growing up fast

Chapter 2: a nightmare of a day

I woke up drenched in sweat, looking around I noticed the clock in the dash saying 4:45 and I was hyperventilating so I turned on the truck and rolled down the window just past the rain guards.

I looked out both windows to see people heading towards me, no not people they were obviously dead. One guy had no arm and his guts were spilling out his stomach as he stumbled towards me.

Out my driver window I seen a woman with no face and half her throat missing. I almost threw up again so I looked away putting the truck in reverse and pressing a little to hard on the pedal.

The truck jumped backwards putting me in the middle of the road, I jerked to a stop putting it into drive.

This time I slowed pressed the gas pedal getting a easy take off as I looked at the around at the mayhame that took place.

Houses were on fire and the dead ate bodies or stumbled about looking for one. I cried subconsciously, I wiped the tiers as I swerved around cars that crashed into each other head on.

There was smoke coming from the hoods so I guessed this wasn't that long ago. Passing the crash suddenly a guy jumped to my passenger door trying to forcefully open it.

I jolted to a stop going into the arm rest pulling out my moms 30 round mag Glock pulling back the Slide putting a bullet in chamber.

I aimed it at his head with a steady hand and a deadpan expression. "You know that's rude to try and jump into someone's truck without permission." My voice was raspy from crying and hyperventilating, but also firm getting the man to jump back a little.

He looked around before looking back at me putting his hands together and spoke "can I please hop in the back of youre truck k.. sir?"

I thought it was funny how he almost called me kid but I couldn't smile, not after what happened. "Yea.. hop in the bed and keep you're head down." He did hesitate slightly sliding into the bed of the truck with a soft thump.

I slowly pressed the gas pedal getting the truck to move forward slowly. I kept a steady 15 miles per hour keeping the truck quiet while looking around like a sentry gun. There was nothing to see.

There were moments where I had to run over a few corpses to get into my driveway. I pulled out the Glock and put the truck in park before turning off the engine and getting out with the keys.

I whispered to the guy in the back "I'm staying at my house, you can join me or leave I don't care." I didn't wait for a reply as I turned toward the door unlocking it.

The guy slowly climbed out the truck with a soft on the payment. I opened the door not turning around, when inside I stood behind the door holding it for him.

He hesitated for a moment before i pressed the lock on the key fob making the truck honk, he jumped inside like his ass was in fire.

He sighed in relief as I closed and locked the door, "lets introduce ourselves over a drink." I didn't wait for a response as I passed him walking towards the kitchen.

He followed behind me as I pointed at the kitchen table without a word, he understood sitting at the table. It was a small two person table, usually it's just me and mom so we didn't need a bigger table.

I grabbed my moms whisky out of the cabinet with a few of her fancy whisky glasses before walking back to the table. I placed both glasses down making them clink together before I poured the dark drown liquid into the glass.

"It's the cheap stuff, but I don't think that will be a problem." The man said in a low almost sad tone. I slid the half full glass across the short table, he opened his hand letting the glass slide into his hand. "What's your name?" I asked before I took a swig.

"James, and you?" I couldn't taste my drink so I chugged the rest trying to feel anything at this point. "My name is Jackson, I'm 14 with immense anger issues and I just lost the only person I loved in the whole world."

I looked back up at him seeing his terrified face, I was confused for a moment till I caught a glimpse of my face in a standing mirror by the front door.

I scared myself, I looked like a demon. My eyes were slits and my face had the expression of unreeling anger and annoyances with a hint of sadness.

I looked at the empty glass scowling at it making my guest jump In his seat. I looked up at him his eyes told me everything, it told me about his fear and his willingness to run away at any moment.

I sighed getting up slowly "do what you want, I'm going to my room." I walked away without another word, walking into my moms room.

I grabbed her trash can in her room and started throwing all her under wear away and anything like that, not wanting anyone to be weird with any of my moms stuff.

I placed the metal trash can in the middle of the room, I turned to my mom's dresser seeing all the bills and papers. I grabbed a few lighting them on fire, dropping them into the trash can.

I didn't look at the burning cloths for long, I turned to the closet walking into it. It was a small 6' by 6' closet with clothes hanging on both sides with a shelf on top and below the clothes.

