Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Lies and Psychological Warfare
First of all, I would like to apologize for letting you down yesterday and not uploading the chapters, but I really wasn't able to upload the chapters until I had an idea today that helped me upload the chapters. I will try to solve my problem tomorrow so that something like this doesn't happen again that would break trust.
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Lord Eddard Stark's Northern army faced off against the Rockborn forces of Deep Abyss Keep, separated only by the swaying rope bridge over the rushing Abyss River. Eddard called out to the other side, where King of the Rock Samro Crowl stood.
"Samro, don't think you're safe just because you're holed up in Deep Abyss Keep. Our Northern fleet controls the seas completely—we have an unbroken supply line from the ocean."
King Samro scoffed. "Lies! The waters around Skagos are still in the hands of the Iron Whore and her longship fleet. As for your grain ships? They'll be plundered by her Ironborn raiders. And let's not forget our own Rockborn pirates."
Eddard feigned ease. "My Sistermen reavers and Pentoshi mercenaries are raiding coastal villages nonstop. The Ironborn can't even protect your shores—how will they attack our supply ships? Foolishness! And to be frank, I've already sent envoys to Braavos. The Sealord's fleet is on its way."
"The purple oars of Braavos are unmatched in battle. You think longships stand a chance against the Sealord's fleet? That would be like smashing eggs against stone."
In truth, Eddard had no coin to hire the Braavosi fleet. His only connection to Braavos was the staggering debt he owed the Iron Bank. But this was a bluff—one meant to shake the morale of the Rockborn warriors inside Deep Abyss Keep.
King Samro had gathered warriors from the Stern clan, Maple clan, Frostbite clan, and Ice Dragon clan to reinforce his stronghold. These chieftains answered his call, leaving their own lands vulnerable. A phantom Braavosi fleet would make them anxious.
Sure enough, upon hearing Eddard's words, the chieftains of Ice Dragon, Maple, and Frostbite clans grew uneasy. Stern clan's chieftain, Billy, turned to King Samro with concern. "If the Braavosi fleet comes, can the Iron Whore stop them?"
Samro snorted. "Don't fall for Stark's tricks! He looks honest, but he's nothing but a braggart and a liar."
Then, Samro called back across the bridge. "Stark, you've summoned the Sealord's fleet, have you? Ha! Why not claim that King Robert Baratheon has arrived with the entire army of the Seven Kingdoms? Or that King Balon's Iron Fleet, the Arbor fleet, and the Royal Fleet are all at your back?"
"Anyone can tell tall tales. You think to deceive us so easily?"
Some Rockborn warriors roared their approval. But Eddard only smiled. He gestured for a man to step forward—Syrio Forel of Braavos.
"This is Syrio Forel, who served for nine years as First Sword to the Sealord himself. If you doubt me, ask him."
Eddard exchanged a look with Syrio, who understood at once. He called out in the Braavosi tongue:
"The Sealord's purple fleet now controls every sea around Skagos. The Rockborn have no hope of victory."
None of the Rockborn chieftains, apart from King Samro, understood Braavosi. But hearing a foreigner speak with such conviction made them waver.
Eddard pressed on. "The Ironborn and Rockborn pirates have disrupted trade along the Northern coast. Do you think Braavos—one of the greatest ports in the world—will allow that? The Sealord has sent his fleet to teach you a lesson. The Iron Whore and her raiders will drown in the deep."
Of course, this was another lie. Braavos depended on trade, and when pirates in the Stepstones threatened commerce, the Sealord's fleet would act—sometimes even joining forces with King's Landing, Tyrosh, Pentos, and Lys to crush them.
But Skagos? It held no real trade routes. At most, smugglers and slavers passed by. The island itself was nearly worthless for commerce, its coasts lined with treacherous reefs that kept sailors away.
Had Iron Whore Helyna Pyke been at King Samro's side, she would have exposed Eddard's deception. But the Rockborn chieftains were mostly land-bound warriors, unfamiliar with the outside world. And so, they hesitated.
King Samro, however, was no fool. He had traveled in his youth—to Lorath, Braavos, and White Harbor. Among the Rockborn, he was one of the few who had seen the wider world. He called back, unimpressed:
"If the Sealord's fleet is truly here, why haven't they sailed to Deep Abyss Keep? Why haven't they blockaded us? You're lying!"
Eddard smirked. "Then stay inside your keep like a turtle in its shell. We will march north, deep into your lands, and burn every Rockborn stronghold to the ground. With the Sealord's fleet, the Sistermen fleet, and my Pentoshi mercenaries at my side, Frosthall, Maplehall, Driftwood Keep, and the King's Hall will all fall."
The winter rains began to fall again. The wind howled, making the rope bridge sway violently.
King Samro laughed. "The deep valleys and thick forests of our land are filled with Rockborn warriors. Every step forward will cost you blood. If you don't believe me, come and see. You dare not charge our gates, and I won't waste my time with you. I'll sit in Deep Abyss Keep, feasting with my warriors and warming my bed with Northern women we've taken. Meanwhile, your army can freeze and starve outside my walls."
With that, King Samro turned and walked back into his fortress, his chieftains following. He left a force of slingers and archers to guard the bridge.
Greatjon Umber turned to Eddard. "Lord Stark, we crossed mountains and seas to punish the Rockborn, to avenge the children and women taken to Deep Abyss Keep. Let me lead the charge!"
Then he would be the first to fall—tumbling into the abyss to his death. The Greatjon was fearless, but Eddard would not waste good men on a fool's attack.
"The Rock King wants us to charge blindly," Eddard said. "This bridge is too narrow. Our numbers mean nothing here. Lining up to cross would be marching to our deaths."
Greatjon scowled. "So what, then? Do we turn tail and flee?"
"I will not retreat," Eddard declared. He ordered his men to bring forth Donald Crowl, a prisoner in iron shackles.
"Donald, you were the castellan of Deep Abyss Keep. No one knows this fortress better than you. Tell me—is there another way in?"
Donald hesitated. "There is a hidden path… but in a siege, the Rock King will have guards posted. To go that way would be as suicidal as the bridge."
— Thanks to Venkat for subscribing in Warden of the Realm
— Thanks to Robin kristiansen for subscribing in Warden of the Realm
— Thanks to hussain jama for subscribing in Warden of the Realm
— Thanks to sable for subscribing in Warden of the Realm
— Thanks to Mohamed for subscribing in Warden of the Realm
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