Chapter 1: day one
Waking up in the morning was always easier for me, but my mom was was a different story. She's a single mother at 34 she had me a weak before she turned 20, she's now standing over her coffee maker like a zombie stuck behind a glass wall.
I laughed at the resemblance as I ate my breakfast I made myself, I started making my own meals when dad died. Everything got harder for us so I had to make it easier some how. I cooked cleaned and even washed all the laundry.
Plus everything else that a house requires, like plumbing, electrical work my mom hated me working with, roof work that she also didn't appreciate me doing and even simple carpentry like fixing chairs and doors.
She tells me every day how proud she is of me and how I can still keep decent grades on top of everything. I didn't tell her I stayed up till 3am every night studying but I had a feeling she knows.
When she looks at me I think I can feel what she's feeling, I can tell she's sad that I'm growing up so fast but what else am I supposed to do?
Anyways today we're up early ish on a Saturday the clock just hit 10 o'clock and I've been up since 9 making breakfast for us.
She finally got her coffee sat down and poured some sugar n cream in it, that I had prepared for her.
"Good morning honey, did you talk to David already?" She asked as she rubbed her temples with two fingers.
I smiled at her "he said we can come over anytim, but the party doesn't start till 11".
She nodded smiling through the pain she was obviously in "I'm going to take a shower then I'll be ready to head out." I nodded back at her as she turned and walked to the bathroom just behind her.
My mom was a manager for a big business company that sold everything you can think of illegally or legally. Shady place if you asked me but it pays for everything we need, we live in a three bedroom two bath house.
Not shabby in the slightest since I fixed up the place the best I can. Which wasn't terrible the roof doesn't leak and neither dose the pipes and we haven't had a electrical fire so I say I did a good job.
I walked over to the couch and turning in the tv, it continued the zombie movie I was watching the night before. These zombies were crazed and ran through brick walls even if it broke all their bones making them a sqerm in place.
This move actually gave me a nightmare last night, I hate running zombies their not realistic in the slightest. But they scare the hell out of me so I watch them, I prefer the slow dumb realistic zombies that don't think or climb thier just hungry slow and dumb and easy to kill.
I changed the channel as a zombie bit into a woman's neck, it switched to the news where everything was normal just taking about how it's going to be another hot one out there.
I sighed as I channel surfed for a while, after 10 minutes or so I just turned it off. We never used this tv, it might as well been there for decoration.
I stood up walking the house making sure we had no leaks or damages I haven't seen. After another 10 minutes my mom walked out the bathroom all dressed and ready. She didn't wash her hair or she would of been another 20 minutes at least.
She smiled much brighter now with a full cup of coffee in her and a hot shower. "Ready to go Jack?" She asked making me face palm I forgot to introduce myself my name is Jackson but my mom just calls me Jack.
Jack is more like a friend and family nickname, if anyone else calls me that outside of my teachers it tends to get out of hand. I got major anger issues mom blames it on dad and our lifestyle, pluse OCD and ADHD.
We left the house mom locking it behind us "can I drive today you said I needed to put more time in?" I asked holding out my hand for the keys. She was hesitant but she sighed "you're lucky he's only 10 minutes away" she reluctantly gave me the keys to her Toyota two door truck it wasn't four wheel drive but we had nowhere to go off roading anyways.
I wasn't a bad driver I adapted quickly to most things, mom complemented and gave me advice the hold time like "when turning slowly turn the wheel then let it turn back by itself." And stuff like that.
Pulling up to David's house he ran out like he was watching and waiting. I smiled as I put the truck in park and turned it off getting out. "Happy birthday man I can't believe you're 16" David smiled as he held out his fist for a fist bump. "Yea man I can believe you're driving before me."
I laughed a little, even if David was two years older then me he didn't act it, look it, or as grown up. I was 5'9 with 150 pounds with fighting experience and well experience in most things.
David on the other hand was shelters by both his parents and was 5'6 at 120 something pounds with no experience with anything but video games anime and studying.
But he's a good guy and a good friend, he's the type of guy that would stand up to a bully just to get bullied instead of the other guy.
That's how we met actually, let's just say that was the last day he was ever bullied again.
Entering his house their was starwars stuff everywhere hanging from the roof and mounted on the walls.
"What the f.." I muttered looking around as David nodded his head with a proud smile. "Yes it's glorious, no words can describe the awesomenes.. OUCH" he was cut off by a punch on the shoulder "seriously man you're never going to get a girlfriend." I laughed getting him to punch me back.
We set up a table and a few more things as more people showed up setting thier presents to the side running up to us to chat and talk about the starwars stuff.
Even though it was Davids birthday everyone wanted to talk to me more than him. David noticed me getting mad at the others so he suddenly clapped "alright who's ready for snacks and some soda?"
Everyone cheered following him to the kitchen as I sat in the living room with the mothers over hearing their conversation.
"You're son dose more around the house then my husband." One of the parents said to my mom as they all laughed. "It feels like he grows more everyday, he's not my little boy anymore he's all grown up. You know i haven't made dinner in 4 years.
The other adults gasped in surprise "seriously? That's amazing I wish I could go one day without cooking" they chit chatted like that till David came back in the room with everyone behind him.
"It's time to open presents" David's mom said giving David a small present. This kept going for a while, I zoned out thinking about how lucky he was to have a family and all these friends even if they were fake. I stood up my mother grabbed my hand "what's wrong sweetie"
I smiled at her "just have to use the bathroom" she let me go with a smile. I want to the bathroom and came back to David opening his last present, I thought finally everyone's about to leave.
I walked back over to my mom "can I have the keys?" She looked at me confused before smiling "trying to leave me already?" She teased.
I shrugged "gotta get my medicine" it really wasn't medicine but she knew what I meant. "I'll come with you." She got up giving me the keys and we walked to the door David looked at me funny before I gave home a big smile and a nod.
He also smile giving me a thumbs up. The way everyone was positioned was in the middle of the living room, with me and my mom diagonally from them.
I say this because the second my mom opened the door a big ass truck slammed into her and kept going killing everybody in the living room in one shot.
My body shook and my mind went numb, she was there right in front of me then suddenly she wasn't and everyone else was now just a pile of body parts smashed together in a ocean of blood.
The blood make me nauseous causing me to throw up my breakfast. I looked around no screams came from the pile of parts and blood so I assumed they were all dead.
The only sound was left was the screams coming from the distance. I looked toward them to see a man eating a screaming young girl no older then 10. I threw up stomach acid as I stumped and cried my way to the truck.
I unlocked it and hopped in locking it immediately as I jumped into the back seat floor board crying myself into unconscious.