Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch6- Quest

At this time the screen of the system flared in front of him. He flinched, afraid others would see it, but no one beside him could see or hear the system.

"Pick a side," the system urged. "Be careful, this choice may affect your choice in Main Quest, but you can also change your stance based on your actions and decisions."

Options pulsed on the azure screen:

Option 1: Intervene and stand with Kakashi, Rin, and Obito.
Option 2: Stand with the Uchiha Police Force.

Horyu swallowed, his eyes darting between the holographic screen and the unfolding confrontation. It was like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, a decision that had implications far beyond this simple altercation. He could feel the weight of his choice bearing down on him, a critical moment in his path.

His gaze lingered on the first option. Kakashi, Rin, and Obito. Three familiar faces, the bearers of a shared past he himself didn't remember fully. But from his prior knowledge, they were on the path of justice, striving for peace in the tumultuous world.

Then he shifted his gaze to the second option. The Uchiha Police Force, his kinsmen. Standing with them would mean siding against Minato, a man painted as a traitor. The very man who had the power to protect the village against external threats. But, he was also a man he hadn't interacted with, a distant figure, much like the Hokage of his past memories.

His fingers hovered over the ethereal screen, uncertainty clouding his decision. But then, his gaze shifted back to Obito, a figure of his past who had been lured into darkness. This timeline was different, with Obito still being on the side of the Leaf, still being a shinobi striving for justice. Maybe... he could play a role in keeping him from straying.

With a resolved sigh, Horyu tapped the first option, aligning himself with Kakashi, Rin, and Obito.

"Choice registered," the system chimed. "Decisions and actions may change the course of the Main Quest."

No sooner had the message appeared than the screen faded away, plunging Horyu back into the bitter reality of the confrontation.

Horyu cast his eyes over the tense tableau. Kakashi, Rin, and Obito were cornered, their backs against the worn-out wall, but determination glinted in their eyes. As for the Uchiha Police Force, they were a cohesive unit, their steps synchronized, an air of supreme confidence emanating from them. The temptation of the reward tugged at Horyu, aligning with the Uchiha could have been the easy way out, but the echo of old Horyu's disdain for the clan lingered. His past memories had shown him the underbelly of the Uchiha, their thirst for power, their hidden arrogance, and their unyielding determination to overthrow the established order.

A wicked idea sparked in Horyu's mind. A risk, undoubtedly, but if it played out right, it could be a game-changer. His eyes darted to an elderly man with a cloud of white hair, milling about on the fringe of the crowd. Perfect. His heart throbbed in his chest as he put his plan into motion.

"Hey!" Horyu exclaimed, his finger pointing behind the Uchiha officers. "Isn't that Jiraiya-sama?"

The name hung in the air, freezing everyone in place. The tension thickened to an almost palpable state. Jiraiya. The legendary Sannin. The mentor of Minato Namikaze. If he was here, then the stakes had just skyrocketed.

The Uchiha members turned in unison, their eyes wide with a blend of fear and respect. Jiraiya was not someone they could casually dismiss. Horyu could almost taste their sudden surge of apprehension. His heart pounded in exhilaration, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. He was just a ten-year-old kid, and yet, he had just turned the tables.

Seizing the momentary diversion, Kakashi's eyes flicked to his teammates. "Now's our chance."

Without another word, Obito and Rin fell into step with him. As the Uchiha Police Force was preoccupied with searching for Jiraiya, the trio made a break for it, slipping away like shadows dissipating at the break of dawn.

The scattering crowd, now engrossed in the aftermath of the event, parted as Horyu turned back to face the remaining members of the Uchiha Police Force. Their dark eyes were set in narrow slits, their faces tight with seething anger. In the heart of that anger, Horyu was like a tiny vessel in a stormy sea.

"What did you just pull off, brat?" the leader of the force snarled, his heavy set brows furrowed in a venomous glare. His tone was harsh, each word a lash against Horyu's calm façade.

"Well, I thought I saw Jiraiya-sama," Horyu replied, forcing a sheepish smile onto his face. "Turns out it was just some old guy with white hair. Easy mistake."

The man grumbled, shooting Horyu a disdainful look. "You caused a diversion and helped them escape. Are you aware of what you've done?"

"Does it look like I do?" Horyu retorted, folding his arms. "I'm just a ten-year-old, remember? Apparently too weak and talentless to comprehend the gravity of such situations."

Some of the force members smirked, while others, including the leader, grumbled at his words. It was a known fact in the village that Horyu wasn't exactly gifted. He was the underdog, the one everyone liked to mock, but he never let that get to him. Instead, he had turned it into his shield, using it to deflect the scorn and derision that came his way.

