Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 695: One-Sided Massacre

Chapter 695: One-Sided Massacre

Darth Malthael is indeed paying close attention to the Battle Situation in the Kaliida Nebula, but what he is concerned about is when the Malevolence will be destroyed.

Just like when Darth Plagueis died, Darth Malthael has maintained the utmost caution for the plots that will inevitably happen.

A butterfly flapping its wings may cause a storm on the other side of the ocean, but the changes he caused in this World are too great. The Sith Lords have become two, in this case, there are too many things that can happen and be changed and he doesn't even know it.

So he had to put insurance on things like this, and this time, the insurance was Dream Sisters.

The Relationship between Darth Malthael and the Dream Sisters is a bit strange. You can't talk about a real Superior-Subordinate Relationship. After all, after joining the Jedi Order, they will cut off all ties with their previous identities.

The Dream Sisters belong to the earlier Batch of Embryos that grew up. Although he doesn't know why the Mothership's Frozen Embryos had such a Powerful Torce Talent, they have received Sleep hints since childhood. In fact, this hint is not strong, it just affects a person's tendency to make a decision a little bit. For the Dream Sisters who had become Jedi Knights, the impact is even more negligible, at most it is just a little favor.

So in fact, the Dream Sisters are more like...Admirers, or Little Fans of Darth Malthael. So although they sometimes help Darth Malthael and the Fourth Civilization, they mostly act according to their own judgment, and in their occasional contact with Darth Malthael, more just looking for advice.

For example, this time, Darth Malthael told them about the Malevolence in advance and asked them to pay attention, and if they had the opportunity, they would participate in the operation and make sure to destroy this Super Battleship.

For the matter of being able to destroy a Super Battleship close to 5,000 Meters long, the Dream Sisters happily agreed.

Darth Malthael was relieved because of this, he knew the Dream Sisters very well, and they didn't hide many things from him, so Darth Malthael also understood that they were truly terrifying.

But Darth Malthael is not particularly sure of the real purpose of the Dream Sisters. Ambition? Wealth? Strength? Or... at present, the one he guesses feels the closest——


This is something that even Master Windu and Master Yoda don't know, and only their Master Depa Billaba in the Jedi Order knows.

And this Talent, in a sense, is more deadly than Order 66!

While thinking, the Plague had completed its Fourth Recharge, and Darth Malthael looked coldly at a Space Station Orbiting Trigalis in front of him, and said, "Fire."

Boom~~~~!!! The entire Titan Battleship shook, and almost at the same time, the No. 2 Space Station of Trigalis was blown to pieces!

"My Lord, a Large Number of Hyperspace Fluctuations have been detected and It is very scattered. It should be that the 15th Army of the Republic has sent all the Active Warships from the Surrounding Systems." The Radar Officer turned around and said.

"Confirm the movement of their Main Fleet." Darth Malthael said.

A Salarian from the Intelligence Department next to him said: "The Sarin Oversector 15th Army Headquarters, the Quimet Star Fleet, left for Zhar, and the 20 Venator-class Star Destroyers of the Frontline Fleet confirmed that they turned around 17 minutes ago."

Darth Malthael nodded, and said, "Sort up the Combat Video and send it to the Major News Networks of the Confederacy of Independent Systems."

"Don't you want to send it to the Republic? The Back Door in the Holographic Network that Super Lotus established for us can still be used now." The Commander of the Group asked.

"No, for this matter, what I need is a reaction from the Confederacy of Independent Systems." Darth Malthael waved his hand.

At the periphery of the Gravity Well of the Trigalis System, a Burst of Chaotic White Light flickered, and Hundreds of Warships and Starfighters equipped with Hyperdrives jumped out of Hyperspace and appeared here. Then these Warships and Starfighters rushed towards the Terrifying Behemoth of the Plague without any hesitation!

For a while, the Public Channel was filled with abuse from the Pilots of the Republic, and the Communication Officers turned off the sound of the Public Frequency Broadcast blankly. However, they were still Monitoring and Scanning every piece of information in the Public Frequency to ensure that nothing important would be missed, although the odds were slim.

In a sense, the Communication Officers were miserable. Every time a War started, the two sides spammed each other on the Public Channel, but they were the ones who were scolded.

Darth Malthael pushed away Darth Lilim who was still entangled with him, and said coldly: "The Sith Infiltrator is handed over to you, lead the Starfighter Formation to take off, and destroy these Motley Troops for me, the more the merrier."

"None of them can survive..." Darth Lilim didn't dare to be too presumptuous, knelt down on one knee, lightly licked the back of Darth Malthael's hand, and then wriggled like a water snake with her waist and went out.

The Hangar Platform under the rear section of the Plague opened, and Darth Lilim flew out with the Sith Infiltrator Red Comet, followed by 100 Wraith Starfighters.

Although the Plague is just a Cannon, but after all, the Hangar Platform behind the Titan Battleship can still carry 120 Wraith Starfighters.

After takeoff, the Formation of Starfighters began to spread out to both sides, giving way to the shooting angle of the Plague, and then all the Wraith Starfighters and the Sith Infiltrator turned on Stealth Mode, and all disappeared from the Field of Vision.

Then the Plague was fired! Even without using the Super, Super, Super, SUPER CANNON, this Ragnarov-class Titan Battleship still had a Large Number of Weapons. Powerful Missiles and Lasers were launched one after another, aiming at the Miscellaneous Troops who didn't even have a Well-Organized Formation.

More than a Dozen Warships and Starfighters were destroyed almost immediately, but the already Hot-Blooded and Furious Pilots of the Republic ignored the loss and rushed forward roaring!

Then they directly collided with the Stealth Starfighter Formation!

In the Stealth State, the Wraith Starfighters directly fired a salvo of Gemini Missiles, followed by Dense Pulsar Lasers shooting over.

Without a Unified Command and Dispatch, these Small Warships have no way to fight against the Stealth Starfighters. The Wraith Starfighters only have a Little Weak Signal on their Radar!

As for the Red Comet, the Sith Infiltrator, it disappeared directly. The Warship that was targeted by Darth Lilim did not know where and when the attack was launched until it died.

Looking at this One-sided Massacre, Darth Malthael said indifferently: "Turn around, start Calculating Hyperspace Parameters, and prepare to leave."

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