Fate/One with Nature

Chapter 164: Vampiric Struggle [1]

A week has passed since I began staying in this city. Most Magus didn't give up their attempts at getting to talk to me, surprisingly.

I can't tell if it's determination or obsession that is driving them.

I spent a lot of time with Gordon. The guy is honestly a decent person as far as Magus go. It drew the attention of many people and Gordon was actually enjoying the attention.

Anyway, after a week, Brishisan called in another meeting and had me join in. The meeting was being held at the same room with the large table as before.

"Let us get this meeting started," Brishisan nodded to Cosmo and the latter placed his hand on the table making it glow up.

"I would like to report on the latest reports from the ruins," the blond man with a blue suit stood up and began speaking.

He touched the table and an image popped up. It revealed three giant stone swords leaning on each other and pointing at the sky. It looked familiar.

"We have concluded that the ruins are in fact not made by humans. There were no traces of carving or traces of mage-craft. It was most likely made by a form of divine-"

"Oh, I made that," I said as I remembered the swords.

The entire room turned to look at me with confused looks. "You... Made these?"

"I was bored one day and thought I'd make something while also confusing future generations," I explained with a shrug.

The guy who was explaining slowly pointed at the picture with a shocked look. "So... You made this?"


"Out of boredom?"


"And they have no significant meaning whatsoever?"


The guy looked at me for a few moments before throwing up the papers in front of him and slowly sitting down while shaking his head.

"Look, we can talk about boring politics all you people want," I said as I looked around. "Or we can discuss the actual war that is going on. That's why you called me in this meeting, didn't you?"

"Indeed," Brishisan nodded and looked at the Magus that had papers with them. "Withhold any research and study reports for now. Show me the map of the Ancestors' territory."

Cosmo nodded and moved his hand in a swiping motion on the table. The holographic screen changed and showed a map of the landscape with a large area covered in red on it.

"This is the largest territory controlled by the Ancestors. Most of their numbers and resources are here," Cosmo explained.

"And this is where their King is?" I asked.

"Surprisingly, no," Cosmo replied and I looked at him in confidence.

"We don't know where Crimson Moon is but from what we gathered he has his own castle with his own domain," Zelretch explained, crossing his arms over the table.

"He's probably staying in his Reality Marble," I commented.

"He has a Reality Marble?" Gordon asked in shock.

"All Ultimate Ones have one that represents their

planet. In Crimson Moon's case, it basically brings the laws and authorities of the moon on Earth," I explained briefly.

"Do you know what these laws and authorities are," a dark skinned, purple haired Magus asked.

"I've never been to the moon, so no," I replied.

"Another problem for us to deal with," Brishisan sighed with a shake of his head.

"Why did you bring this up?" I asked.

"We were hoping to deal with this settlement and deal a devastating blow to the Ancestors now that you are here with us," Brishisan answered.

I scratched my chin with one of my claws. "That's... a bit tough to ask. Given enough time and destruction, I probably CAN take it from the Ancestors. But, considering how long it would take and how much noise it would cause, there's no way their King will stay quiet."

"What do you believe are your chances against their King?" Ainzel asked.

"Between zero and nothing? I'd say negative three thousand," I replied with a deadpan look.

I'm not taking any chances with an actual Ultimate One. I mean... technically, we CAN just lure Crimson Moon to South America and just have him and the Spider fight it off.

But then we'd have to deal with whichever of them wins, and that's if they don't end up cooperating. This is a 'lesser of two evils' situation, and right now, taking Crimson Moon on our own is better than getting ORT involved.

"What if we... make sure no one can know what's going on?" Gordon spoke, drawing the attention of everyone as he pointed around the red area of the map. "What if we cover the area so that we can battle without interruption or anyone escaping? Shouldn't that suffice."

"An effective plan, Lord Musik, if you have such a method that can hold a battle and the Ancestors in such a manner," Lord Barthomeloi commented, making Gordon flinch.

"Uh... W-Well..." Gordon turned to me. "Zack, do you have something like that?"

"Unfortunately, anything I make that is that strong will take time and most likely be noticed," I replied with a shrug making Gordon look down in disappointment.

"I believe Lord Musik's plan has merit," Ainzel chipped in. "If we can find something to use to trap the territory, then we can take on the Ancestors without the risk of their king noticing."

"What about the barrier around the city?" I asked. "Isn't it strong enough to take on Ancestors and anything they dish out?"

"It took us a long amount of time and incredible amount magical energy to create the barrier around the city, however. Surely their king will notice if we try it," a blond female Magus with drill hair said.

"Creating the barrier a second time should be easier than the first time we did it," Zelretch added. "I'll provide a few mystic codes that can tap into my Kaleidoscope to provide the necessary magical energy."

"The Einzbern will provide a Homunculus to help each Magus write the Mage-craft formulas of the barrier faster," Ainzel added.

Man, having two Magicians is convenient.

"But what if they notice?" One Magus asked.

"I'll cause a distraction," I said, drawing their attention. "Something flashy but not noisy enough for their king to notice. That way, you'll be able to create the barrier and then join me."

"Then we have a plan for attack," Brishisan stated, his eyes becoming firm. "Lord Barthomeloi, I want you to overlook the preparations for battle. Lord Einzbern, we need those Homunculus as soon as possible. Zelretch, please don't focus on any other projects for now. And Lord Musik," Gordon nearly jumped out of his chair. "... That was a good suggestion for a plan of attack," he praised.

The smile Gordon had for the rest of the day was actually creepy.


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Title :- One with Nature

All credits to XanaShadow

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