Guild Wars

Chapter 1089 Intense Conflict - End

The fighting continued on for a whole 3 weeks, up until the trio crashlanded on a planet. 




Three bodies fell onto the surface of the planet like meteors, causing craters to appear. Fortunately, the planet itself was a dead one with greyish rocks and many pockmarks on its surface much like Earth's moon. 

Each one of the craters housed one member of the Evil Trio. 

The first crater to the northeastern angle was filled with the limp body of Eva, a celestial beauty of limitless perfection and divine serenity. 

One look from her and any normal human would fall to their knees and worship her for eternity to come, unable to extricate oneself from the faith in her magnificence. 

However, right now, not much was left of that 'magnificent' image. Eva's celestial robe, once golden-white in color with the sigil of the sun, along with burning flames marked across the hem, was tattered and torn, displaying ample amounts of her lush, creamy skin. 

She lay flat in the crater, her usually short yet bright green hair messed up as if she had not slept in 30 days and her perfect body bruised and battered all over. 

Eva was currently extremely disheveled and only partly conscious, blood leaking down from the side of her cherry-red lips. Her blurry and dazed eyes were filled with unwillingness and defeat, her body was barely able to push itself up. 

In another pit to the south was another supreme beauty with the lushest bronze skin that gleamed with a lively hue. Her robe, previously a gorgeous piece of Chinese aesthetic, bearing a golden color with the design of a five-clawed Divine Dragon, was incomparably ruined and messy. 

This allowed the world to glimpse at her supreme body that was hidden beneath the usually baggy and large robe. Just taking a glimpse at Shuangtian's curves and even the lofty gods and asexual beings would pant with desire. 

Shuangtian's body screamed physical perfection, not in a martial sense alone, but in the sense of the Dao as well. She represented the peak of the humanoid form as a literal Law of the universe. 

She was currently on one knee, panting heavily as her bruised and beaten body was stably regenerating. Meanwhile, her brown hair which was usually tied into a ponytail was loosened, allowing her lush hair to fall down her shoulders. 

Her brown eyes shone with power and confidence, and power radiated from her body. Her lips, despite having blood leak from them, were curled into a victorious smile. 

Finally, in the pit to the northwest, there was a fellow who was laying on his back. Initially, his black robe used to be majestic, fit for a king, yet now it looked no different from something a beggar would wear. His black hair was naturally messy, though it looked as if he had been tossed around into a storm. 

His green eyes were filled with shock and a hint of fear as he pushed his upper body upward slightly to glance at the bronze-skinned woman. His entire body was bloody and he was missing pieces of flesh in many places. 

The handsomeness that could cause all females to liquidate their assets in their undergarments had been completely ruined, and many would rather spit on him with disgust if he were to show himself before them. 

After fighting for so long, a winner has emerged between the Evil Trio, and it was not the one that many would expect! 

Despite having so many advantages over her like training from the previous timeline, talents that she could not gain, more time to train with their bloodlines at 100% purity, and others, the former Evil Duo had lost to their newest member! 

Could it be that Shuangtian was actually the Chosen One able to take down the two people who were supposed to have equal power to her at once? 

Well… obviously no. 

The main reason for Shuangtian's victory was not that the Evil Duo had been unable to best her in a physical or martial sense, though there was that too, but it was the mental and emotional aspect that had helped her best the other two. 

It was extremely cringe and sounded like nonsense that one would expect to see from shonen anime, but it was the undeniable truth that she won because… 

Because her will to fight was strongest and her conviction was the most firm! 

It was actually quite simple when you thought about it. 

From the onset, Shuangtian's had stated her conviction. She had been suffering in agony from the moment she was born into her clan, her only drive to remain alive was to meet Draco and Eva since Pangu's Avatar in her soul had talked so much about. 

As Shuangtian had previously mentioned, upon encountering the duo, she swiftly recognized numerous issues in their mindset and approach to various matters. Given her lifelong confinement to a bed, describing her observation as merely strong would be an immense understatement. 

Upon receiving access to their memories, Shuangtian's conviction solidified further. The weight of her worry grew with every memory she explored, ultimately leading her to the undeniable conclusion that she, as the sole individual capable of matching their abilities, had an obligation to assume the mantle of their policewoman. 

Would it be possible for two beings who had never had to answer to anybody else in this timeline who did whatever they wanted without caring about consequences to willingly agree to be limited? Of course not! Shuangtian knew this, so she had initially planned to adopt a long-term approach and use soft tactics on them. 

However, upon witnessing Draco betray his own general for the sake of Maria who was basically a stranger to him in this timeline, Shuangtian abandoned the idea of a soft approach. Rather, she decided to erupt with her true intentions and end this nonsense once and for all! 

Every punch, every word, every breath she took contained this conviction and it only became stronger the longer the fight lasted. 

The same couldn't be said for Draco and Eva. In the case of Eva, her willpower had wavered from the very beginning. She had been only a sliver away from ceding her resistance and agreeing with her Soulmate's approach to letting him handle Maria, no matter what Connor might think about it. 

Her yandere tendencies and devotion to Draco naturally made her inclined to do whatever he stated and live for him. In fact, if it wasn't for Riveting Night compromising and creating Evaterasu, Eva would have remained a puppet that only did Draco's bidding. 

