Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 658: Ayrou Civilization Riot

Chapter 658: Ayrou Civilization Riot

Walking out of the Planetary Palace on Planet Ayrou, Yahe Yah's face was pale, and even her body was trembling slightly. She will never forget the expression of Queen Ayrou just now...

That is the expression of complete despair, a total loss of all hope and even the courage to survive... It is like one person holding a Long Sword and the other holding an Axe, forcing you to choose one of the two to attack you, and you are powerless to resist and can only choose between the Long Sword or the Axe...

Which one is slightly less painful? "I hate! I hate you! I hate you all! I curse you! Curse Tang Xiao!! Curse Dawn!! Curse Palpatine!! Curse the Galactic Republic!! I CURSE... YOU!!!" This is what Queen Ayrou said the Republic after the conditions, her last words...

Yahe Yah returned to her residence and wanted to meditate, but she couldn't calm down at all. She wanted to find the answer from the guidance of The Force, but there was no response.

After a long time, when the sky outside was getting dark, some hustle and bustle began to appear, and then began to spread. She knew that it was the announcement from Queen Ayrou.

The people are actually very easy to be emotionally motivated, or how to mobilize the people's emotions is a compulsory course for every qualified ruler, and Ayrou Civilization were no exception.

Shortly after Yahe Yah left, Queen Ayrou made a public speech, pointing directly at Tang Xiao, Governor of Dawn, claiming that the Ayrou Civilization had declared Neutrality, but Dawn still involved them in the War. Annaj is the territory of the Ayrou Civilization, and Dawn should not use the Hyperspace Lane of Annaj for Military purposes.

Not only that, she also denounced Dawn's exploitation and oppression of the Ayrou Civilization, squeezing the property of the Ayrou, robbing the Ayrou of their job opportunities, and now she wants the Ayrou to pay for the War waged by Dawn itself!

Queen Ayrou also claimed that the Humans in the Ayrou Civilizations territory are all traitors! They have abandoned the Ayrou Civilization's help and coexistence for Thousands of Years, betrayed the Ayrou Civilization, wanted to destroy the Ayrou Civilization, and monopolized the Moddel Sector by themselves.

In the end, Queen Ayrou burst into tears, and she appealed loudly that although the Ayrou Civilization Government was unable to resist the Hegemony of Dawn, but the real power was in the hands of the people, and the Ayrou could not be affected and destroyed in the War of Dawn! The Ayrou must control their own destiny!

This Public Speech directly ignited the anger and humiliation of the Ayrou after their defeat in the last battle. The angry Ayrou took to the streets one after another, attacking every Human in sight! Even the properties of some Businessmen of Dawn were smashed, looted, and Shop Owners were dragged through the streets, hung on street lamps, and they even burned their bodies alive directly to show the public!

Some Ayrou working in the Spaceport went on strike one after another. They blocked the Spaceship Berths, blew up the Fuel Depot, and even set up a Hyperspace Blocker. They also flew directly to the Hyperspace Blocker in a Civilian Spaceship, claiming that to remove the Blocker Weapons, you can't unless the entire Spaceship full of Civilians is killed!

Jedi Master Yahe Yah closed her eyes in pain. After a long time, she connected to the Subspace Transceiver of the Jedi Order, and the Holographic Projection of Master Windu appeared in front of her.

"Is there any problem? Master Yahe Yah." Windu asked very gently.

"I...I..." Yahe Yah's lips moved, but she didn't know how to speak.

"Is it about the Ayrou Civilization?" Master Windu sighed, "War is a box full of disasters. Once opened, no one can control the direction of the War. Those who try to control the War will eventually die destroyed by the War whether it be Count Dooku or Tang Xiao...Of course, what I'm talking about also includes the Ayrou."

Yahe Yah bowed her head in silence.

"You should understand that it is precisely because the Ayrou Civilization took the initiative to provoke the War with Dawn before is what led to their current desperation. This is not your responsibility, but the responsibility of the person who made this decision. Queen Ayrou, she deserved it herself." Master Windu said.

"But the people are innocent..." Yahe Yah said.

"We cannot protect everyone, Master Yahe Yah, there is nothing we can do." Master Windu said in a deep voice.

Master Yahe Yah clenched her fists tightly, and then said word by word: "The Force can no longer give me guidance, I will go to the front line of Bespin and fight to the death... May The Force be with you, Master Windu."

After finishing speaking, she bowed deeply to Windu, and cut off the Holographic Projection before Windu could say anything, her Lightsaber flashed, and the Subspace Transceiver was directly cut into pieces!


The Ayrou Civilization suddenly set off a riot on Annaj, which really shocked Tang Xiao, who was attending the Separatist Senate of the Confederacy of Independent Systems on the Raxus Secundus at the moment.

He couldn't imagine why the Ayrou Civilization started a riot despite such a huge gap in strength, because this desperate difference in strength would only make the Ayrou Civilization bleed into rivers.

But so what, once Dawn starts bloody suppression, the Ayrou Civilization will truly become an Unstable Bomb, unless you kill them all, their struggle will not stop!

However, even if this is really done, what will other Civilizations and Races think of the Fourth Civilization? He will not be able to unite with anyone even with power! Will his dream of being the Galaxy's Overlord still be able to come to fruition? No!

And more urgently...

The Battle for Christophsis, and the Battle for Bespin!

There is no room for loss!

The Ayrou Civilization, their narrowness, their arrogance, their pride, could destroy everything!

Tang Xiao immediately connected to the Subspace Transceiver of the Chief Minister of the Cabinet, Helmut Zemo, and said very seriously: "The Ayrou riot cannot be allowed to spread! The situation on Annaj must be stabilized! This is a key part of our plan! No matter what method is used, we must keep the territory of the Ayrou Civilization stable! Especially before we completely defeat the 19th Army of the Galactic Republic, we must not lose the Hyperspace Lane at Annaj!"

Zemo fell into deep thought, then shook his head slightly, "The Ayrou Civilization's confrontation with us in such a way that is almost self-harm is exactly the result we don't want to see. I have reason to believe that this is the ghost of the 19th Army of the Republic behind the scenes. This is part of their Series of Operations to attack Bespin."

"So, what can you do?" Tang Xiao asked.

"Even if we directly send a Fleet to suppress it, it will take at least a week... But after a week, the situation of the Battle on Bespin will not be under our control..." Zemo also looked solemn.

"I have a solution." At this time, another voice suddenly came from beside Zemo, and then a Holographic Projection of a Female Salarian appeared in front of Tang Xiao. It was... the Leader of the Salarians, Dalatrass Linron.

Tang Xiao looked at her with a smile and asked, "So, what's your opinion? Elder Linron."

Elder Linron just nodded and said: "We have encountered such a situation in the expansion and battle. At that time... it was the Special Tasks Group of the Salarians who solved everything."

Compared with other Salarians, Dalatrass Linron's speaking speed was relatively normal.

"Special Tasks Group?" Tang Xiao thought for a while and agreed, "Then, I will leave this matter to you. You can make any decision without my approval."

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