Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 203: The Prophecised Slut

When it comes to dressing up... Kai finds the act a bit troublesome. He is quite taken to the usual 'uniform' of the shinobi. A dark-grey shirt, mesh shirt underneath, some trousers, and the flak jacket if out on the missions. This keeps Kai open to thinking about other important things.


'Damn, I look good in all these. It's hard to choose,' Kai is in a different room, getting dressed. Since they live in the same house, Kushina wanted to be picked from her room for the date so that's where they are at the moment.

'So... what should I wear? Maybe I shouldn't wear anything and cut the date short?' Kai snorts a chuckle internally and then picks out the clothes naturally. It should be simple when it comes to Kushina.

Understanding his role in her life full well and not the least bit discounting his or her feeling for each other, Kai just knows that he'll be accepted in any outfit.

'But that's no excuse for not being on the grind of life! If you do something, you do it right! I'm gonna do Kushina right~!' He laughs internally as he dresses up. His puns need a lot more grind but that's fine. He won't be busting his rhymes on the date anyway.

'I'll bust something else... fuck, I did it again...'

He groans and stops entirely. Donning his mesh shirt gifted to him by Mito that contains the sealing matrix within the chakra metals wired into threads to make this vest, not for training but just to have something familiar and comfortable on him, Kai moves on to wearing a pair of camel trousers and a black, half-sleeved shirt.

This prompts a response from another being that rarely leaves his side.


"Sorry, Cinnamon, but it's a date between me and Kushina," Kai chuckles and pokes the small head of the snake with his finger causing her to flick her tiny tongue against him in unruly defiance.

'How rude... for someone staying with me, she sure picked some bad habits.' Thinks the pot.

With no sleeves on, his customized weighted wristbands are exposed for others to see. These and similar ankle weights were ordered by Kai many moons ago. After earning Sage Transformation, his growth is more dependent on discovering equal or better qualities of chakra rather than bench pressing more weight.

That's just how it becomes for Shinobi once they reach a certain point. It is simply no longer feasible to try and fight 'bigger' things to lift at the expense of destroying their surroundings.

'Should I do something with my hair?' Kai looks into the mirror thoughtfully. Not the one to style his hair into outlandish nests, his dark hair is kept short and maybe it's because of chakra or whatnot but his hair tends to 'feel' a bit spiky. A bit untamed.

Like Kakashi and his nest of shaggy grey hair that just stands up without any products.

Realizing it's a moot point to touch his hair now, Kai gives himself another look over before wearing his sandals and calling it a day. He is already wearing new clothes he hasn't touched before but... he feels a little disappointed as to why he hasn't gotten an outfit similar to Jiraiya's.

'I'll commission one soon,' Kai smiles to himself, 'I already called myself the Dragon Sennin beyond the three Sannin. Gotta look the part, too... with my octopus mask!'

That mask is integral to his outfit! That mask needs to haunt the nightmares of his enemies!

"How do I look?" He spins for Cinnamon who hisses softly.

"You can't come, baby," Kai sighs with a grin, "Although I've been holding back, things might get hot and heavy. Something that a small snake still living under the guidance of her master shouldn't see."


Although he cannot speak 'snake', he does understand animals and convey his thoughts so imagine his surprise when...

"You... were with Nono and Kushina, huh?"

The tiny snake's tinier eyes glimmer in pride. Now she can come.

But she, like her master, has a bare minimum of etiquette and understanding as he bares a grin, "Now you definitely cannot come! Peeping on me? How rude! Consider this a punishment~!"

The snake's body collapses on its coiled half while Kai chuckles and slips out of the door.


*Knock* *Knock*

The knock is all she needs to bounce from her bed and open the door. Yet, despite her physical excitement, she can feel a nervous pit forming in her stomach that no ramen can fill. Before moving in the direction of the door, she looks in the mirror once again. Her violet hues look back at her encouragingly. And for once... the monster shows her kindness in her own way, the second time.

"You'll be alright, kid! Your worst fear should be me devouring you in my quest for freedom and vengeance. As for that bastard... just slip into an alley and let your usual Uzumaki blood make decisions for you. The lot of you are sluts anyway."

Kushina's usual bravado is nowhere to be seen. The words make her blush slightly as she clenches her fist tightly and heaves a deep breath.

'I won't slip into an alley... dattebane...' She replies quietly while the beast within barks, "So you agree all the Uzumaki are sluts!"

She can't deal with this. Her thoughts are in a disarray. Is she a slut? She did peek at him with Nono... well, that doesn't assure her at all cause Nono may JUST be the virgin slut of their group— A bastardized spiritual child of Jiraiya that lost her path down the way and got born as a woman.

She quietly opens the door. She wanted it like this. To be picked from her room. To have him escort her... even when they do the same thing during their spars— it dawns on her only now that... those might just be dates. And... he always took her seriously and dutifully. Always holding her in his arms. Giving her the priority to pick the serving of food she thought had more in it...


'I want more... so much more, dattebane...'

"Yeah, told you. A Sl—"

She cuts off the connection promptly. She cannot deal with the monster within while facing the one in front of her.

Taking a deep breath, she pulls at the door and looks at him quietly.

An outfit he never wore before, she can tell.

"Hey," his grin brightens ever so slightly even before he takes a full glance at her, "Are you ready for the day, Princess?"