"You'll pay for this," the leader said, his voice low and threatening. "The Uchiha clan doesn't let anyone undermine its authority."

"Brat! You really don't know what you have done, do you?" The leader of the Uchiha Police Force, a burly man with a cruel twist to his lips, roughly grabbed Horyu by his arm and hoisted him into the air. Horyu felt his heart pound in his chest, a cold wave of dread washing over him. He had been foolish, too hasty in his decision to help Kakashi's group. The taste of victory was short-lived.

"I really thought it was Jiraiya-sama. I am sorry." Horyu managed to stutter out, the bravado he had been maintaining a moment ago evaporating under the grim gaze of the Uchiha leader.

The leader's harsh laughter echoed in the empty street, his grip on Horyu's arm tightening. "Sorry, huh? You need to understand, kid. In this world, saying sorry doesn't cut it. You need to face the consequences of your actions."

With a flick of his wrist, the leader released Horyu, who stumbled back, only to be met by the sight of a whip. Fear pricked at Horyu's spine as the Uchiha leader started to advance, the whip clenched in his meaty hand. In the middle of the street, there was no one to help him. He was alone.

Horyu's heart pounded in his chest as he locked eyes with the Uchiha leader, the bitter whip gleaming ominously in the dying light. All at once, the weight of his decision, his stunt with Jiraiya's impersonation, came crashing down on him. As the towering figure loomed over him, Horyu couldn't help but feel a pang of regret.

Just as the Uchiha leader raised his hand, the system's screen flickered into existence before Horyu, its ethereal glow lighting up his anxious face.

"Quest completed," the system's voice sounded in his head. "Award: Level 1 Healing Salve x 1, Chakra Boost Pill x 2."

A wry smile twisted his lips as he mentally commanded the system to put the items in his inventory. A bit of healing salve and some chakra boost pills. A consolation prize for what was to come, he supposed.

As the system screen dissipated, Horyu braced himself, his arms instinctively coming up to shield his face. The whip came down and bit into his forearm, drawing a sharp cry from him. The pain was immediate, a harsh, stinging sensation that seemed to echo through his entire body.

"No more games, brat," the Uchiha leader growled, his face twisted into a cruel sneer.

With every subsequent lash, Horyu gritted his teeth, each wince and flinch a testament to his determination. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing him break.

After what felt like an eternity, the whipping ceased. Horyu's arm was throbbing, pulsating with pain. But he remained standing, his head held high.

As the crowd started to disperse, he heard whispers. Some were calling him a fool, a traitor. Others murmured about his bravery, his ability to stand up to the Uchiha Police Force. Horyu could only shrug at their comments. He wasn't a hero, nor a traitor. He was just a ten-year-old boy who had decided to pick a side.

"We'll remember this," the Uchiha leader said, his voice low and threatening. "The Uchiha clan doesn't let anyone undermine its authority."

Horyu swallowed hard, forcing a weak smile onto his face. "Thanks for the advice," he said, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I'll remember that."

With that, he turned and limped away, his eyes stinging with unshed tears. The pain was agonizing, but he bit his lip, refusing to let himself break down.

"Brat!" the leader called after him. Horyu didn't turn back, his head held high despite the pain radiating from his whipped arm.

"Serves him right," one officer muttered, his voice laced with satisfaction.

"Disrespectful kid," another added, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

His heart pounded in his chest, a rapid drum against his ribcage. The anger bubbled in his chest, but he swallowed it down, along with the fear and the pain. They saw him as a weakling, an underdog. Let them. It would be his strength in the end.

As he retreated into an empty alleyway, the system's screen flickered back to life.

"Would you like to use a healing item?" it asked, the soft voice resounding in his head.

Horyu nodded, summoning the healing salve from his inventory. It was a small, unassuming jar, filled with a faintly glowing ointment. With a wince, he gingerly spread the salve over his raw, whipped arm. A soothing warmth immediately spread from the salve, dulling the pain and closing the welts on his skin. In a matter of moments, his arm was healed, though the ghost of pain still lingered.

"One down," Horyu murmured, his voice hoarse. "Who knows how many more to go."

He was alone, once again. But as he looked down at his healed arm, Horyu couldn't help but feel a spark of resolve. He was still standing. He had stood up to the Uchiha, chosen a side, faced the consequences, and he was still standing.

He wasn't a hero or a traitor. He was Horyu, and he had a long road ahead.

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