Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 130 - Two ways

Chapter 130: Two ways

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

The days of hiding are boring. In the first days, all I can do is lying on the bed and stare blankly.

At first, I miss home very much… I miss Didi, my three diehard friends, and Nanny, even little money grubber.

Because my wounds can not touch water, I can’t take a bath for many days. And I can smell a strange smell on myself. Fat feloow takes good care of me and wipes me with a wet towel all the time, but I quickly refuse his “kindness”.

His strength is really too big, and often wipe my wounds painful. And at this time, I miss little money grubber so much. Amy, after all, is a professional nurse. When I was hurt last time, she also often wiped to clean my body, but her movements are meticulous and gentle, and wouldn’t hurt me at all.

Fat fellow talks and laughs with me every day. I never see any worry expressions on his face. Seems like he doesn’t care about everything even the sky falls down. He goes out every few days to buy some necessities.

I sit in the room every day and never go out. I don’t know what’s going on outside. There’s no TV, no newspaper. For a long time, I even forget whhich day it is.

I only remember that he goes out every seven or eight days, and when he goes out three times, my injuries are almost recoveried.

When the scars on my body is getting better, it’s actually my worst time. People who have not been injured are incomprehensible. The biggest problem I am facing is the itching.

There’re more than a dozen of the scars all over my body. The wounds have almost healed. The outer shells of the scars are falling, but it’s still sticking on the skin a little bit.

Almost all the time, I feel the itchings of those wounds all over my body like countless ants crawling around my body! But at this time, you can’t scratch, because after all, the wound hasn’t recovered completely. Once the wounts are broken, it will be troublesome again!

If it’s just a scar, I’ll bite my teeth and bear it. But it’s hard to be itchy in a dozen places. This kind of taste, I even feel worse than when I was cut by the knives!

Fat fellow looks at me struggling every day, and he just has the funny looks on face.

In fact, he is also very boring. Two men are stuffy in the room every day and do not go out. At the beginning, we can talk about something, but after a long time, all the topics have been chatted.

But I feel like I’m aliving day by day, recovering from that deathblow.

Occasionally, my face shows some sincere smiles again. At this time, fat fellow will look at me deeply.

I know, there are some meanings in that look. But I just don’t say anything.

Sometimes fat people will take out a wooden board in the house and draw a round target to hang on the wall in the yard. He himself stands at the door of the room, about seven or eight meters away from the target, holding one or two kitchen knives to play with throwing knives in boredom for fun.

His accuracy is amazing! After a long time, the center of the board target is almost punctured, and there’s almost no trace on the other side of the board.

I can’t help recalling that day when he was saving me, he threw the screwdriver at random, which pierced the hand of the guy who was shooting me with the homemade gun.Read more chapter on vipnovel.com

I’m finally able to move. All the gauze and bandages have been removed. The wounds have basically healed. The skins and fleshes of the wounds are tender and red, and there are obvious differences in colour and lustre between the wounds and other places.

I can only lie down or sit for nearly a month. I feel that my whole body is rusting. The first thing is to go to the yard outside the room and remove several stools and sundries on the ground there. Then I take off my coat and make a hundred push-ups in the yard naked. Then twist my waist, kick my legs and move my muscles.

I close my eyes and calm down, raise my hand and make a posture. Then I practise a set of boxing and fighting skills. I feel my body has warmed from inside to outside.

The more I practice in the yard, the more energetic I am. I have punched five or six times in one breath, which makes me gasping slightly.

After all, I’ve just recovered from serious injuries, and And I’ve been really slack in recent years. I feel that my state is not even as good as when I studied with master.

Do not know when, Fat fellow has stood silently at the door, leaning against the wall with his arms, watching me finish the practising, then laughing and clapping his hands and says: “Very good!”

He comes over slowly, patting me on the shoulder: “Who did you learn your kongfu from? Very good actually!” I’m gasping and wiping my sweat: “I learned from my master when I was very young.”

He nods his head, without saying a word, and then suddenly saying slowly: “That master is a real master. Nowadays, there are too few people know the real martial arts. Most of them are showy but not practical.”

I shake my head and say: “I feel that I’ve stepped back too much, and I’m too comfortable to practice hard.”

