Chapter 76: First Combat
The room exploded into splinters as I used my force shield to protect myself. Logan was struck with large shards of wood and glass, his grunt affirming that the blast itself probably took out most of the room. I knew Hope, Itachi and Minato were safe as I could feel their psychic energy just outside the house.
"Freya? What are you doing!?" Logan yelled out at me, his words twisting as he noted Xavier slowly standing on his feet, a dark red aura flowing out from behind him; visible for everyone to see. He backed away from me and the professor as he grabbed The Beast and simply legged it. Whatever we were about to do was of no concern to him.
I agreed with his assessment and quickly refocussed on my battle. The dark side of the force was coiling around the remnants of the room and spilling out into others. Psychic power washed over my own and tried to strangle its way through the gaps to get at the people behind me. Angry I lashed out at the dark side and attempted to siphon away its power using the life force drainage.
"BITCH!" It screeched out using Xavier's voice as the force slapped away my efforts. This was a full blow vergence and I was simply a powerful user of the force... I was underpowered against it.
A wave of pure force radiated outwards towards me and slammed through all of my defences, launching me through several walls and out into the courtyard. Screams from children were numbing as every inch of my body radiated pain.
'Fuck I am not used to being beaten like this...'
Slowly I rose from my prone position, meeting the entity's charcoal eyes as it scornfully scanned me.
"You are but a weakling trying to stop what cannot be stopped. Now, get, out, of, MY, WAY!" His gaze struck like fire and his mood blazed like the sun. My force shield arose and extended from me out to the kids as Itachi, Hope and Minato began assembling, ignoring their previous opponents and refocussing onto my fight.
The pressure built along the exterior of my shield, the structure collapsing in stages. I grit my teeth and let the light fill me, my psychic power unleashing fully into striking back amidst my fervoured defence.
"You are not going to harm me, my allies, or the one who I had just saved from you!" My words were meaningless though as my defence was quickly crumbling beneath his domineering power over the force.
'I need to verse him with something else, something to tie him down.'
I looked to Itachi and nodded. Worry smothered his features before I whisked my head around and met the attention of the dark side of the force itself.
"Let's play a game? Shall we?" I snapped my fingers, the golden energy of my concept empowerment clashing with the crimson-black and pulling it into a space of my own creation. Xavier was pulled in also as a deep chuckle emanated outwards.
A labyrinth of epic proportions extended below my feet as I immediately sensed the presence of the dark side below me. He was like an ant to my vision, but he was in no means an ant in terms of power. If it wasn't for the existence of SWTOR his escape would have been instant... Now though, with Minecraft gaining popularity more and more I was being fed power from millions of people.
Thor and Loki being present on the planet also increased my Norse Concept empowerment as I could literally feel Asgard somewhere deep in the stars, burning bright like a star.
"You think this can stop me... It won't."
I grimaced at his tone.
"I know I cannot hold you here forever."
The force flexed and shattered hundreds of walls below as the monsters of my little game were blasted into motes of dust. My concept flared in anger and the entire realm began shifting into deadly spears and poker, prodding down towards Xavier's body.
'If I have to kill you Xavier to protect myself, my people and your students I will do so.' My fist tightened till it was white, the power I was expending being more than I had ever seen from any of the heroes back on my original world.
"THIS... Is annoying. Come here so I can kill you." A powerful pull of gravity latched onto my body and attempted to bring me down to his level. My Norse concept flared up as rainbow energy lathered by entire body and then shot outwards, resisting the entirety of the dark-side's influence.
I grasped this new power and felt a tug from somewhere deep down inside my soul, a calling to summon a spear of spectral light. Just as I envisioned so did it become so... Rainbow light merged into the photons around me, consuming it until a spear of radiant golden-yellow light was held aloft in my hands.
"Taste my wrath!" I threw the spear straight at where I could sense the incarnation of the dark-side, the very environment being crushed just for attempting to strike out at him.
Xavier looked like Xavier no longer as his bald head began to sprout crimson tattoos that crested at the back of the head. Lines of alien design were etched into his face as his eyes slowly got darker, more possessed, a dark confidence submerging the very atmosphere in its clutches.
"I don't think so..." He raised an arm and before the light could even reach him it had vanished the power disseminating into the surrounding air as he grinned evilly up at me. It was a depraved expression, an expression from someone who was used to bathing in the blood of innocents and the despair of the weak.
Oxygen vacated my neck as he slowly began walking upon mid-air, his power wafting off of him in droves. Choking, I was choking to death as he calmly strode up to me. I needed a way to get out of this...
"You know, I once met someone as arrogant as you... Someone who was so stupid as to think themselves worthy of becoming the balance between my sister and I... He, ultimately, fed into my hands." His voice was slowly subverting Xavier's as I looked over and watched his clothes disintegrate and new pitch black combat armour take its place.
"You! Are just like him... Foolish to think you can interfere with my plans, naïve as to think that your mere knowledge over the force could trump my POWER." I glared at him and used the last flittering gasp of my body to throw a metric fuck tonne of power into my miniature dimension.
