Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 694: Hunting the Malevolence (8)

Chapter 694: Hunting the Malevolence (8)

The Battle in the Kaliida Nebula also reached its climax when the Plague suddenly appeared on Trigalis unexpectedly.

The Severely Damaged Malevolence Subjugator-class Super Battleship was fleeing frantically, while the 3 Venator-class Star Destroyers followed closely behind, firing continuously.

The Heavy Turbolaser Turrets fired Powerful Blaster Energy Beams and Blasted Bursts of Flames on the Armor of Malevolence, and the Armor that was shattered fell off and flew around. Fortunately, the Malevolence had excellent Protection Ability and was not destroyed by the 3 Venator-class Star Destroyers after attacking for a long time, it is still strong.

The Malevolence is also fighting back, but there are not many Turrets that can directly attack from the rear, and the Deflector Shield System has been repaired once before, but it was overloaded and broken again in the continuous attack before the cycle was completely completed. General Grievous had to order the Malevolence to continue to escape, and at the same time repair the Deflector Shield System as soon as possible, and enter Hyperspace to Jump and escape.

It's just that in this continuous attack, the Parameters of the Hyperspace Jump also need to be constantly revised, and the Devastated Hull Energy Pipeline also increases the difficulty, so even if General Grievous flies the heads off 3 B-1 Droids, the Malevolence was still unable to enter Hyperspace.

At this moment, Darth Malthael's Public Frequency Signal was also transmitted to the Malevolence, looking at the Gloomy Figure on the Holographic Screen, General Grievous's terrifying vertical pupils under the steel mask also gave off a strange look, "Angel of Death...Angel of Death..."

At the same time, among the 3 Venator-class Star Destroyers that hunted down the Malevolence, the Bridge of the Resolute as the Flagship, Master Plo Koon, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano and Twin Sisters Dream Luna and Phantasm Luna are also watching this Public Channel.

"Trigalis is our rear Supply Base, how could it be attacked by such a Huge Warship?" Obi-Wan Kenobi frowned.

"There is only one possibility. This Super Battleship moved to Shadda-Bi-Boran in advance. That Planet encountered a Supernova Explosion 20 years ago, and the System was filled with Gamma-Rays, using this Violent Environment as a cover, and then launched a surprise attack on Trigalis," said Plo Koon.

"So the Separatist's actions were premeditated?" Anakin Skywalker said.

"Perhaps if it weren't for the Malevolence, this even Bigger Warship might directly attack Qeimet, the Capital of the 15th Army." Ahsoka Tano finished speaking, and then denied her own thoughts, " But why isn't this Warship doing it now?"

"It can only mean that he dare not directly touch the Heavily Guarded Capital of the 15th Army," Anakin said.

"Then what should we do now?" Ahsoka Tano spread his hands, "We can't let the people of Trigalis be massacred, right? It may take some time for the Reinforcements of the 15th Army to arrive there."

Obi-Wan Kenobi didn't speak, but his expression was extremely serious.

At this time, the Subspace Transceiver from the Jedi Order was connected, and the Holographic Projections of Master Windu and Master Yoda appeared, and everyone present bowed and saluted.

"The Sith Lord Angel of Death threatened Trigalis and asked us to stop attacking the Separatist Super Battleship Malevolence." Master Windu did not immediately conclude but looked around to see everyone's reactions.

Obi-Wan Kenobi frowned, Anakin's face was full of anger, Ahsoka lowered her head in thought, only Plo Koon's expression couldn't be seen clearly because he was wearing a Mask.

"We have to think carefully." Another Holographic Projection came in, but it was Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, "The News leaked, and someone sent this video to the Galactic Holographic Network. This is a Very Serious Political Incident and we must think about the innocent people of Trigalis."

He said earnestly, "The Malevolence has suffered Heavy Damage. Even if we let it go this time, we will still be sure to destroy it next time when we know its weakness. I believe in the power of the Jedi Order."

"Continue to attack." There was a pleasant voice, it turned out to be the Dream Sister who had been silent since just now and Phantasm Luna said coldly: "If this precedent is set, every time the Separatists lose in Battle and they threaten a Planet, we will never win this War."

"But even if the Planetary Shield is turned on on Trigalis, there are still Hundreds of Thousands of Soldiers and Civilians in the Space Stations!" Ahsoka Tano argued loudly, raising her head.

"If the Malevolence is allowed to escape, then Hundreds of Thousands of people will die because of it." Dream Luna also said.

"Human Life cannot be counted by numbers!" Anakin suddenly roared, his chest heaved violently, showing that he was already very angry, "But... but... I can't..."

Master Windu looked at the Dream Sisters and nodded in relief.

"Continue to attack," Master Yoda said, "Order, my order this is."

"This is also an order I issue, Master Plo, Master Obi-Wan. You are only those who execute the order, and you...have nothing to do with the consequences of this matter." Master Windu said in a deep voice.

A Faint Trace of Anger flashed across Palpatine's expression.

Obi-Wan Kenobi looked at the Countdown Projected on the Public Frequency, pressed the Communication Button of the Fleet's Internal Command Channel, and said loudly: "I, Obi-Wan Kenobi, as the Frontline Commander am ordered to continue the attack Malevolence! Do your best to destroy it as soon as possible!"

After he gave the order, the Countdown on the Public Frequency also reset to Zero.

Darth Malthael sneered and said: "It seems that the negotiations have broken down, so, hehehehe... Fire."

The Plague had already completed charging and fired again. Space Station No. 3 Orbiting Trigalis was destroyed in One Blow! Countless Fragments spread out like a Long Dragon of Hundreds of Kilometers... Then the Hypermatter Railgun of the Plague began to Recharge again.

At this moment, on the side of the Kaliida Nebula, several Jedi Knights and their Officers and Clones shared the same hatred, and they roared and launched a more frenzied attack on the Malevolence.

Anakin ran directly towards the Hangar Platform, and said loudly: "We can go straight into the Super Battleship before the Malevolence's Deflector Shield is repaired! Grab Grievous and then destroy its Hyperdrive!"

"Master! I'll go with you!" Ahsoka Tano hurriedly followed.

"Master Plo, you haven't recovered from your previous injury, so you stay here to Command, and I will go to help." Obi-Wan Kenobi said.

The Dream Sisters looked at each other and said in unison: "We can also help, let's go together."

Seeing their appearance, Master Windu and Master Yoda nodded, with somewhat gratified expressions on their faces.

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine sighed and said: "Go...go...I will bear the consequences of this incident, and then hold a Public Sacrifice Ceremony for the Hundreds of Thousands of innocent victims who will soon appear on Trigalis. I believe in your decision, Master Yoda, and I will help you clear the way. I just hope you don't let me down..."

After speaking, he turned off the Subspace Communication.

"Master Plo, the Battle on the Malevolence is in your hands." Master Windu nodded at Plo Koon.

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