Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch5- Traitor

Horyu stumbled back towards his dilapidated house, each step weighed down with both relief and fatigue. The adrenaline that had fueled his frantic run was beginning to wane, replaced by a bone-deep exhaustion. His body, though no longer on the brink of death, still felt worn and frail from the recent ordeal.

As he crossed the threshold of his tiny home, the icy chill of the room welcomed him back, starkly contrasting the vitality coursing through his veins. He sank onto the frigid wooden floor, wincing at the cold contact against his worn-out limbs. His onyx eyes flickered back to the ethereal screen, still hovering in the gloom-filled room.

"System... Is there... something else I can... do?" Horyu asked, his voice barely a whisper against the silence. He leaned forward, his curious gaze fixed on the azure display, waiting for a response.

His anticipation was met with silence. No comforting voice, no helpful advice, just a steady hum of energy that pulsed from the screen. It was as if the system was sentient but selectively mute, providing prompts and notifications but refusing any form of interaction.

"Well, aren't you the strong silent type," Horyu mused, his lips curling into a weak smile. He extended a trembling hand, his fingertips hovering just above the display, focusing on the 'Stats' tab this time.

The screen shuddered, revealing the same pitiful stats he had seen before:

Strength- 2, Intelligence- 5, Agility- 3, Stamina- 2, Control- 1

His smile faded as he scrutinized the numbers. They were a reminder of his physical condition and a testament to the long road of trials and tribulations that awaited him.

"Let's change this, shall we?" Horyu murmured, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. He poked at the 'Inventory' tab next, a silent plea for help to the indifferent system.

Once again, the screen changed, revealing an equally disheartening message:

Inventory: None

A heavy sigh escaped his lips. He was at the starting line, bereft of any resources, at the mercy of a system that gave him a second chance but offered no guidance or support.

The sense of disappointment was overwhelming. He was essentially still alone, with a power he didn't understand, in a world that didn't care for him. However, Horyu was no stranger to adversity. His short life had been a testament to that. This was just another challenge, another hurdle to overcome.

"I guess... it's up to me," he muttered to himself, running his fingers through his matted hair. It was a self-motivational pep talk, one he had repeated countless times before, a constant reminder that he could only rely on himself.

Horyu turned his attention back to the ethereal screen, his gaze hardened with resolve. He tapped the 'Skills' tab, silently praying for a glimmer of hope, a weapon to arm himself in this war against fate.

The screen vibrated under his touch, revealing another tab:

Skills: None

Another empty field. Another reminder of his daunting task ahead.

But instead of succumbing to despair, Horyu let out a soft chuckle. "I suppose... it wouldn't be a game if it was easy," he murmured to the silence, his onyx eyes shining with newfound resolve.

A sudden chime cut through the stillness, causing Horyu to flinch. The screen pulsed, words appearing in a bright, bold font:

Quest Update: Weekly Quest: 700 Push Up, 700 Sit Ups 70 km Run. Rewards: 1 Stat point, Failure: None.

Horyu scoffed, the sound bitter in the cold silence. "Shouldn't it be daily? And what is with that reward? Way too little." His words echoed mockingly off the decrepit walls of his tiny home. The icy air filled his lungs with each shaky breath, doing nothing to dispel the turmoil brewing within him.

"No hints, no instructions, and now this? I barely survived today's run and you expect me to continue this... fitness regimen?" he questioned the indifferent screen, frustration simmering in his voice.

He leaned closer, his breath misting over the luminous display. The quest was demanding, but the reward, one measly stat point, felt like an insult. An ironic laugh spilled from his lips, sounding more like a sigh than an expression of amusement.

"And what's more," Horyu continued, shaking his head. "If failure has no consequences, then what's the point? Where's the urgency? The... motivation?"

A smirk danced on his lips as he stared at the screen. It was as if the system had thrown down a gauntlet, a silent challenge that roused his competitive spirit. Yet, there was a twisted sense of understanding, a comprehension of the twisted humor in it all. It was a game, after all, and what was a game without its obstacles?

"I guess you're not going to reply, huh?" Horyu muttered, a soft smile playing at the corners of his mouth. His fingers traced over the luminous screen, a strange mix of fascination and frustration etched onto his face. "It's like talking to a wall."

The system was silent, the azure glow of the screen the only indication of its presence. Horyu sighed, feeling the weight of his solitude pressing in on him from all sides. His fingers hovered over the 'Close' option, hesitating for a brief moment before tapping it decisively.

The ethereal screen flickered out of existence, leaving Horyu alone with his thoughts. He closed his eyes, his heart beating an uneven rhythm against the stillness. His thoughts drifted, lacing together snippets of memories and fragments of his past.

"I'm not afraid of hard work," he whispered into the silence. His voice was firm, steadfast in his resolve. "I'm not afraid of pain or failure. I've lived with them all my life."

His lips curled into a wry smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. "You'll see, System. I'll complete your ridiculous quest. I'll earn that one measly stat point. And I'll show you that I'm not someone to be underestimated."

As the last words slipped from his lips, Horyu pushed himself off the frigid wooden floor. His muscles protested, exhaustion wrapping around him like a shroud. But he paid it no mind. He'd experienced far worse.

He shuffled towards the corner of the room where a meager pile of blankets lay. His makeshift bed wasn't luxurious or even comfortable, but it was his. He fell onto the worn-out fabric, his body sinking into the rough material. His eyes fluttered close, his mind already planning for the grueling week ahead.

