Game Creator Multiversal (Marvel/DC)

Chapter 75: A Cluster Fuck

"Enough! Xavier, I'll come by as soon as I can okay." I waved my hand in his direction and channelled the force, shunting him backwards into his actual body, in the school, as I turned to regard my new 'guests'. 

The first to emerge from the light was a burly looking man that looked exactly like Chris Hemsworth, his hair was longer and his beard slightly more impactful at first glance but besides that he was the spitting image of the actor that I had liked in Australian TV dramas. Mjolnir was dangling from his belt, Megingjörð, as his stark blue eyes scanned the assembled heroes behind him. A smile eclipsed any masculine seriousness he had as he obviously resisted the urge to laugh at the 'undergarments' that the people wore.

'Thor...' I felt a rune on my back light up as the entire tattoo upon my back condensed itself into a single spiralling infinity symbol upon my back, before it crawled over my skin like a flea, and bound itself to my index finger. A singular infinity rune was carved into my flesh in the same position a ring might sit if I were to wear such an item on my index finger. 

Another figure emerged from beside Thor, a green and gold armoured man with slick black hair and a deeply verdant set of eyes. In his right hand was a staff of gold, a singular blue jewel floating on the end that, in sensing it, held great significance. Besides this obvious artefact was the tell-tale signs of the rainbow bridge around them... 'And, Loki...' I sighed deeply, tiredly, what was my life coming to?

"Greetings Midgardians, I am the mighty Thor Odinson, God of Thunder and the protector of the nine realms!" He posed himself so as to exhibit as much strength and power as he could, all the whilst his brother eyed me strangely, his sorcery not covering his attempt at stealth as I tracked him with my mind; following his invisible self with my eyes.

Batman was the first to speak. "It seems that life is never boring around you Freya." How he knew that I was the owner of the company and not some random guard eluded me, but his renown as a brilliant detective from the system wasn't misplaced. 

"Yeah, yeah... Let me deal with things in order." It was hard to tell what expression he might have had, but his emotions certainly communicated his agreement with waiting.

"Thor Odinson, what brings you here?" My words were unflinching and my summons were just as calm about their presence. This must have stumped the Asgardian as he stood there frowning for several moments, breaking his pose. He didn't answer though, it was Loki who did so.

"Are you the one who created the 'company', known as Yggdrasil 'Interactive'?" I raised my eyebrows but answered him.


"Wonderful! Perhaps you could humour us in staying on Midgard for a time?" My instant feeling was to pluck my own brain from my head instead of having to suffer under the antics of not only Thor, who was a handful, but also Loki who was another kettle of fish altogether. 

My father would have been excited to meet the god of trickery, Loki being his most relatable god and all... Alas, I was not him, and could not feel much connection to the concepts Loki represented. With things being as crazy as they were already I just nodded and decided future me would fix the issues. 

"Sure, follow my servant's directions and she will settle you down. I will meet with you both later to, chat, in the meantime ask her for anything you wish for; she will attempt to procure it for you." Thor was about to answer with boisterous zeal until Loki intervened once more, the thunder god starting to get annoyed by his slimy brother's actions.

"Oh? You do not kneel before us...? We are gods, you understand?" I scoffed at him and clenched my right hand into a fist, my Sith skills coming into effect as he began choking on his own spittle, his eyes widening before I granted him his breathing back and loosened my fist.

"Aren't we your guests!?" Loki yelled in outrage as he massaged his throat and pulled down his sceptre to point at me.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing, you are still alive, aren't you?" Inside my soul I let a tear of happiness leak out amidst the frustration and growing sense of schadenfreude... I had gotten to say one of my favourite lines from Star Wars without it sounding horrible.

Loki was less than pleased though and close to throwing hands with me until Thor stepped up and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Stop it Loki, we just emerged in the middle of, something, perhaps it isn't the best idea to annoy our host?" Loki looked over his shoulder at his brother before slowly raising the sceptre in his hand.

"Fine. We would appreciate if you could give us accommodation." I nodded and gestured towards Mito who had just appeared. I told her to keep watch on these 'gods' and get the Uchiha to do it. She was a little annoyed at the lack of trust in the Uzumaki until I explained Loki's powers a little to her, in which she immediately understood. And like that Mito guided them away, Thor looking around like a curious child and Loki analysing every inch of what he saw.

He was going to be trouble that one. 

"So, are you ready to chat yet?" The Flash was the one to speak this time, or Barry Allen as I knew from my information packs. He was a rather tall man, his muscles accentuated by the hot-rod red fabric that covered him. His facial features were rather angular and strong but the majority of his face was hidden beneath a mask, like Bruce next to him.