Evolving to Evaterasu made her live for herself and adopt a more neutral standpoint towards him, but despite the change of thoughtstream the sense of subservience was still there, hidden in her bones. 

Still, her pride as Amaterasu prevented her from easily bowing to anyone. She also did not want to tolerate any danger to Draco, hence she chose to fight. 

When Shuangtian pointed out her weakness and hesitation to her face, Eva felt pained deeply because subconsciously she had long since been aware of that being her biggest flaw. Unless she fixed it, she would never be 'normal'. 

Normal in this sense referred to her having one solid mind and complete soul, not three different thoughtstreams with their own goals and personalities. No matter how cute it sounded, that was neither normal nor healthy and was part of the reason Shuangtian was worried. 

After all, she was the only one among them who had her own solid mind without any other thoughtstreams influencing her. It was also what gave her such strong willpower to contact Pangu's Avatar easily. 

If Draco and Eva managed to either perfectly fuse all three, or abandon two thoughtstreams to leave only one, they should also be able to do the same for Amaterasu and Lucifer. 

Eva's hesitation continued to bite her. She recognized that Shuangtian's help could resolve her issue, but her pride prevented her from backing down. With this kind of mindset, her attacks naturally became more flawed and weaker as the fight dragged on, and her power output worsened. 

Draco's case was even worse. He was of a terrible character and had also gone through so much. He had so much, lost so much, and gained so much. 

A lot of the time, he wasn't even sure whether he was acting out his own will or whether he might be following some script of an almighty. He naturally did not know about the red or blue hands that had meddled in the timelines, otherwise he would have submitted to Shuangtian long ago. 

As it were, he was extremely confused. He had never been stronger and freer in his life, but with it came a sort of… emptiness. 

He had two supreme beauties, one of faith and ultimate visage and one of carnal and ultimate sensuality. That was not factoring in Hikari, Roma, and Zaine, much less his other neglected concubines. 

What's more, he also had the Fire and Ice Twins as well as Rina. Not to mention his God Serpent Generals, the core members, the people he bestowed with his bloodline, The AI, Amber, and all that. 

So many things, but what to do with them? Just while away the time endlessly? 

Draco's problem was worse than Eva's, which was yet another reason for Shuangtian to focus on him. He was the first to weaken in the fight since his conviction broke pretty quickly. 

He had already spent 8 years arbitrarily hating and trying to kill Eva, and that was the darkest blot of his life and a part of his memories he would happily erase if he could. 

And now? Draco was fighting in space against two women who were supposed to bis his actual Soulmates! 

Why? For the sake of a woman who had no idea who he was and how he knew her. The Maria he cared about was in a ruined timeline and that had perished. 

Draco's attacks had weakened in a matter of hours, not even days. The majority of the fighting had been done by Eva who had stretched it out till today. 

Draco had ended up as the most badly wounded of the lot because his power had dropped the most due to his weak conviction. 

Now… it had come to an end. 

Draco and Eva lay in their pits, accepting their defeat while Shuangtian eventually rose to her feet with a glint in her eyes, her will not wavering and her body firm! 

Shuangtian glanced at Draco. "Are you going to do it or should I force you?" 

Draco sighed and reinstated the Soulbond he had severed at the beginning of this dispute. He actually hadn't severed it but separated it into a different space, which was naturally why Shuangtian and Eva had been unable to sense it. 

Something that the universe itself had made and established between the three of them, how could Draco casually destroy it? If he had that kind of power, what stopped him from running over to the Gerdo Galaxy and twerk his bum, claiming that he was now ruler of the universe? 

Anyway, now that the bond was restored, Shuangtian's cold expression softened and she sighed. "I might have won, but I didn't enjoy fighting with you two. I'm sorry, but someone has to do it and I', just the only one who has that kind of power." 

Draco and Eva remained silent, neither refuting nor agreeing with her. Seeing that the air was a bit stale, Shuangtian shrugged and placed her arms akimbo. 

"First things first, I'm going to make sure that we all promise to follow a set of three rules!" 

Shuangtian raised her hand and lifted her index finger. "First, the three of us are one! Our Soulbond and mental connection MUST be on at all times and none of us shall use it to influence or interfere with another!" 

Shuangtian raised a second finger. "Second, the pursuit of power is fine, but we need a reason to do so! We will prioritize family and taking care of them over gaining levels or new abilities simply for the sake of it!" 

Shuangtian raised her third finger. "Third and finally, there will no longer be any allowance for any lingering doubts or issues that affect our minds and souls!" 

Draco and Eva shared looks and felt that this was not bad. However, how was Shuangtian planning to enforce these rules? Were they going to fight like this every time in case one of them were to break a rule? 

Shuangtian seemed to see their doubts and smiled. "Don't worry, even though our mental bond is not active now, it will be after we establish the contract. Besides, have you forgotten about my Truth bloodline branch?" 

Draco and Eva shook. They each had many bloodline branches, with Draco and Eva mirroring each other due to the uniqueness of Lucifer and Amaterasu. However, Shuangtian was unique in the sense that while her abilities did not necessarily mirror theirs, they definitely countered them. 

And one of those unique branches was Truth, which allowed Shuangtian to record a contract between any two beings and become the enforcer of it on the universe's behalf! 

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