I grabbed a heavy ish box from the top shelf placing it on the bed, I didn't open it yet I closed the lid to the trash can dimming the fire within it.

I turned back to the box, opening it to reveal the three boxes of 9mm 50 in a box. With three more mages holding 15 bullets each.

I closed the lid grabbing the box and heading to my room.

Mom gave me the master room after dad died, She said it was to hard to sleep in this room without him.

So I closed and locked my door not really needing anything outside of it. My room had the pantry so most of the food was already in here, plus my closet was a grow room for my medicine.

If you haven't guessed it yet they are weed plants, I stay in a constant state of high most days to keep my anger and anxiety at bay.

I rolled blunt after blunt, I didn't stop till I ran out of weed. My total count was 50 I didn't think I had that much, thier size varied between big and small so I could of got more if I stayed consistent.

It didn't bother me I sparked one up immediately, about half way through I got a knock on the door. "Hay ahh, would it be to much to ask to hit that once or twice?"

This was a common question most people asked me on the daily, so I didn't think twice throwing a blunt at the bottom of the door letting it roll through the crack perfectly.

It didn't even give me any satisfaction doing it so smoothly I was to…. Sad. I heard a "thank you" and some footsteps walking away.

I had my school backpack that was a good size probably able to hold a few change of cloths and a day or so with of food and water with no room to spare.

I sighed trying to plan what I'm going to do, but every time I close my eyes to try and think all I see is my mom or the mess she turned into.

I unpacked my dresser putting everything on the bed. I had 10 change of clothes with a few underwear and socks spare. I put wll the clothes in a neat pile before walking over to the pantry, I took all the can foods out counting them.

I had 10 cans of green beans and 5 cans of corn, few cans of ravioli and two loafs of bread.

I had some lunch meat in the fridge but I knew that wouldn't last long. Suddenly I remember this small cooler my mom brought when we went on a beach trip, that could keep a couple things cold for a few days.

I speed walked out my room, though the kitchen and into the garage. It was sitting in the same spot I left it all those months ago, suddenly banging hands were heard and seen in the small square windows of the garage door.

I spat on the concrete from the awful tast in my mouth. I quickly turned around closing and locking the door behind me, I walked back toward my room noticing James was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly I got a bad and weird feeling, I suddenly went into full alert mode putting down the color and pulling out the Glock and started checking corners and hiding places on the way to my room.

I almost jumped out my skin when the shower loudly turned on. I sighed in relief, relaxing my body that was flexing subconsciously.

I walked back into my room, picking up all the clothes I could comfortably fit in one hand and putting them by the front door.

I made about 9 small piles of clothes besides my underwea, it was in a stack of 15 that being all the underwear I had.

I unlocked the front door as quietly as possible and opening as quiet, while also unlocking the trunk. I walked towards the truck with one hand holding the pile of clothes and the other holding the Glock.

I looked both ways seeing the yard was clear, before opening the back passenger door putting the clothes on the back floorboard.

I repeated this until I packed everything in the back seat floorboard including the food, besides the refrigerated stuff, I waited for that.

I locked the truck, only clicking it once so it didn't honk as I walked into the house. I heard the shower turn off as I did.

I payed it no mind as I walked to the fridge packing lunch meat, a pack of two steaks that mom bought a few days ago and a couple waters so I can have something cold to drink later.

I opened the freezer throwing all the ice from the freezer into the cooler filling it most of the way.

I left the front door open for efficiency and so I wasn't opening and closing the door making a bunch of noise. But dumping the ice was super loud ,so I immediately turned around looking towards the door.

My heart dropped into my stomach when my eyes locked with some lifeless ones. A make 6ft zombie wearing a torn tank top and some baggy jeans that barly stayed on him. It stood crickedly in the walk way twitching but not making a noise.

In that silence my body started heating up, my mind filled with anger. No it was rage, my blood boiled and adrenaline flooded my body.

I threw the ice tray at the zombies head making a loud thudding sound. I looked around grabbing the closest thing to me, being my mom key holder.

It was a stone leaf that was 7 inches wide and 4 inches wide.

I leaped at the zombie that barely flinched from the ice tray. I slammed the stone leaf into the zombies head making it stumble backwards. I kicked it in the stomach making it fall backwards, I practically leaped onto the zombie trying to get on top of it as fast as possible.

