Fate/One with Nature

Chapter 159: Bats [2]

*tap tap tap *

The only sound in the room was the tapping of my wooden claw on the table.

After Brishisan and Zelretch - as they introduced themselves - allowed me into the city, the immediately had me go to a special room with at least a dozen magical circles in it.

Apparently, almost everyone in the city was a Magus so there wasn't a problem with me walking around.

The room was very simple. It was honestly just a table with a couple of chairs. The ground was covered in magical circles and formulas, most likely to keep everything in check. Zelretch and Brishisan left after placing me here.

I wasn't ignorant. They weren't treating me as a guest, but as a possible threat. Whatever talks that happen here will be pure interrogation.

The reason I was tapping my finger despite the fact I feel no concept of time? I was just bored.

Soon, the door to the room opened again and in came a different guy from Brishisan and Zelretch. He was a guy with pale skin, amber eyes, and white hair tied into a braid.

"Hello, I am Cosmo Animusphere, head of the Animusphere family," the guy introduced himself before sitting across from me.

"Nice to meet you. Are Zelretch and Brishisan behind any of these walls or are they listening in from some surveillance they have on you?" I asked, ignoring the fact his name was something I recognised.

Points for the guy's professionalism, he didn't react beyond narrowing his eyes slightly. "We would like to know who you are and why did you attack the Ancestors?" He asked.

"I'm Archetype Earth Zack and I'm just annoyed at them," I explained without a care.

"Archetype Earth?" Cosmo seemed especially interested. "The information we have gathered shows that the Ancestors refer to their king as 'Type Moon', are you two related?"

"Kind of?" I did a 'so-so' motion. "The titles 'Type' and 'Archetype' are followed by the name of a planet as a way of recognition. They're somewhat similar to the Counter Guardians. So, we really have no connection beyond the fact we were give the titles of our respective planets."

"Very well. What did you mean when you said the Ancestors annoyed you?" He asked, moving on.

"They just annoyed me. The age of Humanity began and I've been trying to stay away from their sight. Other than you Magus, humans aren't used to beings like me," I explained with a shrug. "But, these annoying bats started acting up and I have to constantly save a village or city from them. Its really hard since I need a lot of powerful and visible attacks when I'm trying to stay out of sight."

"Are you not an Elemental?" Cosmo looked a bit suspicious. "The Ancestors themselves are Elementals, yet you seem to favor humanity over them. Especially since most of your kind is not in favor of compromising for humans."

"Ha!" I barked a laugh that made him tense slightly. "Let me give you some really good advice: we Elementals are way more like you humans than most of us like to admit. We have our own individual views, likes, and dislikes. Can you tell me right now in absolute honesty that all humans in this city get along and there isn't a feud every now and then?"

Cosmo sighed before shaking his head. "No, I suppose you are right. But, that doesn't explain why you're helping humans against the Ancestors."

"I'm actually willing to trust this whole thing on you humans. Or, I was, before those bastards annoyed me. So, I'm just doing it out of spite, I guess," I explained while leaning back on my chair.

There was a small glow from one of the jewels he was wearing before he stood up. "Excuse me," he said before leaving.

Well, back to tapping, I guess. Did I reveal a bit too much? I don't know. I had nothing to hide and getting these misunderstandings out of the way now is better.

Plus, I think some of these magical circles double as lie detectors or something.

I got bored enough that I created small wooden plates and began stacking them like a house of cards. I really didn't like doing nothing.

Soon enough, the door opened to reveal Zelretch just as I made a fourth layer on the house of cards. He went to take Cosmo's seat while I kept building.

"Good evening, Archetype Earth Zack," he greeted.

"Just call me Zack," I told him just as I finished another layer. "Saying my full name sounds like a mouthful." "Very well, you may call me Zelretch then."

"I never planned to even memorise your full name."

Zelretch chuckled before her crossed his arms over the table and his expression turned serious. "I'll get straight to the point. Will you help us in this war?"


"... Just like that?" Zelretch looked pretty surprised and blinked a few times.

"You asked a simple question," I explained while placing the final layer in the house of cards. "I either help you or not. I'm not going to drag on this conversation more than it should."

"And you're doing it without anything in return?" Zelretch asked suspiciously.

"Don't be stupid. Of course I'll ask for something in return," I chuckled, looking at Zelretch between the cards. "But I'm gonna take my time and think it through."

"We don't have much time to let you think it through," Zelretch said back.

"That's right. You don't. But, I have all the time in the world to do so," I didn't budge on my statement as I crossed my arms and we stared at each other.

We kept glaring at each other. Neither of us budged until finally Zelretch sighed. "Very well. I will see what I can do."

"Yes, you should also call a war meeting or something, I have a lot of information to share with you people," I instructed.

Zelretch nodded and placed his hands on the table to stand up. I guess he moved the table as he pushed himself up... because the house of cards I built just crumbled.

We stared at the pieces of the house I made before I looked at him with a deadpan look and said, "You're not leaving this room until you fix this."


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Title :- One with Nature

All credits to XanaShadow

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