Sighing at the level of fucked-ness in this moment I just nodded. "Sure... Why have you come to meet me, Bruce, Barry, Dick, Damian?" Every time I spoke the person's name they winced reflexively, the only exception being Damian as he had made zero effort to properly hide his identity to me thus far. 

Bruce was the first to step out and begin talking as Dick was fanboying a little at meeting me again and being in the place where SWTOR had been made.

"Freya I am here to talk to you about a plan I have enacted, to make an organisation..." This interested me, I wasn't one to do Hero business, but helping them to manage the stupidity of certain parties across the world wouldn't hurt. From the tone of his voice I got the feeling it was a much larger plan than he was going to tell me about. 

He continued. "The Justice League," a pause was had for dramatic effect despite my time being crunched down by multiple things... "Is something I have been planning for a long time. Would you join such an organisation?"

I sighed at his straightforward tone. He was being forthright with me and speaking in soliloquy as his eyes almost reflected his inner thoughts.

"This is for the betterment of the world and to ensure that our children and the future of mankind, by extension, are safe and secure." I stared at him as my mind went to Tony Stark, the thought that this would be something Tony would agree to did percolate through my mind for brief moments. 

"I am not a hero Bruce. I do not hold any great care for the non-killing rule you subscribe to. But, if you are fine with me being a consultant to this 'Justice League', I would be willing to aid you in your actions." The flash scoffed.

"So what? Are you just going to sit here and do nothing whilst we do all the work...?" He was slightly more annoying than I had imagined. 

"No, if you need help with technology or designs you can come to me. I am sorry to say this, but each of your suits has several flaws that ruin your potential and prospects in a battle." Bruce narrowed his eyes at the insinuation that his work was flawed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, first of all, your suit lacks an exoskeletal assistance system. Second, the cape doesn't have a retracting feature as far as I can tell, meaning that it could get caught in the battle and rip. Thirdly, from what I can see, you are somewhat uncomfortable whilst inside of it... Perhaps a lack of environmental systems leading to a stewing pot of heat around your navel and under-arms?" Dick laughed uproariously as Bruce simply stared at me with neither confirmation nor admonishment. 

I rounded on the Flash. "Your suit is flawed in many ways... Much more than Bruce's. It is designed no doubt to resist the speed you travel at, but it doesn't even have the feature to absorb the left over kinetic energy of your running to increase any part of your abilities. Secondly, you have very little thought of other features you could add, meaning you rely on the power of your ability more than actual thought."

He flinched backwards, his emotions showing that he was mildly insulted by the insinuation that he is lacking in intelligence. I didn't care for his emotions though and simply returned to mine and Bruce's conversation.

"I can provide background support for your League, but know I will only step in if there is a situation that effects me in some way." Bruce's emotions were heavy but also crystal clear, he was satisfied with this resolution... Almost as if he was happy that I had taken him seriously. 

"Now, if that is all, please feel free to stay and chat with my subordinates, but I need to go save a girl from a new power in this Universe." Bruce immediately tensed at the mention of something new, whilst Barry looked up at the sky instantly and had his powers vibrate chaotically around himself.

"I know what you mean... What is this?" Barry looked down at his hands and I could sense the force intertwining with whatever his powers were. 'For fuck's sakes...' My senses expanded out and I could feel the force grow stronger as many concepts were strengthened by its presence.

"Okay, that just happened. Shit, I'll be back, If I don't go help this girl she will be in trouble." I rushed past the heroes and sprinted at break-neck speed towards Xavier's mansion, Itachi, Hope and Minato following after me at a similar pace.


"Does she always do that?" The flash turned to Batman only for the physically strong man to shrug.

"First time meeting her myself."

Mito stepped in and began speaking to the four heroes.

"So, are you coming in or you got somethin better to do, ttebayo?"

"We will leave you here, I have some more errands to run."

Mito smiled teasingly before waving, the Flash scooping up the three other people and whisking them away at speeds beyond normal human comprehension. 

"Freya-san sure has some weird friends..." She turned around and went to go check in on the guests.


Ten minutes after I had left my HQ I arrived at Xavier's School, the front gates slammed open as I crashed through them and into the grounds. Alarms went off but I didn't give two fucks. My three companions stepped in with me and walked behind my in an arrow pattern, with me being at the very point of this arrow. 