"C-choke, on a storm, fucker..." With those last words I was released as a force storm cascaded over the entity's body and consumed his physical body. The storm was very powerful, but temporary, it would last as long as this space would... And that wouldn't be for long. A shout of pure unadulterated fury imploded as the entire storm was quelled and the space was shattered, his and my own feet landing in the garden of Xavier's school.
He laughed in pure rage as he pulled his right hand back into a clawed shape. "DIE FOR YOUR IMPUDENCE!!!" A massive crackling of lightning and kinetic energy swelled in his hand as I weakly looked up, bruises wreathing my neck as it was blasted towards me.
'Fuck it, we ball...'
I raised my right hand and revealed the command seals on my arm.
"With the power of our contract I summon you, Artoria Pendragon, Saber!"
Apocalyptic energy sundered before me and consumed every opening that I had, the force power meeting it and ceasing to exist as a single nigh-fractured Excalibur slid out of the portal and launched at the incarnation, Artoria's armour-clad form softly stepping through the gateway.
"Artoria, that guy over there is too strong for me... He wants a little girl and to kill me, please hold him off or kill him, whichever."
She nodded as the portal vanished.
"Allies will avail none of your woes, PISSANT!"
Artoria hunkered down and scowled at the man, a helmet appearing on her face in a flash of apocalyptic time energy. Reality bent around her and my mind could barely pick along the edges of such a sight to see a mass genocide.
"Only those who view themselves as worthless call others pissant... Perhaps you fit this description?" Artoria quipped back before vanishing and emerging right next to the incarnation, his head already turned and facing her.
"WEAK!" He flexed his power, which would have worked, if it wasn't for the sword of divinity and destroyed time-line that was looking to decapitate him directly. His eyes widened as the force was carved from existence, from the timeline, his body shunting backwards as an electric power akin to the Flash's scooped him away.
A hiss radiated from his powers as his mouth hung open in the midst of a growl.
Artoria straightened her posture and brought the sword's edge right before her face.
"God abandoned my world... Even then I still survived... You will not be so lucky." She flashed away in a massive burst of speed as Excalibur carved hundreds of arks one after another, the orange-gold light leaving cracks in space for several seconds until it repaired.
The incarnation dodged every blow but only by millimetres, his every effort focussed on merely avoiding her strikes. This was the perfect time to get help from Itachi and Minato.
"Itachi, Minato, come here!" They came over and I directed them both to help Artoria... Itachi was to use Genjutsu and substitution Jutsus to confuse him, Minato was simply to harass and distract him whilst Artoria found a way to stab the bastard.
In the meantime I ran over to the girl who was the first vergence I had ever seen. She looked frightened of the dark-side incarnation, but I drew her attention away.
"Do you wish to keep this power?" I was putting her on the spot, definitely, but I had very little other choice. Her decision would either make me take the power from her for my own gain, or I would channel her using light-side techniques and train her as a 'Padawan' of sorts.
She stuttered as Itachi's wooden substitute was blasted into splinters, Minato throwing hundred of daggers at him in harassment, lightning chakra gliding through the very air into the body of our foe.
"I-I want to keep it... But I can't, not if you can't stop him..." The decision was made. It was a pain in the ass, but I wasn't about to hurt a child just to gain enough power, easily, to defeat him.
"Then I need you to look me directly in the eyes and focus only on the sensation you are getting from me. I am going to channel you so that we can trap him away within a dimension of my own creation, kay?" She looked nervous beyond measure as Artoria was blasted away into one of the upper rooms of the school, her recovery instant as she flung her sword through the air into the path of the incarnation and drew blood for the first time.
"AHHHH! You, will PAY for that...!"
"You whine like kitten."
Staring deeply into this girl's eyes I began the enhanced battle meditation of the Jedi, lightly plucking at her newly found force powers to a point where she could feel it and the incarnation couldn't. The girl fumbled around the connection until she was forced to grab it as I essentially punched her senses with the force, Non-painfully.
My eyes widened and I felt her force powers bloom into a sun-like flower, her connection to both the dark and light perfectly balanced. We both stood up together and turned at the same time, our eyes looking on at the Incarnation as he Sparta kicked Minato in the chest and back-handed Itachi, Artoria already sliding along the ground with her sword carving a path in front of her.
Me and Kate lifting our hands out and encapsulating the incarnation into a ball of pure light side-infused force energy.
""No."" Me and my new Padawan spoke at the same time as I sparked my concept empowerment and created an almost impossible to escape chamber. His screams billowed out for what seemed to be eons until he was condensed in space-time, down into a small spectral ball of gold that sought out my body and entered into it.
Power flared into me, the full power of the imprisoned dark side empowering me.
How you may ask? Well, I was getting him to play every game I ever knew... And win in them all... Whilst being faced with trials of all of Mythology's greatest heroes and stories; which were a form of game in an of themselves. He was screaming in rage as almost all of his power funnelled to me, bringing me to the edge of some breakthrough as I collapsed onto my knees and sighed in massive amounts of pain.
'Xavier is gone... Sucks to be him, i guess...'
"Are you okay!?" Artoria sprinted over along with my allies, just in time for me to fall unconscious.
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