Chapter 170: Clean Up Duty [2]
"Now, I'm just gonna go straight to the point. You Magus need to stop any and all experiments that would harm the world in any way no matter how small their scale is," I stated, causing everyone but Marcus to look surprised.
"Do you have any idea how many projects you're telling us to cancel?" Ahmed asked.
"No, I honestly don't care. You're doing it, one way or another," I made my intentions clear as I glared at them.
"Does that rule include the world's resources?" Ainzel asked.
"No, you can use the resources from the world. I meant harming it as in using an area to experiment on or unleashing corrupt magic or something," I explained.
"I accept," Melissa said suddenly.
"Just like that?" Even I was surprised by how fast she agreed.
"We witches are closer to nature than we are to humans. Harming the world would not benefit us in any way," Melissa explained.
"I also accept those terms," Surprisingly, Theodore was the second one to agree. "We of the Wandering Sea have no interest in the world or the conflict between it and humanity. We gain nothing by antagonising either."
"What reason do we have to agree to your rules?" Ahmed asked and Brishisan also looked hesitant to agree.
"Remember that falling moon that vanished?" I asked and, while most looked confused, Brishisan, Zelretch, and Ainzel looked like they understood. "I'll just do to you people what I did to it."
"What?" Ahmed seemed confused.
"Crimson Moon attempted one last ditch effort by using an ability that created a mirror image of the moon that he was planning to drop on Earth. I stopped it by declaring that there was no Moon back then," I explained.
"Back when?"
"Back when Earth was born," I answered. "I can return the world to that state and then return it to normal while keeping one aspect exactly the way it was back then. No falling moon existed back then, so no falling moon existed during that battle. I can do that to you Magus. Or, better yet, I can just declare that you humans had no mage-craft back then and all your
hardwork would be over just like that."
"That won't be necessary," Brishisan suddenly spoke up. "We fully agree to those terms," he then started glaring at Ahmed. Ahmed tensed but still glared back.
I'm not surprised Brishisan was angry. I can even see Zelretch glaring at me and Ahmed. Mage-craft was Solomon's gift to humanity in his death. If I remove Mage-craft, the work of Brishisan and Zelretch's teacher would all be gone.
Soon enough, Ahmed caved in. "Very well. We will stop any experiment that would deal the world harm. But, I will not agree to no longer using the resources of the world."
"I don't expect you to. I'm not out to cripple humanity by taking away their resources," I explained before turning to Marcus. "Now, onto the church. I understand this seems out of nowhere, but can you add taking care of nature to your teachings?"
Marcus looked confused. "Is there a reason?"
"Other than just making sure humanity takes care of the world more thoroughly, then no. Not really," I replied with a shrug.
Marcus hummed for a second before his stare intensified. "I will do it. This world was a gift from God and it's our duty to keep it in the beautiful image he gave it. However, I have to ask, where do you stand when it comes to humanity."
"Simple. I like you humans and like seeing grow in the world," my instant answer must have caught him off guard because he blinked a few times. "You're obviously aware of the supernatural, so let me tell you right now that I'm not like other Elementals. I have no desire to see you humans as toys or a form of entertainment. I honestly do like seeing you grow and mature in the world."
Marcus looked extremely satisfied. "Thank you."
"I have a question," Brishisan spoke up. "Crimson Moon mentioned a 'deal' during the battle. What did he mean?"
.. Crap, I was hoping you forgot about that."
"He also said there were three Ultimate Ones on Earth," Ainzel added. "Is there a third one?"
"Oh, that reminds me, you should avoid any mystical studies at all in the South West of the world's map. Don't do anything there," I suddenly said catching them off guard.
"Why?" Ahmed asked.
"Because that's where the third Ultimate One is sleeping," I explained with a groan. "Let's start with the 'deal'. It's not so much a deal as much as a cry for help. The planet called for help, and the Ultimate Ones of the other planets came to answer."
"Help with what?" Zelretch asked.
"There was an Alien invader once but it was taken care of," I lied as naturally as I... well, I don't actually breath, so as naturally as I exist.
Telling them that Gaia asked for humanity's extinction would just complicate things, so let's just blame the whole thing on Sefar.
"The Ultimate Ones mistook humanity for the invaders, so they're out for killing you all," I explained, once again lying through my fangs.
"That's preposterous," Ahmed looked insulted. "Can you not simply explain to them-"
"No. I can't. Ultimate Ones blindly follow orders without question. None of them truly cares that they have the right or wrong target. They were told to come here and start killing, and that's exactly what they'll do," I explained.
"Crimson Moon seemed intelligent," Ainzel commented.
"That's not really worth anything because he wasn't even on Earth for the call for help. Brunestud was out for his own goals," I explained.
"And this third Ultimate One is sleeping in the South-west, which you want us to avoid?" Melissa asked.
I nodded. "Yes. If ORT wakes up, I'm not going to be able to help you much," I explained.
"ORT?" Brishisan asked.
"One Radiant Thing," I shrugged and he just accepted the name. Unsurprising since he technically came up with it.
"You defeated an Ultimate One, can you not defeat another?" Theodore asked.
"What happened is that I got lucky. Extremely lucky," I groaned out. "We were lucky that idiot didn't understand True Magic. We were lucky he didn't expect me to ascend. And we were definitely lucky the fight happened on Earth where I have the advantage. By Ultimate One terms, I'm still a newborn and very
inexperienced. I can't keep relying on luck so no, I won't take any chances with ORT."
"Very well, with that matter settled, what other conditions you have for us," Brishisan asked.
The next few hours were just trading deals. Brishisan was more focused on keeping me on humanity's side more than demanding anything. Zelretch and Ainzel just did as Brishisan told them, most likely trusting his judgment.
Theodore just asked a few questions about creatures from the age of gods. I guess those of the Wandering Sea really have no interest in the world or humanity. Melissa looked like she was siding with me more than the Magus, which makes sense because she said Witches are closer to nature.
Marcus was rather easy going. He just asked for a few questions regarding on how I treat humanity and how I'll go on about things from now. Ahmed was a bit more stubborn, but gave in to my rules. However, he asked for a lot of raw materials to compensate for all the projects they'll have to abandon.
The look on his face when I threw a chunk of pure divine metal in front of him was priceless. Double so when I said I'll send a small hill of them if he just shuts up and agrees to everything.
After everything was done, they all began leaving but I asked Zelretch to stay.
"Well, this must be important for you ask me this in private," he said as he stayed in his seat while the others were now empty.
"It is. In fact, this is probably more important than everything else during the meeting," I said as his look tuned serious. "I need your help to fix the planet."
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Title :- One with Nature
All credits to XanaShadow
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