Guild Wars

Chapter 959 Sweeping Li City - End

Approximately 5 days later…

Shuangtian sighed as she lay in a pool within her villa. She was fully naked, but not worried as she knew that by now no power or force would dare monitor or peek on her.

Her actions these past 5 days had put endless fear in them and even the City Lord was filled with trepidation at the idea of dealing with her.

She had even gained a little moniker for herself, the Golem Queen. This was because, despite the warning from the Merchant's House, many powers had still dared to use their most secret means to monitor her while she was on missions.

When they had seen her summon a wave of endless Eternal Golems to crush all her foes to death in the missions she took on, they had finally fled and hadn't dared to come back.

Funny enough, the warning from the Merchant's House then became a guarantee that Shuangtian was not interested in playing with them, which reassured them. It's amusing, because they went from feeling offended that she'd dare warn them to grateful that she did.

This was the effect of power.

Shuangtian kicked her legs in the water and her buoyant chest couldn't help but shake. If anyone got to see this sight that was even better than Zaine or Hikari, forget pitching a tent, their dongers would directly fly off like rockets and take to the moon!

She also had another moniker, this one from the Mercenaries Pavilion specifically. It was the Mission Demoness.

The amount of Eternal missions she alone had completed in the span of these few days were enough to clear the backlog of the Li City area for up to 300 years. If we're talking hard work and efficiency, then she had likely set a new record in the entire Xia Dynasty.

It wasn't that the Eternals of the various branches were lazy, but they only had one life and couldn't respawn like Shuangtian. Not only that, they didn't need to gather exp to level up quickly, this was their bloody home.

Also, they didn't have 100 Eternal Power and Limit to make into an Omnipotent God, only limited to a fraction of their power due to low Eternal Control.

There were many reasons why they didn't act with such craziness and fervor. Shuangtian was an outlier and would continue to be for a long time. However by this point, she didn't much care about the chaos she had caused as well as the reactions of the various parties.

Because she had achieved her goal!

「Name: Shuangtian

Eternal Talent: Chaotic Eternal Bloodline, Unity of Body and Soul.

Eternal Class: Chaotic Eternal Bloodline

Level: 10 (10 Unallocated Eternal Points)

Exp: 100/100

Power level: Weak


Eternal Power: 100

Eternal Control: 1.55

Eternal Limit: 100


Eternal Skills: None

Eternal Items: None」

She had reached level 10 and was ready to enjoy the feeling of reaching the top in one step! She already had the memories of Draco and Eva, so she knew how the process would go and how to control it for maximum benefits.

More impressively though, she had used a shorter time than Draco and Eva to raise her Eternal Control by 1.51 points! There were various reasons for this jump, like the aforementioned memory advantage, the fact that unlike Draco and Eva who were two, she was alone, among other things.

As at the time of leaving the Fragmented Desert World, Draco and Eva had 11.97 Eternal Control. There was no way to measure in Boundless or Earth, but it was likely that the months of usage saw them pass 12 points at least.

This would ensure that Shuangtian wouldn't be too far behind them when she came out. This was what was most important to her and why she had trained so hard.

She was already lacking in many things compared to the Evil Duo and definitely did not want the gap to widen further.

Now that she was calm, she finished her relaxing bath and exited the pool. She first dressed, wearing her usual brownish-gold Jade Empress robe that had the Five-Clawed Divine Dragon on it.

She then took to the air and blasted out of Li City, startling everyone once more with her brazenness, but this time no one dared to investigate as they knew who it was.

Shuangtian checked her map of the realm and found the most barren part of the land. She had passed there yesterday to inspect and clear all the threats for hundreds of kilometers around.

Now, after about 6 hours of flying, which allowed her to pass hundreds of thousands of kilometers at her current speed, she came to a stop and landed in a relatively barren piece of land.

She summoned hundreds of Golems out to patrol the area and the pressure of them just existing caused the air to warp. Satisfied, Shuangtian made like Draco and Eva by digging a hole in the ground using her Earth Control and going in.

She then sat cross-legged and allocated her unspent Eternal Points to Eternal Control. The moment she did so, a huge wave of power landed on her as the World Will began to assist her in comprehending her power.

While this was happening, the Plane Lord was alerted and his face changed drastically. He wanted to teleport over and see what was going on when the World Will confronted him and bound him in place, causing him to roar with rage.

The Eternals of the entire Xia Dynasty Plane also felt like thunder had sounded in their ears, and their biological instinct told them to rush over and stop Shuangtian before she ascended to a new level of power.

However, the closest blokes were all the way at Li City and even at Shuangtian's speed, it would take hours to get here. She only needed a few minutes to finish her comprehension.

Only the Plane Lord could move freely on the Plane, but he was locked up and filled with hate. He too wanted to disrupt Shuangtian and capture her for experimentation, but the opposition of the World Will scared and infuriated him.

Just who was she to deserve such favor from this usually cold and impartial thing?!

