Game of Thrones: The Frozen Throne

Chapter 54: Chapter 54: The Standoff

The massive stone gates of Abyss Keep, carved with images of Stoneborn warriors and unicorns, creaked open. Emerging from within were Samro Crowl, the Stone King, and Billy Stern, chieftain of the Stern Clan, leading a force of archers and slingers. They came to the far side of the rope bridge, standing opposite the Northern host.

Samro Crowl wore a heavy cloak of seal fur over his chainmail, while Billy Stern was draped in a white bear pelt. Though streaks of gray lined his temples, the Stone King remained broad-shouldered and full of vigor. His voice rang out across the gorge: "I am Samro Crowl, the Stone King. Which of you is Eddard Stark?"

Eddard Stark rode a step forward, his voice steady and firm. "I am Eddard Stark. Samro Crowl, you have falsely crowned yourself king, consorting with the Iron Whore, Helen Pyke, to spill innocent blood along the Eastern Shore of the North. You have stirred the wrath of the North. Now, the Northern host stands at your gates. Kneel, surrender, and it need not be too late."

The Stone King and the warriors behind him laughed with scorn. "You have seen my Abyss Keep," Samro declared. "It is a gift from the Old Gods and the Children of the Forest to the Crowls. No one has ever taken this fortress. If the men of the North do not fear death, let them come and try."

"The Iron Whore has burned your supplies. I know your stores won't last long. Northern cowards, come and fight if you dare!"

The Stoneborn warriors joined in his jeers, hurling insults across the chasm.

Beside Eddard, Theon Greyjoy, Domeric Bolton, Jon Snow, and the gathered Northern lords bristled with fury at the Stone King's taunts.

"Great Barrel" Wull gripped his axe. "Lord Eddard, give me the word. My clansmen will charge across that bridge even if it kills us."

Greatjon Umber, ever the first to thirst for battle, added, "If it is a charge you seek, then House Umber will lead the way. Taking that bridge is our task!"

Lord Medger Cerwyn blanched at the notion. "That would be a waste of lives! We should make camp and lay siege."

Lady Megge Mormont of Bear Island scoffed. "Sieging requires supplies, Lord Cerwyn. Since the Iron Whore set our stores ablaze, we haven't the means. You think starving them out is an option? Our own men would die of hunger first."

Roose Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort, murmured in his usual quiet tone, "Lords, we have marched our host to the very gates of Abyss Keep. The Stoneborn have seen our strength, and we have made our point. Why not leave it at that? A siege, given our lack of provisions, is sheer folly."

Lord Rickard Karstark scowled. "A lack of supplies? Marlon Manderly went to fetch grain and provisions. Or is it that you fear for the stores of the Dreadfort, Lord Bolton?"

Roose Bolton's pale eyes darkened. "I do not fear for my own supplies. I am concerned for the army. Marlon Manderly may have set sail for provisions, but who knows where his fleet is now? Need I remind you all that it was the failure of the Manderly brothers that allowed our stores to be burned in the first place? What makes you so certain Marlon will fare any better?"

"And what if the Iron Whore Helen Pyke has already struck at sea?" Bolton continued. "If Manderly's ships are lost, then what? We will be trapped here, starving, with no means of retreat."

The assembled lords argued amongst themselves. The mountain clans and the Greatjon urged an immediate assault, while Roose Bolton, Medger Cerwyn, and Harrion Hornwood favored a siege or retreat. Eddard wondered how Robert would have handled such a standoff.

Robert Baratheon had always favored swift, crushing force. A single rope bridge would not have deterred him. But Eddard was not Robert. He would not order a reckless assault that would see his men slaughtered needlessly.

With a simple wave of his hand, Eddard silenced the debate. "The Stone King wants us to charge," he said. "That is clear. I will not grant him that satisfaction."

Domeric Bolton frowned. "Then what do we do, Lord Stark? We have lost good men climbing these mountains to reach Abyss Keep. If not attack, then do we simply withdraw?"

Braavosi water dancer Syrio Forel stepped forward. "The Ironborn forges and shipyards are here, my lord. If left unchecked, they will keep building weapons, armor, and longships for the Stoneborn."

Eddard nodded. "We will not charge headlong into their trap. Nor will we turn back."

They needed to lure the Stoneborn out of their keep. But how?

The Stoneborn guide, Nonda Mapleleaf, approached Eddard and whispered, "Lord Stark, the man beside the Stone King is Billy Stern, chieftain of the Stern Clan."

Eddard glanced at Billy Stern. His son, Boleson Stern, was among the prisoners taken by Jon Snow and now languished in a Northern cage. The Stone King's own nephew, the steward of Abyss Keep, Donald Crowl, was also in their hands.

Eddard called out across the chasm. "Samro Crowl! I hold noble prisoners of the Stoneborn. You hold nobles of the North. Shall we parley?"

Billy Stern's eyes lit up, and he quickly turned to the Stone King. "Lord Crowl, they wish to exchange prisoners. Let us have my son back!"

The Stone King scowled at him. "Why do you hurry so?"

From across the bridge, Eddard could not hear their words, but he studied their expressions closely.

Samro Crowl raised his voice. "My nephew, Donald Crowl—is he still alive? If you have harmed him, I swear the fat Manderly brothers and that wretched Herman Tallhart will suffer."

Eddard gave a small smile. "Donald Crowl remains unharmed. As for Boleson Stern…" He paused deliberately. "His wounds are severe. My maester tells me they are infected. He may not last the week."

Billy Stern's face twisted with alarm. He stepped forward, shouting, "Eddard Stark! Release my son at once, or I swear you will all suffer!"

Eddard shrugged. "I am willing to trade Boleson for our Northern hostages. But the Stone King refuses. My hands are tied."

Billy Stern turned on the Stone King with visible outrage. "You believe him to be lying, but I cannot gamble with my son's life! His fate is uncertain, and that is fact. I implore you—let me have my son!"

The Stone King's face hardened. "No. The Iron Whore has claimed the Manderly brothers and Herman Tallhart as her prizes. She alone will decide their fate. She says they are of use."

Billy Stern's face darkened. "So the Iron Whore commands in Abyss Keep? We crowned you, Samro, not her! Or is it as they say? That Helen Pyke rules through you?"

Eddard watched the argument unfold with quiet satisfaction. The seed of doubt had been planted. Now, he only had to wait for it to bloom.


— Thanks to Venkat for subscribing in Warden of the Realm

— Thanks to Robin kristiansen for subscribing in Warden of the Realm

— Thanks to hussain jama for subscribing in Warden of the Realm

— Thanks to sable for subscribing in Warden of the Realm

— Thanks to Mohamed for subscribing in Warden of the Realm

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