Chapter 160: Bats [3]
I was allowed - 'allowed' ha! - out of the interrogation room and into some war room.
The room was really spacious with a big table that had a crystal for a top and several magical circles written on it. The table was completely surrounded by over a dozen people, Brishisan and Zelretch included, but strangely enough, two seats besides those two were empty.
I just walked in, created a seat for myself across Brishisan and Zelretch, and sat down.
"Let us get this meeting underway," Zelretch was the first one to speak, causing the Magus around to stop whatever they were doing. "This is Archtype Earth Zack. An Elemental that has agreed to help us in the war."
"Pardon me, but did you see an Elemental? Like the Ancestors? What reason does this one have to go against its own kind?" A blond Magus wearing a blue suit asked.
"First off, we're not the same 'kind'. Vampires are their own breed of stuff. That's like me saying you Magus are the same as any normal human," I said which caused more than a few glares to be sent at my way. "Second, I'm either with you, against you, or just sitting on the sidelines watching. Pick one."
"You make it sound as if we can't succeed without your help," a purple haired Magus with dark skin commented. Though, he actually didn't sound insulting or challenging, just like he was making a statement.
"Oh, I fully believe you humans can handle this," I said making most of these people look at me in surprise. "But let me tell you something. The question isn't whether or not you can win. The question is: will the number of sacrifices and casualties you suffer before victory be the same without my help?"
That caused the Magus around the room to tense and look around. "And what about being an enemy? Should we worry about that?" Cosmo asked from his seat.
"As long as you Magus listen to what you're told, nothing bad will happen."
"Is that a threat?" A Magus with blond hair and a big mustache asked, though he sounded nervous.
"Hahaha!" I laughed out loud, my voice echoing through the entire room. "Oh, no. It's a simple fact of life. You don't annoy me, and I won't hunt Magus to extinction."
"You think you can do that?" The Magus with the blue suit asked with a glare.
I groaned in annoyance and leaned on one hand that rested on the table. "Hey, you, you have the ability to see parallel dimensions with your Kaleidoscope, right?" I asked, looking at Zelretch.
The Magician blinked in surprise. "How do you-"
"Not important. I want you to look at every dimension where you people make an enemy out of me. Does it ever end well?" I asked as they all turned to Zelretch.
Zelretch stared at me for a few seconds before his eyes began glowing in rainbow lights. After a moment, his eyes returned to normal and he chuckled. "Well, that wasn't a pretty sight. I can definitely say making an enemy out of you isn't something we should do."
"Nor do we have any plans to do it in the first place," Brishisan spoke for the first time since this meeting began. "I assure you that we humans intend to respect our boundaries with you and will not do anything to make an enemy of you," he then glared at everyone else in the room. "is that understood?"
Everyone except me and Zelretch either bowed their head or looked away. Wow, Magus are seriously prideful so they must really respect and/or fear the guy for them to bend over just like that.
"Now with that settled," Brishisan crossed his arms over the table. "Tell me, what does 'Archetype' and 'Type' mean? That is a title you and the king of Ancestors share. You have already said they are connected, but did not specifically explain why beyond the fact it's a position given by the world."
The attention was on me again as I groaned. There was no dodging this topic, I guess.
"A being is called a 'Type' and then followed by the name of their planet when they become something called an 'Ultimate One'. They are representatives or incarnations of their planet. They're not like the Counter Force where they represent a conscious.
They're entities that are simply powerful enough to reach the top of the food chain of their planet, standing even leagues above gods," I explained to them.
"And... the King of the Ancestors is-"
"His name is Brunestud, and he is Type Moon or the Ultimate One of the moon," I said.
"Wait, why is he on this planet if he's from the moon?" The purple haired Magus asked.
"That's another thing that I won't get into right now," I evaded explaining the deal between the moon and Gaia.
What was I supposed to say? Gaia made a deal about how it wants help at making humanity go extinct? The relationship between Gaia and Alaya are bad enough. No need to fan the flames.
"If what you're saying is true, then why hasn't their king did anything about us when you claim he has the power to do so," the blond Magus asked.
"Why would he?" I asked making them look confused. "You're just resisting his troops and barely holding on. Why would he care?"
"A-Are you saying that the king of Ancestors is so powerful he doesn't care what we do?" The Magus with the mustache asked as he trembled.
"Let me make this simple," I groaned as I had to keep emphasising on this. "Each Ultimate One is basically an original and new species on their own just from pure power. Even the Ancestors see their king as an entirely different breed than they are just from how much he outranks them in power. In fact, despite how dangerous I am to you people, I'm called 'Archetype' instead of 'Type' because I'm too weak to be an actual Ultimate One."
Dread covered the features of all Magus in the room as they began talking amongst themselves. The one with the mustache actually looked blue and started trembling.
He reminds me of someone but I can't point my finger on it. Blond hair. Kind of chubby. A big mustache.
"How do we win?" Brishisan's question managed to make everyone else in the room go quiet.
"You think you can win?"
"Earlier you said we can even without your help. So, unless you were lying, there is a way," hope returned to the Magus' eyes as they all looked at Brishisan, realising he was right.
"Him," I answered, pointing at Zelretch.
"Your Second Magic packs enough power to actually hurt Brunestud if you get a good shot.
Especially if you catch him off guard.
So, if you ever encounter him, make sure to say absolutely nothing on how your powers work and make him believe he has the upper hand," I explained before looking at the others in the room.
"As for the rest of you... just run. You don't stand a chance so just run and hope he humours your attempts at escaping," many looked seriously insulted but also understanding.
"Now, tell me where you are in this war so I can give you whatever advice I can on dealing with vampires."
Brishisan looked at Cosmo and he waved his hand causing the circles on the table to glow before a holographic image of the land appeared on it.
"Right now, we're just holding our strongholds here. But, Lord Barthomeloi and Lord Einzbern had recently been sent to reclaim a city that was taken over by Ancestors," Cosmo started explaining as some of the spots on the holographic map turned different colors.
Huh, so that's who those empty seats are for.
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Title :- One with Nature
All credits to XanaShadow
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