Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 131 - The knife mountain and the sea of fire

Chapter 131: The knife mountain and the sea of fire

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

“No one can be trusted in the future, no one! The only thing you can trust is this fellow!” I’m chewing his words carefully, staring at the gun in front of me quietly, then suddenly looking up at him and smile, slowly reaching out my righthand to pick the gun up.

“I’ll take the second way.” My fingertips touch the handle of the gun, feeling icy cold.

He seems sighing: “I guess you’ll choose that way.” He is laughing and says, “Young man, who can live in peace all his life?”

He holds the glass up again and looking at me: “Come on, have another drink! Tonight, is our break-up meal. After this meal, I’ll take you out of here.”

Suddenly a trace of confusion is bursting out in my heart, and I say with a bitter smile: “So fast?”

“Just that fast.” He’s laughing, “This kennel, haven’t you stayed enough yet? I’m stuffy here. If it weren’t because I couldn’t find someone to take care of you, do you think I was willing to stay here with you for a whole month?”

When I look at him, I’m suddenly choking. I pick up my glass and drink it all, staring at him and say: “Brother Ocean…”

This is the first time I have ever called him in that way, but my voice is very sincere! I smash the glass, then take a piece of fragments, cut my thumb, let the blood flow out, and then take the empty bowl in front of me, hold the bottle and pour half a bowl of wine, squeez a few drops of blood from my thumb into the bowl.

Then I look straight at him and say slowly: “I will never forget your kindness in my lifetime! One day, if I Chen Yang will not die and make a fortune, I will repay you ten times hundred times!”

Then I pick up the bowl and drink the blood wine all.

He doesn’t say anything, just smiling gently and sips a drink with me. Then he says: “I can’t imagine you such a young kid also learn from our old antiques to play blood brotherhoods.”

I shake my head: “What I said tonight is true!”

“I believe you.” He nods, “You just live well and I’ll be waiting for the day you repay me.”

Our dinner lasts all night, and we drink up the whole bottle without wasting any drop. The dishes are all emptied too.

The next morning, he takes me away. When it is dim, we get into the van and he drives me away from the small village where we have been hidding for almost a month.

For so many days here, I even haven’t stepped out of the door, and don’t even know the surroundings at all.

After driving for more than an hour, the van arrives at a warehouse far away from the city. It seems to be a building material market far. He drives the van inside and stops at the back door of the warehouse.

“That’s it.” He jumps out of the van and pulling me into a small door in the warehouse. In front of a container truck inside, two men are squatting there smoking. Seeing fat fellow comes in, they immediately stand up and greet him with the laugh.

Fat fellow nods, then pulling me over, pointing at me and says: “This is time we take this brother to go. Who’s driving today?”

A tall and thin man is immediately laughing and says: “It’s me, brother Ocean.” He has a cigarette in his ear, looking at me and says: “This young brother has a handsome appearance. He must make a big fortune in future. Don’t forget us when you are rich in the future.”

Fat fellow is laughing too, cursing and kicking him: “Is the pass ready?”

“Boss, you can rest assured!” The tall and thin man is smiling, taking out the key, then goes to the front of the container truck, opens the door, then says to me: “Sorry to have made you go through this. Sit in there for a while. If I stop, you must not make any noise or move around, you know?”

I nod and step into the container and sit in. There’s a nothing else but bottle of water on the ground. Then fat fellow and that tall and thin man jointly carry a lot of boxes in and stack them outside of me. Soon I couldn’t be seen from the outside.

After a while, I feel that the truck is on its way. I don’t know where the truck is driving to, but I’m sure fat fellow’s arrangement. If he doesn’t say it, I won’t ask.

The truck on this road is running stable. It seems to be on flat roads. The boxes stacked in front of me are filled with electronic plastic parts according to the words on the package.

Every time the container truck stops, I carefully shrink in, saying nothing and making no sound. On one occasion, I even hear someone outside open the door of the container, and then vaguely hear the voice of the tall and thin man grinning mischievously.

I can vaguely hear him laughing happily and says: “Sir, there’s no problem! They are all regular Inbound Goods, and they all have customs clearance forms.”

