God’s Empire

Chapter 338: : Invincible Han Lao Nong

With a slight click, the Advent Card shattered instantly, and an invisible wave spread in an instant.


In a place that is countless distances away from the star dome plane, two twin universes that are one-tenth of the volume, but extremely huge, stand.

Its infinite cosmic wall spreads out in all directions, and even a radiant life cannot see the end of this huge cosmic wall, just like a huge wall separating the void!

This incomparably huge twin universe wall, with 50% of the area, was replaced by a special but extremely sci-fi mechanical device, and countless energy fluctuations were emitted, absorbing a large amount of void energy.

These devices are constantly nourishing this twin universe!

In addition, there are dozens of void ports calculated by light-years that connect the void and the twin universes. Tens of thousands of giant cities that tend to trade with commerce are built in these ports. Even so, there are still a lot of ecosystems.

There are countless unmanned mechanical soldiers patrolling the port, at least the energy fluctuations of the Sun Yao, and the Hengyang Grade Dark Yao Grade and even the Poyu Grade Mechanical Warriors that appear from time to time, all clearly tell those who are not pure in their minds. people.

Here, it's not just a place to be wild...

Because here is the domain of the top scientists in the void, the top experts in the void, and the legendary Black Star Han Xiao who is a civilization!

At this moment, in the center of the universe, at the intersection of the two universes, a high-dimensional mechanical temple that spreads over countless ranges is located here, and tens of thousands of mechanical stars and planets are constantly revolving around the temple.

In the center of the temple, in a beautiful back garden, a man wearing a black long gown and a slightly handsome appearance sat on a chair without any image, looking at a white-haired and white-bearded old man and a decadent middle-aged man in front of him. And the handsome man is full of solemnity.

"Black Star Network Group - I'm pressing!"

The black-shirted man smiled proudly, drew a card from his hand, and threw it directly.

The handsome man smiled slightly: "Fordinka...the connections are invalid..."

The black-shirted man's face collapsed, looking at a few useless cards in his hand, he immediately folded helplessly.

"Wow, I lost again..."

Aesop said helplessly: "Black Star, how many epochs have passed since you solved the iteration? Why are you so boring?"

Han Xiao spread his hands: "No way, they all went to play in the void, my body is still researching the core transformation technology of the universe, no one is sitting in the main universe...

Or... I'm getting a group of players, throwing them into a small universe, and playing? "

Lackey looked sad: "If our universe didn't have you, it would have been ruined by the fourth natural disaster, oh my god, that small universe is dead, just like me in the future, turned into ashes..."

"Let's go, let's go to that bad old man in Manison to play Wayne, without Fording... eh?"

Han Xiao, who was about to stand up, was stunned for a moment, hesitantly looked in a certain direction, and a look of interest suddenly appeared in his eyes...

Aesop was stunned: "What's wrong? Emersy is back?"

Han Xiao was speechless: "No, I just sensed an interesting thing, there is an existence that reproduced some of my tiny abilities with the law of void, and I don't know where it was delivered.

And it seems that I can't stop it... I haven't had such an interesting thing for a long time, it feels like the system burned my character card back then..."

Aesop also thought about it with interest.

Re-engraving the current Han Xiao? Who is it?

Isn't it sweet to live?

Now, including him, all the people in the super **** universe believe that Han Xiao is invincible, and even if he can tie, it is impossible to defeat Black Star.


Pirates of the Heath…

"Hahahaha, the detector detected a world with a top-level plane, and I can make some extra money again, hahahaha!"

The gloomy boss Heath laughed wildly, his eyes full of tyranny and madness.

The third child with all the muscles in his body was also excited: "Finally, I can smash the enemy again."

The fleet composed of more than 20 million huge warships suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the front.

Nearly a trillion pirates with various weapons and equipment, but their strength should not be underestimated, all screamed wildly, full of murderous intent.

But in an instant, the entire fleet stopped, and layers of incomparably bright white brilliance shrouded the super fleet that spread for several light years.

【alarm! The fleet is wrapped in a strong field and cannot break through! 】

The terrifying alarm made the faces of the eldest, the second, and the third change. The next moment on the screen, a black-shirted but extremely blurred figure appeared in front of the fleet.

Behind the figure, as soon as millions of space cracks appeared, countless mechanical soldiers of at least king level rushed out frantically, hundreds of millions...tens of billions...trillions...

Among them, there are even countless sunshine and constant sun, and there are many dark and radiant!

And the white brilliance that enveloped the entire fleet emanated from the hundreds of billions of strange mechanical soldiers.

"Bastard... All Void Fortresses! Main cannon fire!"

With the roar of the boss, thousands of extremely violent energy fluctuations radiated together, and then instantly pierced a part of the force field, tore a lot of space and broken planes, and killed the black figure.

In the face of the attack that could shatter the void-level plane, the black figure was unmoved at all, and countless mechanical soldiers, regardless of their level, all gathered together, wrapping the black figure into an incomparably huge mechanical unit.

Supreme Heavenly Venerate!

The infinitely inflated giant mechanical Tianzun stretched out his hand and slammed heavily on the void space barrier, with a large number of space barriers and dimensional barriers shattered, and thousands of fortress cannons were directly scattered.

Then directly into the fleet, UU reading www.uukanshu.com spread out countless mechanical tentacles and endless artillery fire, exploded in the huge fleet, and countless warships exploded in an instant, and the pirates who died of the explosion were even more according to Billions of calculations.

An invisible shock wave emanated from the hand of the Supreme Heavenly Venerate, and under the horrified eyes of the boss, the second and the third, the central mothership was wiped out with them.

Then the Supreme Heavenly Venerate turned into a long serpent and stirred wildly in the large fleet. Countless artillery attacks that could kill Hengyang Yanyao level had no effect on his body.

Less than 30 minutes after the start of the battle, the Hiss pirates who were comparable to the quasi-level seven civilization were completely annihilated, and then the Supreme Heavenly Venerate dispersed, and a large number of mechanical soldiers began to disperse to strangle some of the battleships that barely escaped.

And the blurred Han Xiao projection actually looked in the direction of the super **** universe, and then looked in the direction of the star dome plane, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's really... interesting..."

Looking carefully, the projection's originally dull eyes actually became agile, full of interest.

That's right, Han Xiao's consciousness still came temporarily with the help of some kind of perverted black technology!

PS: ask for a ticket

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