This heats her cheeks. This causes her heartbeats to resound in her chest. This causes her skin to flush ever so slightly. And as his gaze roams over her with every bit of desire and love she'd ever want from him, she couldn't help but feel inexplicably reserved, "Y-yes... d- dear..."


Kai gives her an inspecting look. She's dolled up for him and he intends to enjoy her efforts. After all... the truth is simple. Women do have more choices in clothing. Men can try to have that freedom but that comes at the expense of looking like freakish aliens or garbage disposable bags.

Wearing a red, full-sleeved top with a thicker material that looks quite comfy and fluffy, Kushina has her hands nervously clasped in front of her. Her red hair is tied into a side ponytail with two prominent bangs framing her face. Her waist is graced with a yellow skirt made out of thin material like that of a sundress under which her black tights extend and is capped by two brown, heeled boots lined with fur.

Yet, averting her gaze the moment she is called a Princess, she stammers.

"Y-yes... d- dear..."

Smiling at her reactions, Kai stretched his hand out toward her, "Shall we?"

She nods, beet red. She's been called a princess before. She's touched unholier things than his hands, but for once, she is rather... subservient. And Kai can tell it is not a ploy someone like Nono may have tried to get his blood rushing.

As their hands hold each other, Kushina exhales softly. Although still feeling nervous, as far as Kai can tell from his empathy scale, she is feeling calmer steadily after holding his hand.

Climbing down the stairs, Kai looks at her with a soft smile, "If it feels uncomfortable in any manner, just feel free to tell me."

"W-What?" Kushina blushes, "At least wait for the day to end! Pervert!"

"I meant my hand," Kai smiles, not making any odd jokes at the moment as he pulls her closer, "I just want you to feel good. That's all. So we'll start simple and easy."

"F-foreplay?" She gulps.

"Girl, I mean the food we're gonna eat today," Kai rolls his eyes. He cannot help but poke at her as he plants a kiss on top of her head. Though she is physically older by one year now... Kai is just blessed with a monstrous physique which he continues to train to this very day!

"There they are~!" Nono's chortle makes Kushina even more embarrassed. Her earlier words coupled with Kyubi messing with her head just make her angrier at the monster as she vows to use one monster to hurt... poke, if you may, the other monster!

Her vengeance, hopefully, will be lasting, and comfortable! At least, that's what Nono says is the 'good' kind of end, emphasizing more on comfort and whatnot.

Smiling at Nono and Mikoto who returned after a day of swift Anbu interrogations after her recent insubordination, Kai grins, "We're leaving! Wish us luck!"

"Nope," Nono chuckles and croons, "Love needs to be filled with hardships, no? Easy sailing won't do."

Her green eyes glint with a wave of passion, "It needs to be heated! Filled with obstacles that spurn you two to waste not a second longer! It needs to be hurried. Desiring! To the point you two deem it fit to slip in an alley—"

"No!" Kushina snaps and glares, "No alleys!"

Nono shrugs, "You kids have fun."

"Exactly," Mikoto smiles at Kushina, too, "Have fun. It won't do if you act stiff after claiming big all the time and you..."

Mikoto looks at Kai, "Behave."

"Hmm? Was that the same Kai you liked when we went out?" He chuckles, "The version of me who behaved?"

Mikoto scoffs under her breath but she refuses to answer such questions knowing full well that they are traps.

"Anyway, the two of us will be going to visit Sarachi," Mikoto points out, "It was a tiring day so helping Kyo might make me feel better."

"Wait, why me? This is my vacation!" Nono resists but it is futile. The Uchiha mistress has her way in this pad whether others like it or not!

"Have fun," Kai grins, "We'll try and give your parents a competition with who can make the cutest baby, won't we?" He grins at Kushina.

Alright, he promised he won't act out. He did a few minutes ago.

He lied.

"W-what?!" Kushina stammers.

"I read in make-out tactics that doggy gives male baby..." Nono points out while adjusting her fake glasses as an academic researcher would.

"That's obviously a lie. We've all learned Iryo ninjutsu so it won't do good to believe Jiraiya's fantasies," Mikoto rolls her eyes and smiles at Kushina, "But try is slowly. There would be no rush!"

"Aaagh! You guys are the worst, dattebane!" she holds Kai's hands and drags him away while the other trio shares a like-minded mischievous smile. But Mikoto still calls out, "Don't forget the usual tips!"

"Ugh, I won't!" Comes Kushina's reply as Mikoto turns to look at Nono, "Get ready, we're leaving in five minutes. Since it's your vacation... you should spend your time being more productive in society than turn out like Jiraiya."

Scoffing, Nono soon smirks, "Oh... is that so? If I don't do this... would you tie me to my bed, too?"

Mikoto's thoughts still. She slowly looks back. Her cheeks are crimson. Her eyes glisten.

"E- Eh? What the hell are you talking about?" She hisses.

"Huh?" Adopting an innocent expression, Nono waves the book in her hand, "Here, I was reading something saucy. Why? What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing!" Mikoto huffs and turns to her room, "5 minutes!"

'Heh, so easy~!' Nono snickers to herself.


Alternate Title: Kyubi, the Speaker of Masses; Kushina Wants a Long, Hard, Sweaty, and Heated Revenge!; When the Harem Cheers, The Panty Tears!; Princess Red; Cinnamon Gets Punished, too!; The Competition of Babies; Kushina: I want more, and I know I shouldn't. I want to be a Jedi Master; The Uzumaki... are Reportedly Sluts— 'Source' Kyubi


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Shoutout to Gabriel Rodrigues!

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