Guild Wars

Chapter 1090 Meeting The God Sealer

Knowing that Shuangtian was willing to actually legitimate and officiate this issue, Draco and Eva understood that there was no chance to run anymore. Shuangtian's Truth Branch allowed her to not only make contracts but also enforce them. 

Currently her Eternal Control over that branch was pretty low, so she only had access to the most basic ability within which was the Direct Contract. 

The Direct Contract was pretty much like the name implies, two parties would officiate a contract in her presence with her actively channeling her bloodline ability to seal it. 

The universe would then bear witness and be the record holder. If both parties were weaker than Shuangtian, they would be compelled to follow the terms without her having to do anything. 

In the case of someone with high power, standing or will breaking the rules they would be punished by Shuangtian depending on the terms of the contract. She didn't actively need to do anything, her Bloodline Energy would be deducted and something terrible would happen to the person who broke the contract. 

Shuangtian stood over Draco and Eva. The two somewhat reluctantly made the oaths, feeling a sort of binding force fall upon their souls. 

Now there was no going back, so there was no point in fighting anymore. Draco and Eva shakily rose to their feet and began healing their injuries while glancing at each other silently. 

Well, this was awkward… 

However, Shuangtian didn't feel that way. She glanced at Draco and folded her arms with a raised eyebrow. 

"And? Aren't you going to release that harlot now? Don't think I have forgotten what started all this." 

Draco's expression became ugly. He had indeep hoped that she might gloss over this matter after their loss and acceptance of her rules. Clearly, there was no avoiding this. 

He dawdled and seemed like he wasn't going to do anything, which caused Shuangtian's and even Eva's faces to darken. Just because she also lost didn't mean that she was going to let this matter go. 

Seeing his two Soulmates growing hostile, his teeth began to ache. Sigh, this was the only downside to holding two supreme beauties in either hand who were of the same power as him, he couldn't bully them as easily as before! 

"Alright, alright, I'll do it once we're back on Earth. First, let us deal with the spectator shall we?" Draco replied quickly. 

The eyes of the trio then turned to the area where Anubesetesh was floating. It wasn't as if the Tomegamon King had been trying to hide himself. It would be rude for him to overestimate the power of the three and as someone who had ruled his species for countless millenia he was someone who paid attention to etiquette. 

As such, when he was called out, he only smiled and floated over towards the Evil Trio calmly. The three of them were stunned by the biology of the Tomegamon. 

If a Werewolf could be likened to a common mortal by the street, then a Tomegamon would be the same as an emperor of its people. However, this particular fellow was a step above and resembled a god! 

It even felt like an insult to compare the two species, but this was the only point of comparison for the Evil Trio given their origins. 

However, more than his physiology and biology, what stunned them was his power which was clearly at the Grandmaster level of Eternals! 

What! How could this be?! 

The Evil Trio were dismayed. They shared uncertain looks while Anubesetesh glanced around and then landed before them, nodding to each of them. 

"I, Anubesetesh the God Sealer, greet you, my fellow Eternals." He spoke in a mature and aged voice filled with vicissitudes yet still contained limitless power and energy. 

Draco smiled back. "I, Draco Morningstar the Abyssal Prime, greet you, esteemed Anubesetesh." 

"I, Eva Reiwa Morningstar the Celestial Prime, greet you, esteemed Anubesetesh." Eva responded after glancing at Draco. 

"I, Shuangtian Ao Morningstar the Primordial Eternal, greet you, esteemed Anubesetesh." Shuangtian greeted with a slight fling of her sleeves. 

Anubesetesh seemed satisfied by their etiquette and coughed as he told him why he had come here. "I embarked on an extraordinary journey from the far reaches of the universe, with the intention of meeting you. Imagine my astonishment when I discovered you here, lightyears away from your home planet. I had longed to pay my respects and extend my greetings, but as fate would have it, I stumbled upon the three of you amidst a fierce battle and couldn't resist the urge to observe." 

"Oh? Did you notice something wrong then?" Draco asked with interest. 

Anubesetesh hesitated. "Yes. Without any offense to you all, I have to say that your power is extremely grand and fearsome to the point of more than moderately surpassing mine, but your technique and efficiency… it's painful to look at." 

Anubesetesh initially expected them to be unhappy, but the three of them shared a look and smiled. 

"There's no need to mince words. We're aware of this issue firsthand. Back on our homeworld, we have to limit our power due to its greatness in order not to suppress it into oblivion." Eva revealed with a sigh. 

Anubesetesh gasped. "Oh, that must be terrible. I do hope I am not presumptuous, but I find that the talent of you three is astounding and I would like to spend some time assisting you in bettering your control over your power. Is this fine with you?" 

The trio were overjoyed and nodded. "Not a problem, we'd be happy to learn from someone of your skill. However, before that, I must ask why you came from the outskirts to this area of the universe?" 

Anubesetesh smile waned and he wore a serious expression. "For that, I would have to explain a bit more. However, I can say that it is because I sensed a very powerful burst of Abyssal and Celestial Origin Power coming from this area." 

This startled the Evil Trio and they became pensive. Draco smiled in the end and slashed the air beside him, creating a portal. 