The thing was, by doing this the Plane Lord had already slightly offended Shuangtian, so it was best to end her now before she grew up and could become a threat to him.

However, he was comforted by the fact that Shuangtian shouldn't know of his actions, so everything was fine.

On Shuangtian's side, she completed her comprehension and breathed out lightly. When she opened her eyes, a brownish beam of light fired out and caused space to crack before her.

She glanced at her fist and had a solemn expression.

"So this is the power of the bloodline…"

Like Draco and Eva, she had a gross total of 13 Branches unlocked, at varying levels of power. The new 10 she unlocked were;

Mass, Gravity, War, Law, Soul, Dao, Digital, Wave, Truth and Aura.

These branches came with a variety of interesting powers and focuses.

Mass allowed Shuangtian to control the literal mass in her body and morph her body into any shape she wanted. She could also absorb the mass of all living things into her body to increase her power in this regard.

(Author's Note: basically the same power from the Prototype games.)

Gravity was self-explanatory and Shuangtian was happy to discover this because it wallowed her to match Draco and Eva's Space and Time. After all, Gravity was affected by Space and Time but also affected Space and Time.

War was a branch that was mostly spiritual in nature in that it was a sort of Berserk group buff. Anyone Shuangtian wanted to empower would receive severe boosts to damage and defense, without losing their minds. Also, she was like Emiya and Gilgamesh in that she could just drag you into a fake battlefield and pour down every weapon archetype onto your head.

Law was straightforward, it was basically the much coveted and much loved ability to use Words of Power. This was a speech/thought/written type power where Shuangtian made a declaration and the world would make it happen. For a price of course, but infinite energy negated that price. The downside though, was every time she used this, she would fragment the origin of whichever universe she was in slightly.

Soul was also straightforward, the ability to control and manipulate souls. Soul Reading, Soul Enslavement, etc. Shuangtian could finally have something akin to psychic powers like the Evil Duo, and this branch would allow her to join their permanent 'interface' by branding their mark onto her own soul.

Dao was obviously related to cultivation and immortality. It was inevitable that Shuangtian would unlock a branch like this given Pangu's origins and legends, and it worked mostly passively. She could accumulate endless power through studying the laws of the universe and absorbing spiritual energy created by stars and celestial bodies onto planets.

Digital was surprising, originating from a cyber race that had attacked the Gerdo Galaxy humans. Shuangtian could transform herself into a Pseudo-AI and enter any digital stream, or create a child AI to do that for her. She was basically a hacker girl now, and Draco and Eva's tech guy behind the scenes. However, cough cough, this did not come with the IQ and computing power of an AI, so it would depend on her own capabilities to process information.

This was not to say that she was dumb, given that she had Tier 5 Control and all… but yeah.

The Child AI did not have such weaknesses.

Wave was basically the ability to control waves, or better yet, vibration. Light waves, heat waves, sound waves, mind waves, all kinds of waves could be toyed with by Shuangtian, but the essence was to make them vibrate rather than manifest them or their elements. So no, Shuangtian could not create light, heat or sound or control the elements, but she could use the waves that they emitted for her own purposes.

Truth was so far the most unique and fearsome branch Shuangtian gained, and the one she had the least control over. It had nothing to do with controlling others or seeing through illusions or identifying all objects, but rather allowed her to enforce and verify truths. In other words, she was a living contract, and could act as a spiritual enforcer if two parties made a binding oath in her name.

Then there was Aura. It was not the type seen in HxH which was essentially condensed life energy, nor was it the one from DBZ which was a manifestation of uncontrollable/excess Ki. It was the type from most eastern takes of Western Fantasy, a martial sort of energy that one could cultivate that stems from a mixture of experience, willpower and physical prowess.

Shuangtian noted these details down and then checked her concentration of Eternal Control in all these branches.

Elemental Golem Queen - 2.44 Eternal Control - 76% efficiency

Titan Goddess - 2.42 Eternal Control - 75% efficiency

Barbarian Empress - 2.42 Eternal Control - 75% efficiency

Dao - 0.98 Eternal Control - 30% efficiency

Mass - 0.94 Eternal Control - 29% efficiency

Gravity - 0.87 Eternal Control - 26% efficiency

Soul - 0.39 Eternal Control - 18% efficiency

Aura - 0.33 Eternal Control - 15% efficiency

Digital - 0.25 Eternal Control - 9% efficiency

War - 0.24 Eternal Control - 9% efficiency

Wave - 0.23 Eternal Control - 9% efficiency

Law - 0.19 Eternal Control - 8% efficiency

Truth - 0.04 Eternal Control - 1% efficiency

Unlike Draco and Eva who spread their Eternal Control somewhat evenly between all those they had, Shuangtian decided to focus on her strengths and preserve her weaknesses.

So a lot of Eternal Control went into the top 3, while the rest were shared downwards as best as she could. Whatever the case, as long as she had them unlocked, they were usable and they would eventually also become familiar with her.

Now that she was done, it was finally time to return to Boundless.

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