Storm rose into the sky as a red laser descended upon me without any warning. It seemed Xavier was being a tool. My shunting of him was probably the cause of the hostilities currently. "Tutaminis," I whispered the word under my breath as my right hand met with the laser, sparks of cerulean blue consuming the ocular beam whilst I continued to swiftly walk.

Lightning gathered in the sky and split it in twain as the electro-static energy of a full lightning blast struck into me, or would have if I didn't have Force-assisted senses and precognition. I sidestepped the blast and simply shrugged off the kinetic impact, continuing forwards as I prodded at the sensation, in the force, of the girl's mind. She was struggling to remain in control, she was awake now, and my wards on her were waning. 

'How did those wards get there in the first place?' I diverged from my purpose for but a moment, my vision showing me Xavier in the heart of some massive chamber. The Force caressed my mind and whispered of that chamber's danger to many people across the planet. That wasn't my goal though... Saving this girl was.

"Itachi, go knock out whoever just blasted that laser at me." He nodded and dispersed into ravens, his presence completely covered from my mental scans, he was getting much better at his Genjutsu.

"Minato... Please kindly persuade that woman flying up there to stop her attacks on me." 

"No problems." He vanished in a flash of lightning as his talisman appeared right next to the woman, his foot slamming down into her side. She was slammed into the ground somewhere in the distance.

"Hope, guard me whilst I go in." The girl nodded as her eyes scanned the building.

"Why are you going to such lengths to help a girl that you don't even know?" The question made me pause for a second before I continued on.

"Because she is a vergence in the Force. She can only be taught by someone who is skilled in usage of the force and is a danger to everyone here otherwise." Hope tried to poke into my mind again, my annoyance now clear to her.

"Hope Mikaelson, I understand that you may be doing so unintentionally, but invading someone's mind whenever you question their answers is impolite and could get you hurt if the person you are doing it to is a psychic... Like me... So please stop." She winced in pain and slowly murmured an apology. It seemed it was indeed passive like I had thought.

"We'll train you to control your mind-reading when we get back, kay?" She brightened up at the mention of training, her family not exactly being the best to learn from. 

The mansion opened before us, the doors buckling under my psychic power as behind it were hundreds of kids. My eyes softened as I lowered my power, my words trying to be as calming and sincere as possible.

"I am here to help a girl... Xavier asked me to come here." Many of the kids were moving away from me, but they were stopped by a single 16 year old who had a blindfold over the place where most people who have eyes. Her emotions were undetectable to me and her psychic power was off the charts... She was much like Xavier in power but unfocussed. 

"She isn't lying. Yes, no, yes... This woman isn't lying." My passive training devices deactivated as my full psychic might came to bear, the psychic shielding picking up in intensity to a massive degree. Somehow she had been reading my surface thoughts directly through my barriers. 

"Whilst I dislike someone poking their head into my own, thank you for clearing up the misunderstanding." The girl nodded her head.

Me and Hope walked inside, the force pulling my like a rope towards a specific room in the school. Ignoring the children for the most part I followed this gnawing pull through the halls, Logan and Hank; Wolverine and The Beast, standing before the door of the room I wished to move into.


"I don't think so bub..." He unleashed his claws and entered into a crouch, drawn to the limit of my patience I simply grabbed the both of them with my Telekinesis and pushed them back, holding onto each part of their body with the strength of Hercules. 

"Sit down and wait here while I help your student. This has already annoyed me far more than I wished it to, Xavier has a lot of shit to answer for."

They couldn't even answer as I their vocal cords were held with the same voracity as their limbs. The words they could speak would only further my chagrin at Xavier's actions today. Hope was laughing at their state, looking them up and down before following me as I opened the door.

Getting into the room I was met by the visage of Xavier struggling psychically to aid the teenage girl. And there it was, the 'Dark Side' of the force drawn out like a sickly oil over the atmosphere within the quaint office. It took the form of a snake, its desperation evident in how it was recklessly trying to puncture my defenses.


"Hello there... Would you like to explain why you are trying to harm this girl?"

~"𝔽𝕦𝕔𝕜 𝕠𝕗𝕗 𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕥"~

"No? Okay then, how about I just siphon away your power and turn myself into a vergence?"

The snake flexed backwards as its power fled into Xavier, the man opening his eyes as his psychic power flared into the sun once again.


"What are you going to do now pissant?" The Dark side spoke through the professor as the young girl awoke to the dissonant echoing voice of her own teacher facing down me, her saviour. 

"Hope protect the girl." She didn't even respond to me and merely shifted with Vampiric speed over in front of the girl, scooping her up and speeding away.


"Out of your reach cockroach."


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