Despite the discouraging revelation, a sense of anticipation lingered within him. The system was a puzzle waiting to be solved, a silent mentor that pushed him to his limits. And the quest, daunting as it was, was a goal to aim for, a target to reach.

"I will conquer this system," he murmured, his voice barely audible against the silence. "I'll become the best player in this game."

As the weight of exhaustion finally pulled him under, a smile graced his lips. In this unforgiving world, he was finally given a chance. A second shot at life. A way to prove his worth. And he would take it, regardless of the trials and tribulations that awaited him.

As he succumbed to the darkness of sleep, the ethereal screen flickered back into existence. A single line of text pulsated on the azure display, glowing with an uncanny brilliance.

Quest Accepted: Weekly Quest: 700 Push Up, 700 Sit Ups 70km Run.

The next morning dawned as grey as Horyu's eyes felt, weighed down by the residual effects of yesterday's exertions and the knowledge of the grueling trials to come. As he blinked away the cobwebs of sleep, the ethereal screen shimmered back into existence.

"Figure out the differences in timeline for generation of main quest," the system's alert read.

The message hung in the frosty morning air, a cryptic clue that caused Horyu's furrowed brows to deepen further. He rubbed his temples.

"Great, now it's a riddle too," he muttered, stifling a yawn. "What's next, a treasure hunt?"

Despite his words, Horyu felt a strange stirring of excitement. He had always enjoyed the mental gymnastics of puzzles and mysteries. And though he didn't fully understand the system yet, it was clear it had a knack for pushing his limits - both physical and mental.

And then it hit him. His memories of the Naruto faction, stored in the recesses of his mind, and the reality of his current life didn't align. Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, was still alive. Not just that, he and his wife Kushina had three children in this timeline, rather than the lone child of his memories.

"How in the hell...?" Horyu started, his eyes wide in disbelief. "How am I just realizing this now?"

The question was rhetorical, his words echoed only by the cold silence of his tiny house. He sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face in frustration. The system's expectation of him was ludicrous, to say the least.

"All right," he said, standing up with a groan. "Let's get this over with."

After a quick wash, he made his way out of the Uchiha Compound and into the streets of Konoha. As he walked, he found his mind drifting, puzzling over the cryptic message and the implications of the altered timeline.

His thoughts were interrupted by a commotion up ahead. Turning a corner, he found himself looking three figures - Kakashi Hatake, Rin Nohara, and Obito Uchiha - were cornered by the Uchiha Police Force.

"Right! Obito is alive. How did I not figure it out before?" Horyu exclaimed internally, eyes wide as realization hit him. His past memories of the original Horyu were often littered with encounters with Obito, the cheerful Uchiha who always had time for a friendly chat, regardless of how talentless or lowly someone was.

His heart thumped wildly in his chest, as he remembered the Obito from his memories, the one who had fallen into the abyss of darkness. If Obito had never been crushed under the boulder, Rin was never used as a weapon by Madara, which would have meant she didn't die. The chain of events twisted and shifted in his mind, each point connecting and leading to another in an intricate web of fate.

It was like watching a jigsaw puzzle assemble itself, piece by piece. "Madara... Is he alive or dead? Did he choose another person?" The question slipped out under his breath, his mind reeling from the sudden insight.

But even as these questions rattled through his mind, his gaze focused on the scene unfolding before him. Obito, Rin, and Kakashi were surrounded by a handful of stern-faced Uchiha Police Force members. His brows furrowed as he moved closer, curiosity pushing aside his thoughts of timeline inconsistencies for now.

"What do you want?" Rin's voice rang out in the silent street, an edge of defiance lacing her words. The words seemed to bounce off the quiet, austere buildings of the Uchiha district, heightening the tension in the air.

Obito had positioned himself protectively in front of Rin, his back to her, and Kakashi stood alertly by his side, his sharp gaze darting around their adversaries. Horyu could almost feel the tension that radiated off the three of them, a stark contrast to the usual camaraderie he was used to seeing.

A smirk graced the features of the lead police officer, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "As the traitor Namikaze Minato's students, you are under surveillance. We noticed you emptied your lodgings. Are you trying to escape?" His words, heavy with accusation, hung in the cold air, casting a chilling pall over the already tense scene.

Obito's fist clenched at his side at the mention of their sensei's name, a shudder of visible anger running through him. His onyx eyes burned with a silent fury that gave Horyu pause. Even from his hidden position, Horyu could see the powerful determination etched into Obito's features.

The atmosphere seemed to drop a few degrees as Kakashi's gaze, once restless and wandering, now fixated on the Uchiha police officer. Despite his visible eye being perpetually covered, Horyu could feel the icy intent that radiated from him.

Rin was silent, her normally bright eyes hardening with an unseen resolve. She took a step closer to Obito, her small hand reaching out to touch his clenched fist. The gesture was small, almost unnoticeable, but it carried a sense of solidarity, an unspoken promise of support.

The quiet scene was in stark contrast to the aggressive words thrown around, the undercurrent of a storm brewing between the once united clan members. Horyu's heart hammered in his chest, as he watched from his hidden spot, his mind spinning with new information.

"Why, why do they consider Minato a traitor?" Horyu murmured to himself, pulling his focus back to the problem at hand. He shivered, not from the biting cold, but from the chilling implications of the officer's words.

Minato, the Fourth Hokage in this timeline, being called a traitor was a piece of the puzzle he hadn't expected. He pinched the bridge of his nose, the pieces of the altered timeline falling into place slowly. His fingers trembled slightly, the thought of an entirely different narrative terrifyingly fascinating.

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