I held its arms down with my knees as I slammed the stone into its head over and over, until its head was nothing but mush.

I didn't notice I was screaming the whole time while doing so, suddenly heard the floor creak. My head snapped like a predator onto prey, my face probably looked like a predators to because the sound came from James.

He looked terrified, a look of pure horror. It made me smile, I locked eyes with him making him jump back a little. "I'm leaving soon, come with if you want or just stay here."

I didn't wait for a respond looking out the front door seeing two more dead bastards walking in. I subconsciously smiled harder charging at them.

I threw the rock like a baseball player giving it all the power I could, it beamed through the air hitting one right on the forhead making it fall backwards into the other.

I charged over like a bull stomping on them with my steal toe tennis shoe, the first head smashed like a grape. The next was a different story, the first stomp cracked the skull but the next split it in half.

I lunged out the doorway looking around for anything else to kill but it was silent with nothing to be seen. I growled without meaning to, it sounded like a hungry lion. it startled me back to my senses.

My blood still boiled underneath my skin however, I sped walked back inside picking up the cooler and then back to the truck putting it in between my clothes and the can foods making a stable spot for it.

I tuned back to the house locking the truck behind me. James sat at the kitchen table drinking a glass of faucet water giving me a great idea.

I practically sprinted to the fridge, it had a couple bottles of soda and a almost empty gallon of milk and a full one. I immediately started pouring everything out in the sink rinsing the bottles thoroughly before filling them up and with water.

Next was the cabinets I stared throwing stuff out them finding jars of crackers and a couple other things jars that I threw out and filled with water.

I didn't think twice taking the water to the truck. There wasn't a single second that I wasn't watching my surroundings, making sure I didn't get snuck up on again.

I quickly relocked the truck running inside locking the door behind me. James was sitting at the kitchen counter so I payed him no mind, walking into my room grabbing the change of clothes I left out and then jumped into the shower.

I left the gun and the truck keys in the bathroom with me so I wouldn't be so worried. But I was, my mind was running with all the different possible things that could happen.

I took a quick shower getting all the blood off me and that was about it. Even though i had a feeling it was going to be my last shower for a while.

I got dressed as quickly as possible almost falling in the process of putting on my pants but I caught myself. I left the bathroom with the truck keys in my pocket and the Glock on my lower back in a holster.

I grabbed all my blankets and pillows walking out the room putting them on the kitchen table. I turned to James who looked at me with mixed emotions the more expressed one was curious the other being fear.

I tried making eye contact but he cowered away, "I'm going to be leaving soon are you coming with? I would understand if you don't want to." I stated calmly waiting for his response.

It took him a moment to think about it his fear faded and he really thought about it. After a minute or so of silence he answered.

"My gut is telling me I better chance of surviving with you, but my mind doesn't trust that rage you've shown. Can you tell me where you're planning on going?"

I could tell he was having a hard time deciding so I shrugged "I plan on doing a lot of things so I don't really have a single destination, first is weapons then food and water next would be clothing we're approaching summer and I don't want to cut up all my clothes for comfort and lastly will be a end game base we can start fortifying."

James looked blown away by my plan he smiled slightly putting up his fist for fist bump "fuck yea man I like that, you mind if I call you boss?"

I looked at him for a second before smiling back and giving him a fist bump "sure, let's pack all the blankets and pillows in the back so you're more comfortable back there."

He nodded "sure thing boss" he walked pass me grabbing all the blankets I brought out walking into my moms room grabbing her bedding. "I'll lead".

I stated opening the door checking left and right before waving him out, he ran to the truck throwing everything in the back before running back inside for all the pillows.

He threw them in the back looking back at me for directions "grab a big bottle of water out the back seat and find something to use the bathroom in… just incase." He nodded with a thumbs up "good thinking boss"

He ran back in the house finding a bottle from somewhere, most likely the trash. He ran back outside throwing the bottle in the bed of the truck. "Stay on this side and help me close the topper." I whispered getting him to nod grabbing the Velcro topper as I ran around and we rolled it out.

Fortunately it was quieter pulling it out then pulling it back up. He dropped the tale gate diving in the bed as I closed it, "if anything happens tap the bed three times and I'll stop" I whispered before unlocking the truck and getting in.

This was still just the beginning of my apocalypse.

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