He nods: “It’s good that you have crisis awareness! OK, we’ll have dinner later. You just prepare.”

I look at myself sweating and laughing: “Damn, I need to take a bath first. I haven’t taken a bath for more than 20 days. It feels like there’s a weird smell in the room!”

looking at the smile on my face, there’s a little comfort in his eyes. He is saying with the laugh: “I’m not afraid of stink. I used to squat in foxhole on the battlefield. You don’t know how stink I’ve smelled!”

I take a bath happily and almost rubbed a layer of skin off my body. After washing, I feel as if I’m a little lighter.

In the evening, fat fellow cooked a table of vegetables. Four dishes, a soup, mixed with meat and vegetable, and have a bottle of wine.

I’m still somewhat surprised. He’s already sitting at the table, and his expression is a little serious, looking at me and says: “You sit down. I have something to say to you.”

I look at him, nod and sit opposite him.

He pours me a glass of wine first, and then raises the glass: “Cheers!”

I’m speechless, toast with him and drink it all.

The wine was apparently bought in a small shop near the village. Obviously, it’s a bad wine, spicy and tastes strange, but strong enough.

We finished three glasses in one breath before he putting down the glass. Looking at me, he says: “When I went out today, I inquired about the news outside.”

“Well?” I nod as to answer, then waiting for him to continue.

“This time the thing is over. Juan did it very cleanly. He took a man and a woman two bodies to big boss. Big boss had the body chopped and fed to the dog. Well! Now your warrant has been cancelled.”

“OK!” I still have no expression on my face.

“Juan has benefited from this incident. He was in a bad situation in previous days, but the thing happened with the big boss’s son. Unfortunately, Jimmy Chow was the guy to take the responsibility. Now Jimmy Chow has downfallen, and if it weren’t for his background is also powerful, I’m afraid he has died this time. But let’s pass him, now Juan is back in charge… Boy…” He looks up at me with a strange expression on his face, “To tell you the truth, this is a mistake, but you helped Juan again. As a result, he has regained his lost territory and the position.”

“Yes.” I still don’t speak.

“Now it’s quiet outside, but your trouble hasn’t been solved.” He looks at me and says, “Juan won’t let you go. Because he gave the bodies, if you were found is still alive, then he is finished! Now there’s no room for you to go back! So, from any point of view, he won’t let you go. At least he needs to find a way to make you never show up again. So…”

“You just say it, I listen.” I sigh, “Juan, he… What does he want?” When it comes to “Juan”, I just feel my heart like to be stabbed.

“So, you have to leave!” His voice without any emotion, says in light way, “You can’t go home, if you go back, Juan will try his best to kill you. Your only advantage is: Juan dares not to use all his power to kill you, because he is afraid of being known. But I don’t know how much power he has controlled in gang for so many years, boy…” He takes a deep breath, the tone is a bit complicated, “I know you want to go home very much. But now you just can’t go back! You must go, leave! If you go back and Juan finds you, you’re dead! Jim let go of you once, but next time if he sees you again, it might not be!”

“What shall I do then?” I laugh bitterly.

“I’ll give you two ways to go.” He looks at me calmly, “First, you go to the northwest, or to the mountain area. Anyway, find a small place, such as a small town, find a normal job, shrink your head for a lifetime. As long as you are not found by Juan, escape from his sight. You’re safe! But you have to be hiding all your life. You can’t get into trouble! Even if you encounter anything later, you should be careful to clip your tail. You need to give in to everything. You can’t go even if you are given the chance to develop! You have to be the most ordinary people all your life!”

The muscles on my face twitches, and asking without expression: “What about the second way?”

He is silent for a while, and suddenly laughing. His smile looks a little helpless: “I really don’t want you to choose the second road…”

He lights a cigarette, takes a puff, and then staring at me: “The second way, I’ll send you abroad! Let you turn to a friend of mine. You follow him to stand out outside and work out a way in future! When you have the capitals and power, nobody can touch you anymore then!”

Speaking of this, he slowly pulls out a gun from don’t know somewhere, puts it on the table gently: “You can’t go back on this road!” He is staring at me and saying with the sneer, “No one can be trusted in the future, no one! The only thing you can trust is this fellow in your hand!”

He is slowly pushing the gun to me.

His eyes are cold and deep.

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