"We can talk more on our homeworld. Allow us to welcome you there as an esteemed guest." 

Eva and Shuangtian smiled and walked inside, returning to Earth while Anubesetesh nodded and followed. He was quite surprised by the smoothness and distance of Draco's spatial abilities. 

He also possessed an exceptional mastery of spatial magic, a formidable and potent force primarily focused on combat rather than interstellar travel. Otherwise, he would have effortlessly traversed the vast expanse to reach this destination instead of undertaking the arduous journey by flight. 

Draco was the last to come through, and when he did, he closed the portal behind him. Currently, they were back in the underground bunker of Nathan Rothschild where the core members remained frozen in Time and Space. 

Shuangtian and Eva glanced at Draco at the same time, causing him to sigh and wave a hand. Immediately a portal opened up that spat out the time frozen Maria who was still unaware that she had been captured by Shadowheart and still thought she was seated beside Nathan. 

Seeing that he had actually stuck to his word and gave her up with no more trouble, Shuangtian and Eva's expression softened greatly. They collected Maria as Eva snapped her finger and resumed Time. 

The core members jerked back into action and glanced at the Evil Trio with weird looks. They were aware that ime had been stopped but could not move, much like being able to see ghosts but not interact with them. 

They did not see them fight but since they had seen them quarreling before they left, it was easy enough to figure that they had to have left the planet to come to a conclusion. Why else would they have left them in that state for three weeks? 

They were not stupid and could tell that something had happened and a winner had been decided. Seeing Draco give up Maria with a defeated expression, they couldn't help but glance at Shuangtian and Eva with admiration. 

At the end of the day, the fate of the universe and the willpower to stop tyranny relied on the lady bosses! 

Seeing their gazes, Shuangtian held her head high while Eva blushed awkwardly. After all, she technically lost too… 

Shuangtian then glanced at Draco after taking Maria back. "Don't you think you owe Connor an apology?" 

Draco sighed and nodded. He stood before Conner and patted his shoulder lightly. "It's a long story which I can tell you another time, but, believe it or not, just as you've suffered in the hands of Maria, I have been blessed by her." 

"These feelings selfishly caused me to neglect your own and act like the lesser man. Fort that, I sincerely apologize. There's no need to act less on my behalf. Dole out whatever punishment you deem she has deserved for her actions." 

Draco glanced at Maria and his eyes seemed to contain a sense of distance. "In the first place, she isn't the Maria I care about, and the one I care about likely won't care about her." 

Shadowheart stroked his goatee with a smile. "I was wondering why you acted the way you did. It's good to see you're still the man I respect, Brother Draco." 

Shadowheart glanced at Maria, but just like from the moment he first saw her, there was no hate in his eyes. He simply stared at the woman who was still in frozen in time, unaware that her fate had been decided. 

His eyes became slightly distant. "Did you know that when she lit my family home on fire that my parents perished? Not because of the flames, but because they rescued me. At that time, I had not yet awakened my bloodline fully and did not have any real training since they didn't plan for me to be a fighter." 

Shadowheart glanced at Fyre with a smile. "They loved peace and hated fighting, which was why they had left the Lineage and moved to the Central Country in the first place." 

"Sadly, they were forced to hone their combat abilities because they soon learned that the Pangu bastards were hunting down scattered nuclear families that had separated from the Lineage one by one… uh, no offense Miss Ao." 

Shuangtian shook her head. "None taken." 

Shadowheart continued. "However, it was ironic that they didn't die in a valiant fight against the Pangu Lineage but to normal people, criminals even. When I carried the corpses of my parents from the debris and fled, I was filled with pain and hate." 

"But most of the hate was directed at myself. How stupid of me to indulge in a woman like this. Had I been wiser, they would have lived. What did I gain from it but some mere physical gratification?" 

Shadowheart shook his head. "Were it the me from that year, I would have killed in her current state, but time dulls all pains. It helped me mature and I managed to unlock my bloodline future and carve some living space in society. After a few years, the hatred from the death of my parents mostly subsided and became a lesson to me." 

Shadowheart then grabbed Maria from the ground and tossed her over his shoulder. "So why do I still want revenge? Well, it is because a few days after the death of my parents, I heard what Maria did to those five girls whose only crime had been to fawn over me, a crush I had no intention on acting on." 

"After hearing that, I was filled with hate, but all of this was towards her. I can accept the fact that she wanted to seek revenge on me because I shunned her... but to bring innocents into it? She crossed the line." 

Shadowheart's words were full of severity and graveness. "Killing her would be a sweet release. I want her to suffer for the sake of those girls, and let understand the kind of irreversible pain and terror she inflicted upon them!" 

The room was silent for a while until Draco laughed out loud. "So it was just this? I have truly disgraced myself for no reason!" 

"I have absolutely no qualms about you letting Maria experience that and more. You won't really understand it, but suffice to say even while she blessed me, those she disliked were forced to experience fates similar if not worse than those five girls. In some cases, even her father or Nathan had to step in to cover up." Draco stated while shaking his head. 

Shuangtian and Eva nodded. They had seen Draco's memories, so they could testify that the adult Maria had done things that would make her crime from the past look like child's play. 

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