched the level above Origin… etc.

Currently, you have a 40,000% boost to Luck.」

Shuangtian saw that she had the same base skills as Draco and Eva, which left her satisfied. She looked at the kinds of skills she could learn and noted that she could definitely easily get Elemental and Summoning skills.

Even Power and Regeneration types were easy enough to get.

However, she understood why Draco and Eva didn't use too many of their skills nor acquired new ones because Boundless was the perfect training ground to freely use their bloodline and train up their Eternal Control.

Anyway, now that the Class Up was done and dusted, it was time to link up with her family and boast about her hard work. However before she could take a step, a portal opened beside her and Draco and Eva stepped out.

When Shuangtian saw them, her eyes misted over as she rushed to hug the two. It had just been five days, but it was almost like eternity without being near her two most beloved people ever.

Draco and Eva were also emotional and soft-hearted but began to scream as Shuangtian cracked all their bones in her tight hug, her physical strength breaking through any defense they had.

Shuangtian hurriedly let them go and blushed. "Sorry, I forgot my own strength."

So she said, while Draco and Eva hopped about with their bones facing every direction and their bodies looking like a cartoon character smashed by a falling safe…

Eventually the Evil Duo repaired themselves and coughed to pretend like that never happened. Then their eyes lit up as they sensed Shaungtian's soul related power.

Eva immediately established a connect and their souls, not just minds, connected. Shuangtian also used this chance to copy the brand/mark Draco and Eva shared onto herself, making her both Draco and Eva's destined soulmate.

As of today, the Evil Duo had forever become the Evil Trio!

Draco and Eva also began the extensive interfacing with Shuangtian, which was much more intimate and in-depth than when Eva handed her memories, If the memory transfer was in third-person, then the interfacing was in first-person.

By the time they were done, Draco and Eva aces were filled with coldness.

"Hmph, that Plane Lord will die a thousand times for his actions. Don't worry Shaung'er, we'll have a way to sneak to the Eternal World soon!" Eva swore coldly.

Shuangtian was comforted by that and knew what they were talking about. Due to the copied brand and interface, she also had partial control of the Fragmented Desert Plane.

The only thing she didn't have that Draco and Eva did was the half of the Origin of their universe. That wasn't something that could be easily shared, at least, not at their current stage.

"Now that you're done with your Class Up, its time for us to begin our next Unique Quest. Come, lets go to where everyone is gathered and get ready to explore the Vault of the Deep!" Draco announced majestically.

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