Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 659: Argonev-class Star Fortress

Chapter 659: Argonev-class Star Fortress

22BBY, The Morning of August 11, Bespin.

A Squadron of 20 V-19 Torrent Starfighters escorting 5 BTL-B Y-wing Bombers is flying at full speed, heading towards Bespin.

This Huge Gas Giant has a diameter of 118,000 kilometers, but in fact, the turbid atmosphere that overflows around it has a wider range. If this part is counted, the diameter of Bespin can even reach 130,000 kilometers! In comparison, the 12,000-kilometer-diameter Earth is like a marble next to a basketball.

Now, in the middle of this Cloudy Atmosphere, a terrible battle is breaking out.

Countless Lasers and Missiles flew by like raindrops, some from the enemy and some from our own side. This Squadron of Starfighters are like swifts flying up and down in the storm, it's thrilling!

In fact, if you don't look at the Instruments, you can't actually see anything around, because the scope of the two sides' fighting is so large that it is completely impossible to see by sight.

But even so, the Dense Laser Beams and the Constant Explosions still showed the cruelty of this battle.

This Starfighter Squadron passed by a Gauss Defense Platform at high speed. The Two Dual Gauss Cannons on this 50-meter-high Defense Platform were firing continuously into the void, Two 8-unit Burst Missile Launchers also fired and 16 Missiles were launched at one time and shot directly in the direction of the Republic Fleet behind.

But the Starfighters of the Republic didn't bother with it at all, their goal was something else.

The Two Point Defense Lasers on the Gauss Defense Platform fired wildly at the Starfighters but the Lasers were all blocked by the Deflector Shields of the Starfighters. Then, from nowhere, a Powerful Turbolaser Cannon directly hit the Gauss Defense Platform! Immediately after the second and third rounds, after withstanding nearly 10 rounds of Turbolaser Cannon Fire, the Shield of the Gauss Defense Platform finally collapsed, and then the Main Structure and Armor disintegrated during the shooting!

During the violent explosion, the Starfighter Squadron flashed past, passing through layers of Turbid Clouds, suddenly the front suddenly opened up, and the surrounding scenery suddenly became clear.

All they could see was the Huge Disc-Shaped Body of Cloud City floating in the distance, more than 20 Warships and countless Starfighters and Frigates were fighting fiercely in this Airspace, and countless Lasers and Missiles were flying across the air.

However, this is not the point. After this group of Starfighters passed through the clouds, what lay directly in front of them was another terrifying creation!

An incomparably Huge Armed Space Station!

No, this can no longer be described by a Space Station. This Huge Mushroom-Shaped Space Station with a trapezoidal top and a slightly thinner bottom had a side length of 8,000 meters and a height as high as 6,000 meters!

Such a volume is clearly a Star Fortress! The Argonev-class Star Fortress!

Thick Armor was spread all over the whole, densely packed Point Defense Lasers, Point Defense Autocannons, Medium Autocannons, and Turbolaser Cannons were everywhere, and the Missile Launcher Arrays arranged on the edges were constantly launching Various Types of Missiles. What's even more frightening is that on the four corners of the edge of this Star Fortress, an extremely Huge Heavy Beam Cannon is installed respectively! The Launcher of this Heavy Beam Cannon alone is bigger than a Frigate!

With the slow rotation of the Star Fortress, the Heavy Beam Cannons at the four corners are also firing rhythmically, and each irradiation lasts for about 2 seconds, which will bring devastating damage to the Enemy Battleships.

It can be seen that this Star Fortress has not yet been completed, and the frame structure in many places is still exposed, it is being assembled by some Raloz-class Heavy Constructors with a length of more than 900 meters.

There are already Thousands of Starfighters fighting fiercely around the Star Fortress, and the Republic naturally understands the threat of this Star Fortress and dispatched a large number of Starfighters to bombard it.

After discovering this newly joined Starfighter Squadron, the Star Fortress split out a part of the Point Defense Lasers to fire wildly, densely packed Lasers and Shells came over, and immediately destroyed several Starfighters in the Starfighter Squadron.

But these brave Starfighter Pilots of the Galactic Republic still marched forward without fear. They launched all the Missiles and Proton Torpedoes on the Starfighters as soon as they found the target. Facing this side, the length is 8,000 meters and the height is 6,000 meters and firing at this Star Fortress, you don't even need to aim!

Under the cover of V-19 Torrent Starfighters, the BTL-B Y-wing Bombers finally rushed to the place close to the Star Fortress. Looking for a space to hide from among the Weapons Fire, they could only rely on the assistance of the Navigation Computer and their own Random Evasion Movements.

However, even so, the BTL-B Y-wing Bombers couldn't get too close to this Star Fortress, because the surrounding firepower was really frenzied. After 3 BTL-B Y-wing Bombers were destroyed, they launched all the Advanced Proton Torpedos, turned around and just ran.

The firepower at close range became more and more crazy! More than a dozen Advanced Proton Torpedos were intercepted, but more than 20 still hit the target, causing ripples on the Shield Array of the Star Fortress.

At this moment, the escorting V-19 Torrent Starfighters were already fighting with a group of Wraith Starfighters who came to protect the Star Fortress and the V-19 Torrent Starfighters fell into a comprehensive disadvantage when facing the Stealth Starfighters, and one by one was shot down. The BTL-B Y-wing Bombers had to make a wide circle, preparing to leave in the other direction.

However, at this moment, a Marza-class Heavy Cruiser flew around the Star Fortress at an extremely fast speed. Facing groups of Republic Starfighters rushing towards it, all Missile Launchers were deployed, and Hundreds of Missiles were launched like raindrops!!

After the Explosion of this Unique Missile, a Large Cloud of Deadly Radiation will be formed. This Salvo directly covers an area of ??Hundreds of Kilometers! Among them were at least 100 Republic Starfighters disintegrated to pieces by the Radiation Cloud.

Among them, this team of BTL-B Y-wing Bombers was also included.


At the same time, Bespin, Cloud City, Command Center of the Fourth Civilization.

The Commander-In-Chief of the Battle of Bespin, Igor Zavalov, is Commanding Calmly, issuing orders one after another, and each Battleship and Starfighter Squadron performs their duties, doing their best to resist the Galactic Republic's 80 Venator-class Star Destroyers and Tens of Thousands of Starfighters crazy attacks!

Beside him, a Vashan was holding a Portable Terminal to report the situation, "General, the Argonev-class Star Fortress is not yet fully completed, and after all, it was transformed from the Shefa Industrial Floating City, so the Structural Strength cannot be guaranteed. We should try to avoid the Shield Array of the Star Fortress from being penetrated."

The Vashan are a Four-Legged, Carapace-Covered Insectoid Race of Immense Strength, Hard Work, and Engineering Talent. This point should be in line with their Distant Ancestors, the Killik Civilization. After all, the Killik Civilization was also a Race that was keen on Various Giant Structures.

But this time, the Vashans have made great contributions to transforming Shefa City into an Argonev-class Star Fortress in just two months. In addition, the Givin also prepared Sophisticated Components such as the Weapon System of the Star Fortress early on, and then secretly sent them for Direct Assembly which allowed the Star Fortress to play a role in this Defensive Battle.

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