Then I can’t hear what they are talking about, but then the door is closed again and the truck continues to move.

Don’t know how long it takes. I almost fell asleep. The worst part is that I can’t go to the toilet. I’ve been stuck in urine for a long time.

Finally, the truck stops, someone outside takes away the boxes. Fat fellow is laughing outside and says: “Come out, kid!”

I see several uniformed workers come in and carry the boxes down. Fat fellow is standing outside the truck and smiling at me with a cigarette on his hand.

Those workers are very quick at work, but they don’t look at me at all. It seems that they are not surprised that there is a person hiding in the truck at all!

When I jump out of the truck, fat fellow sees the confusion on my face and says lightly: “The goods are all real, legitimate commercial goods. There is no problem. These workers are the porters of a logistics company. In fact, most of the logistics companies in HK’s freight terminal stations are controlled by societies. Many workers themselves are registered members of the societies. Take people across the border in their trucks, they’ve seen too many. No one would say a word, and no one would be surprised. I’ve been using this line for a long time. Their boss has relationship with me and won’t say anything.”

Here is a warehouse, next to the dock. The sea breeze is blowing. I suddenly have a feeling of being alive twice.

“This is HK?” I ask him.

“Strictly speaking…” Fat fellow is standing by the sea, pointing to the sparkling lights on the opposite shore: “That’s it.”

I nod and running down to the beach.

Fat fellow shouts: “What are you doing?”

“Taking a leak!” I am laughing and scolding, “I’m almost exploding!”

When I come up, I ask him: “Are you going to send me to HK?”

“No.” He shakes his head, “HK is too close to mainland, you are still within Juan’s sphere of influence.”

I look at him and ask: “Where are you going to let me go then?”

“As far as possible!” He does not explain again.

Then he takes me to the dock, where there are many containers, but most of them are empty. It looks like a container yard.

He takes me to an unlabeled container and opens the door. It’s a room with a bed, a cabinet, a chair, and a lamp.

“Sleep for a while, and a ship will pick you up at night.” Before he leaves, he looks at me, laughing suddenly, then says: “By the way, ask you a question. Are you seasick or not? If you are seasick, stop eating from now on.”

So, is it means to let me stowaway?

I sleep in the container and am woken up at night. When fat fellow wakes me up, he pulls me out of bed with a light expression on his face. He sighs: “You’re lucky… Well, at last a ship is found.”

I grin bitterly: “Don’t you just find it today?”

He curls his mouth: “Do you think I am running an airline? Are there regular flights to all of the world every day? Damn it. This kind of work depends on luck. I don’t belong to those snakeheads. If I find any ship is carrying, I just take a hitchhike for you.”

He takes me back to the dock. We wait for a while and a small motorboat is coming by. It’s very small, with canvas on the back.

I stare at him: “How can such a small boat go to the sea?”

He kicks me into the boat and scolding: “Are the police useless? Nowadays, it is very difficult to stowaway. They are all go from the Southeast Asia. Now there is a boat passing by on the high seas. We take this boat to there, and then let you board that ship! It all depends on my relationship, they just reluctantly agree to stop for an hour to wait for you boarding!”

The motorboat is driven by a black, strong man, with a fierce face, who is so absorbing in sailing that he does not look at me at all.

Fat fellow pulls me sitting behind the boat.

The first time I go out to sea, although there’s no wind, the boat is still very fluctuant. The man is sailing very fast. Fat fellow takes out a bag and sending to me. He is staring at me quietly for a moment and then says: “This bag contains clothes and some monies.”

He takes a breath and says slowly: “No much money, you just save spending.”

I nod.

“When you get there, you go ashore and change your clothes and tidy yourself up. If the police see you dress like a beggar, be careful to be caught.” Then he tells an address to me slowly, “When arrive, find this person at this address.”

He says a name, then let me repeat the address and name. Finally, he says: “When you see him, don’t say much, just say I let you go, you just say: The knife mountain and the sea of fire! He will know when he hears!”

“The knife mountain and the sea of fire!”

I nod to show that I have remembered.

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