God’s Empire

Chapter 337: : The crazy development of the Astral Plane

Wang Lan was suspended in the sky, and he was moved to see the huge colorful planet below. These colors are all kinds of spiritual food.

Spreading over the entire planet, the planting area occupies 99.9% of the entire area!

Even in the sky, there are a large number of giant floating islands and various multi-storey giant buildings.

Strive for the largest area to plant spiritual food, so in fact, the total area of ​​spiritual food cultivation is three times that of this giant planet!

"This is all money... The cornerstone and source of funds for the future development of the empire... Um, it's delicious!"

While Wang Lan sighed, he flipped his hand and took out a crystal clear, slightly transparent fruit like a top agate and gnawed it.

Wang Lan's eyes suddenly narrowed: "Well...it's really good, it is comparable to all the energy in the body of an eighth-level life, and...it seems that there is no need to refine, these energy are integrated into the body and energy storage organs?"

After two or three bites of the fruit, Wang Lan looked at the rest of the place, and then flew towards the Emperor Star.

He is going to retreat. According to his trinity of exercises and the level of his own state of mind, he does not need to fight at all, and his strength will increase rapidly when he is immersed in cultivation.

Is it not good to retreat, or is it not painful to be beaten?

After living with Xingmeng for a day or two, Wang Lan entered a training room made of various high-level materials in the void. The size of the training room was comparable to that of a Blue Star.

As Wang Lan entered it, the viscous pale golden energy liquid quickly filled the entire space, and its viscosity was even close to a solid.

With Wang Lan suspended in the middle, the breath slowly fell silent, and the space slowly entered a locked state.

And Xing Meng also glanced at Wang Lan at this time, and was stunned, as if thinking about something.


Xingmeng suddenly raised his head and looked in a direction with a solemn expression...

"Isn't the location of the Vault of Stars in the barren zone? Why is it either a void beast or a void pirate? This group of pirates is not ordinary... At present, the empire can't handle it..."

Xing Mengdai frowned, a card appeared in her hand, and there was a slight hesitation in her eyes.

This is a temporary card left by Wang Lan just in case - Super God - Black Star Projection Arrival Card!

After a long while, Xingmeng put away the cards.

"Although the direction of the pirate fleet is the star dome plane, the distance is still far away, and I absolutely did not notice it. I hope it can turn in time, otherwise it will only consume one of the emperor's hole cards."

Xingmeng was not paying attention, and continued to review various documents and archives with his head down.


at the same time.

It is more than 100,000 voids away from the star dome plane.

A huge armada of 20 to 30 million incomparably huge, but full of punters and messy-style warships is advancing rapidly.

There are even tens of thousands of standard void fortresses and hundreds of large fortresses, and their central mothership and several important flagships are even comparable to the size of small stars!

This level of military power has definitely surpassed the power of ordinary sixth-level civilization, reaching the point of a sixth-level top civilization or even a quasi-seventh-level civilization!

This fleet is not an army of a powerful civilization. This fleet itself represents a void force. This force has a terrifying collective name in the void - void pirates!

Void pirates are not an overall force, but a collective name for countless similar forces. Among them, there are strong and weak, and the strong can even be comparable to the ninth-level civilization.

The weak also have at least the strength of the fourth-level civilization, otherwise they are not qualified to be a void pirate at all.

And at this moment, this void pirate who is heading towards the direction of the star vault is a 'His pirate' whose strength belongs to the middle and upper class among pirates.

They have destroyed civilization, and even slaughtered an entire plane, gaining a lot of wealth, slaves, and even the plane itself, to sell in the black market of the void.

They are notorious in the area where the Star Vault plane is located, but they are also extremely terrifying!

Even the three-core abyss plane alliance will not be easily provoked. After all, the entire abyss is only a primary eighth-level civilization.

At this moment, in an extremely splendid hall on the central mothership, all kinds of women of all ethnic groups in **** and coquettish clothes were dancing, which was extremely lively.

The necks of these women are all extremely delicate collars, and there is no doubt that these women are slaves!

In the center of the hall, hundreds of men and women dressed in gorgeous clothes but with extremely sturdy aura were eating all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, talking loudly and proudly.

The surrounding black-clothed guards exuded at least Cang Yue-level strength, and they were wary of the surroundings with expressionless faces.

"Hahaha, second child, this time is really rewarding, the treasure of a sixth-level civilization Void Plane is really exaggerated!"

A young-looking man with a very gloomy temperament stood in the center of the hall and laughed loudly at the few people beside him.

Known as the second child, the seemingly elegant middle-aged man also smiled and said, "Yeah, we have also obtained more than one million battleships, and if we transform it, it will be a star force again!"

"What about the three trillion people in the space-compressed transport ship? The nearest slave black market is also a bit far away."

A giant man with a huge body and muscles suddenly asked, his eyes full of puzzlement.

The boss took a sip of high-end red wine: "Leave the gifted children under the age of three, the rest, the beautiful women will be left for the brothers to enjoy for a few days, and the rest will all be made into 'meat patties' for the 'animals' working on the ship as a reserve!

Alright, keep eating and drinking, straight ahead! Destroy all planes along the way! "

The second child nodded, his expression did not change in the slightest.

But among the female slaves who were dancing around, there was a hint of desire and excitement in their originally dull eyes.

The pirates who are eating and drinking and have lost their bottom line as intelligent life will never imagine what awaits them.

That is the indescribable fear that comes from the super-powerful Void!


Time goes by day by day...

It has been more than ten years since Xingmeng discovered the Void Pirates~www.wuxiaspot.com~ inside the Star Vault Plane, everything has entered the formal order, and all aspects of the Star Vault Empire State are developing rapidly. , whether it is technology reserves or industrial development has made great progress.

But the progress continues, everything is accelerating, the pace of development is getting faster and faster, and there is no sign of plateauing and slowing down.

A cold light flashed in Xingmeng's eyes, who was drinking afternoon tea in the back garden of the government building.

With the help of part of the authority of the star dome plane and her own strength, she clearly sensed that an extremely powerful wave swept across without obstruction.

"Hey, the pirates still detected the star plane...why?"

Xingmeng's eyes drooped slightly, and a pitch-black opening card instantly appeared between the thin fingers, and there was an extremely powerful breath flowing out!

Temporary Projection Arrival Card - Super God Mechanical Universe - Black Star Han Xiao!

PS: ask for a ticket

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